Class Observation Activities During the Job Training

2. Making the Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is very beneficial for teachers, because it can help a teacher prepare the lesson well before teaching the materials in the class. By using lesson plan, teacher can determine the topic, the objectives, the activities, and time allocated that should be reached in teaching and learning process. Lesson plan also minimize teachers’ mistakes in teaching, especially the teachers can give the materials to the students on time and appropriate with the syllabus. During the job training, the writer prepared the lesson plan based on the materials given by the teacher of the fourth grade in SD N VII Wonogiri. The lesson plan should be based on the English syllabus of KTSP Curriculum of Education Unit Level. This curriculum contains the four language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In the lesson plan, a topic can be presented more than one meeting. It depends on the difficulty level, students understanding of the material, and length of time. For that reason, the writer should make lesson plan in every meeting. The steps of writing lesson plan are determining the topic and the objectives of the lesson first, and then managing the time allocated. In making the lesson plan, the writer divided it into four parts, i.e.: a. Motivating Strategies The first step is giving warming up for introducing the topic. The writer should become a motivator for students. The activities are asking questions related to the topic, introducing some new vocabularies, and explaining the objectives of the lesson. b. Presentation Strategies In this stage, the writer had roles as resource, motivator, and facilitator for students. She presented the material first by using teaching aids, games or songs. It was used to make students easy in accepting the material and to make them focus to the lesson. The writer also gave examples and chance to ask for students if they found difficulties. c. Skills Practice In this step, the writer gave instructions to the students to do some exercises related to the topic individually, in pairs or in groups. Doing exercises could help students to develop their understanding about the material that has been taught by the writer. d. Assessment In the last step, the writer gave assessment to the students. The form could be homework or a test. It was very beneficial for the writer to check each student’s progress.

C. The English Teaching Process to the Fourth Grade Students

in SD N VII Wonogiri The English teaching process in SD N VII Wonogiri was held for 70 minutes in a week. It was applied for first grade until sixth grade. The writer taught class 4A on Tuesdays at 08.40 a.m. – 09.50 a.m. In this school, English still became local content subject. It had not been main lesson yet like mathematics, Indonesian language, or science. From the explanation above, it is necessary to the writer to discuss the English teaching and learning activities to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri. Firstly, the writer prepared the lesson plan, the material, and the teaching aids before teaching and learning process. It could make the writer easy in conducting effective teaching and learning process. When she taught in the class, the writer should control the students’ behavior, because they did not always pay attention in the class. The writer should remind them to pay attention or asked questions about the material to them, so they did not do the other activities, i.e.: speaking with the other students, walking around in the class, and busy with their own activities, etc. In explaining the material, the writer always changed her movement in the class. It was one of teaching variations that could make students focus and help teachers check students’ difficulties. Secondly, the writer applied Grammar Translation Method in teaching English to the fourth grade students, in this case class 4A, because it is the appropriate method used to teach English to the Elementary school students. The method also was suggested by the English teacher of SD N VII Wonogiri. The writer gave explanation in Indonesian to make students understand the material easily. The writer also combined English and Indonesian to make students more familiar in English, because English is a new language for them. The process of English teaching and learning to the fourth grade students of SD N VII Wonogiri could be presented into several steps. The writer had some procedures in order to make English teaching and learning run well. Those procedures were brainstorming, explanation, exercises, and ending the lesson.