Background of the Research

B. Focus of the Research

When reading poetry, many people have difficulties to understand what actually poets want to say. As a result, they make their own interpretations of poems that are not based on proper analysis but more on their internal feelings, which can lead to many interpretations that differ from one another. Thus, that interpretation can be different from the original intention of the poet. Nevertheless, sometimes it is quite hard to understand, especially in the case of modern poetry, if a poem does not evoke any of a readers personal experience or feelings, he or she would be hardly ever interested in it. The fact that poetry is quite demanding on the reader, because of all hidden meanings and missing information. Reading poetry, as well as reading other literary genres, can develop the fantasy of readers. Poets mostly give to the readers a new opportunity to think about things which they normally do not think about. That is why in the researcher decides to examine this study, she would like to deal with poetry so the readers would be helped to interpret it through firstly understanding the sentences grammatically. The researcher believes that better understanding of poetry and also literature in general can develop students creative and critical thinking and can help people, in their own life, to search and find other points of view in their own life. The language of poetry and not only poetical languages is studied by the linguistic discipline called stylistic. It can help us to understand poetry more and to analyze it in more detail. This discipline deals with a linguistic description and its relation to meaning and an analysis of all linguistic levels, i.e. grammar, sounds, words, textual structure can help readers not only to appreciate a poets style of writing but also to understand how the poet uses stylistics means to express the meaning of a poem Short, 1969: 5. Thus, it can support the interpretations of the poem by reasonable arguments and make them more complex and how successful our interpretation depended on our knowledge of the language we analyze, i.e. its grammar rules and lexis. Poetry itself is very specific as we have to know grammar rules and lexis in order to understand what is odd in the poem, i.e. what is deviant. However, the researcher limited this study because of the limitation of time and the knowledge of the researcher about stylistics topic. In fact, this topic is part of varieties of poetic license but this study described it shortly rather than language deviation especially syntactical deviations to make deep information. Then, this study also limits the object, poetic utterances in the collected poems of Langston Hughes. His collected poems is divided into five periods i.e. 1921-1930, 1931-1940, 1941- 1950, 1951-1960, and 1961-1967. Though, she determines the first till the fourth period because considering the proper data and limitation of time. This limitation helped the researcher focuses on analysis of this research i.e. to identify the types and to describe the purposes of Langston Hughes wrote his poems using syntactic deviations.

C. Formulation of the Problems

Regarding the limitation of the problems, the researcher formulates the problems as follows: 1. What are the types of syntactic deviations in The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes? 2. What are the author’s purposes wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes using syntactic deviations?

D. Objectives of the Research

In accordance with the: formulation of the problems, the objectives of this study are: 1. to identify the types of syntactic deviations in The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, and 2. to describe the author’s purposes wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes using syntactic deviations.

E. Research Significance

This study is expected to contribute both theoretically and practically. 1. Theoretically The result of this research can enrich the development of linguistic knowledge, especially on syntactic deviations found in a literary work e.g. a novel. 2. Practically, the result of the research is expected to give contribution to the following parties. a. Students of English Language and Literature This study can inform the linguistic students that there is no such a right or wrong language even though it does not belong to Standard English because there must be an intention behind it, especially in poems because the poets have right to make their language aesthetic. b. English Lecturers This research hopefully served as an additional reference and gives more examples of texts that have language deviations. c. Other researchers The result of this research will be used as the reference to conduct a further research. 9


A. Literature Review

1. Stylistics

Missikova 2003: 17 states that stylistics is considered as a field of study where the methods used are to select and implement linguistic, extra-linguistic or artistic expressive means in the process of communication. Therefore, people can distinguish linguistic stylistics and literary poetic stylistics. To strengthen his point of view, Mick Short, a Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language at Lancaster University and a leading authority in the field of stylistics, also says that stylistics can sometimes look like either linguistic or literary criticism, depends on where the readers are standing when looking at it Short in Missikova, 2003: 17. According to J. Mistrík in Missikova 2003: 18, stylistics can be defined as the study of choice and the type of linguistic use, extra-linguistic and aesthetic means, as well as particular techniques used in communication. This study is used to interpret and to distinguish the linguistic element in a writing , group of writings, or a text, i.e. a structure capable of being interpreted by a code, including intentional structures like a culture or a whole language. In addition, Peter Verdonk 2002: 4 states that stylistics is the study of varieties of language which has position in the context. Stylistics also attempts to establish principles to explain the particular choices made by individuals and