Definition of Method Kinds of Method

c. Tapes, language labs, and visual aids are very important to support teaching and learning activity using this method. Brown, 2001:18-23 From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the most appropriate language teaching method, used to teach Elementary school students is Grammar Translation Method. It is used because this method uses both the mother tongue and the target language in teaching and learning process. It will help students in understanding the English subject easily, because English is something new to them. 15


A. History of SD N VII Wonogiri

1. General Description of SD N VII Wonogiri

SD N VII Wonogiri is one of the government educational institutions in Wonogiri. It is located at Kapten Pierre Tendean Street 23 Wonogiri. This school was built on September 19 th , 1955. At that time, the name was Sekolah Rakyat Public School SR VII Wonogiri. Coincidentally, the school name had correlation with its history, because the school location moved until seven times. It happened because the school did not have permanent place and had to join with the other schools. On December 22 nd , 1990, the school had permanent places used until now, so that the name was changed into SD N VII Wonogiri. In its development, SD N VII Wonogiri has become one of high-quality elementary schools in Wonogiri with A accreditation. This school has many achievements in local and national level. It also becomes model school in Gugus Anggrek Orchid Group. Gugus or group is a grouping elementary schools system consist of eight schools, one schools as model school and the others as imitator schools based on nearness location, so that the teachers in those schools can study together to improve their teaching capability easily. The activity is called KKG Teachers Group Work. In April 2010, Orchid group is chosen to represent Central Java province in National Competition of Elementary School Groups. The building consists of a headmaster’s room, a teachers’ room, and a school guard’s room. SD N VII Wonogiri has 13 classrooms, i.e.: two classrooms for 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 5 th , and 6 th grade, and three classrooms for 4 th grade. There are also some other rooms which support students’ activities, such as a library, a computer laboratory, an arts room, an equipments room, some bathrooms, a rest room, a mushola, a canteen, an UKS school health unit room, and a Christian and Catholic room. In school year 20092010, SD N VII Wonogiri had 450 students, 214 students were male and 236 students were female. In this school, there were 25 teachers and officials, such as a headmaster, 13 class teachers, two sport teachers, two Islamic teachers, a Christian teacher, a Catholic teacher, an English teacher, a librarian, a school guard and two Drum Band extracurricular teachers. The curriculum used in SD N VII Wonogiri is KTSP Curriculum of Education Unit Level. The application of this curriculum was taken from the National Education Curriculum. In improving the education systems and also being the motivation to the teachers and students, SD N VII Wonogiri has vision, missions, and objectives, as follows: a. Vision Creating faithful, devout, excellence, global perspective, and cultured students. b. Missions 1. Creating professional school and class management. 2. Implementing effective learning and guiding to maximize st udents’ potential. 3. Developing full religious experience to create noble character. 4. Giving priority to cooperate in conducting education duties. 5. Developing spirit of excellence and increasing professionalism to all school society. 6. Preserving and developing sports, arts, and cultures. 7. Motivating to increase the discipline awareness. 8. Developing responsible and love fatherland individual. c. Objectives 1. Giving the best school administration service. 2. Implementing the religion lesson as the result of learning and habit process. 3. Achieving academic and non-academic achievements, minimal in regency level. 4. Mastering the basic science and technology to prepare students in the next level of education. 5. Becoming the pioneer and activator school in the society. 6. Becoming an interesting school to the society.