Research and Information Collecting Planning Preliminary form of product developing Preliminary field testing Main product revision

` 32 0.0 X  2 : the designed-materials were poorly designed 2.01 X  3 : the designed-materials were fairly designed 3.01 X  4 : the designed-materials were already good but need some improvementrevision 4.01 X  5 : the designed-materials were well designed In the end the researcher made the improvement of the materials based on these data. Suggestion and feedbacks were important as the main source of data in this research.

G. Procedure of the Study

The procedures of this research were designed step by step adapted from RD cycle. In order to obtain valid and reliable data, the steps were arranged in organized circle. These were done cautiously therefore the steps would not overtake each other. The procedures of the research can be elaborated as follows.

1. Research and Information Collecting

To make a designed material, one needs to know the need analysis of the target. The need analyses of this research were obtained or collected from the distributed questionnaire and the conducted interview. The questionnaire was distributed to the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta while the interview was conducted to the English teacher of same school. Beside that, in order to get the theory of task-based learning, the researcher also used another sources such as books or internet. ` 33

2. Planning

After the need analyses were collected and before designing the materials, the researcher decided the goals and objectives of the materials. This was done in order that the designed materials will be appropriate with the stude nts’ needs.

3. Preliminary form of product developing

The researcher designed the integrated reading-writing materials based on the result of the interview and questionnaire distributed earlier.

4. Preliminary field testing

When the designed materials were completed, the researcher distributed another questionnaire to an English teacher of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta , an English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, and a language institute teacher. This was done to find out whether the designed materials already fulfilled the learning objectives or not. This was also done in order to seek suggestions or feedback of the designed materials.

5. Main product revision

This is the last step of this research. The researcher improved the designed materials based on the suggestion given by the participant of previous questionnaire. The revision product will be the final version of the example of integrated reading writing materials using task-based learning for the eighth grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . 34


In this chapter the researcher will present the results and discussion of the steps of designing a set of integrated reading writing materials using Task-Based Learning for the eight grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . The question in the problem formulation is answered here in this chapter. This section is divided into four main parts. The first part presents the steps used in designing the integrated reading writing material. The second part presents the finding of the evaluations of the designed materials. The third part presents the discussion of the results of the evaluation-questionnaire. The fourth part presents the final version of the designed materials.

A. The Steps in Designing the Integrated Reading Writing Material

In order to design the materials, the researcher decided to follow a design model which was the combination of instructional designs by Kemp. The researcher used eight steps. They were 1 conducting needs survey, 2 stating goals, topics, and purposes, 3 stating the learning objectives, 4 listing subject content, 5 selecting teaching-learning activities, 6 designing the materials, 7 evaluating the materials, and 8 revising the materials. The steps are elaborated as follows.