Research Instruments The Traumatic Experiences as the Hindrance of Charlie’s Personality Development in Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower, A Psychosocial Analysis.

38 3. Interpreting and scrutinizing the meaning of the data in line with the topic discussion in this research. The interpretation and analysis of the researcher were important to achieve the research objectives. 4. Checking the measure of trustworthiness by triangulation process. 5. Making some conclusions based on the analysis that had been done to the data of the research. The conclusion aimed to know whether the research objective is really achieved or not.

F. Trustworthiness

According to Guba, via Shenton 2004: 63, the trustworthiness of the data is important to be demonstrated during the research process in order to make sure that the research is trusted. The criteria to check the trustworthiness are credibility, dependability, transferability, and conformability. The credibility is aimed to measure the intention of the research. The research is credible when the data of the findings are in accordance with the research objectives. The dependability refers to the instrument or the data itself, whether it can be used to multiple occasions or not. Transferability is the prospect whether the research can be applied on the other same phenomenon or not. Meanwhile, conformability is to make sure that the researcher is neutral and the research is objective. The researcher also applied triangulation to check the credibility of the data whether the research is on the right line or not. In observing the credibility, the researcher conducted peer review. In this research, the researcher chose three of her 39 friends who are the students of English Language and Literature to check the data. In addition, the researcher also discussed her analysis with her first and second thesis consultants to get suggestions and inputs related to the analysis.

G. Analytical Construct

Table 3. The Analytical Construct of the Data for Charlie’s Failure in the Fifth Stage of Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Category Definition Indicators Identity Diffusion Identity diffusion is when an individual lack of self- definition and direction of life. a. Acute Upset: Charlie suddenly feels extreme regret on something he just done and it leads him to get deep sadness. b. The inability to concentrate: Charlie loses his focus every time he remembers something that irritates his feeling. c. The excessive of self-awareness: Charlie evaluates and compares himself as a person who is not as good, as intelligent, and as attractive as other people. d. The inability to make a decision: Charlie cannot make a correct decision in facing many possible choices that must be choose in his life. Identity Foreclosure Identity foreclosure is when parents and society play the most important role to influence an individual in making decision in order to gain their self-identity. An individual also do not exploring more opinion while gaining their identity. a. Interruption of exploring self-potential: Charlie does not consider himself as a potential person. b. Premature establishment of a sense of identity: Charlie unconsciously giving and receiving judgment on himself which contributes to his definition of self. c. Excessive involvement of parents: Charlie is influenced and controlled by