GIS-Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation

For the criteria of accessibility, distance from palm oil factory is considered quite more important than the distance from the road. The weights based on expert assessments shown in Table 10. Table 10 Weight value based on expert Assessment CriteriaSub Criteria Weight Value Climate 0.530 1. Rainfall 0.890 2. Temperature 0.110 Land Condition 0.360 1. Soil Type 0.650 2. Distance From River 0.230 3. Slope 0.120 Accessibility 0.110 1. Distance From Road 0.420 2. Distance From Factory 0.580 The calculation of the matrix pairwise comparison method for the weight of each criterion would be used as input weighting values in the process model in SMCE module. Input data in ILWIS Module for each factor and constrains based on expert assessment is show in Figure 19. Figure 19 Criteria tree in the SMCE module The results of the analysis process suitability of oil palm plantation using SMCE model in ILWIS module based on expert assessment shown in Figure 20. Figure 20 Suitability of oil palm based on expert assessment Figure 20 shows the suitability classes based on expert assessment in the study area that showed the class S1 29, S2 50.41, S3 4.98 and N 15.61. Assessment Based on Same Weight Value Alternative 2

Assessment based on the value of the same weight is the weighting scenarios created with the assumption that any criteria for the suitability of the location of oil palm plantations in Musi Banyuasin regency has a value equal importance with the other criteria. The weights based on the same value shown in Table 11. Table 11 Weight based on the same value CriteriaSub Criteria Suitability Weight Value Climate 0.333 1. Rainfall 0.500 2. Temperature 0.500 Land Condition 0.334 1. Soil Type 0.334 2. Distance From River 0.333 3. Slope 0.333 Accessibility 0.333 1. Distance From Road 0.500 2. Distance From Factory 0.500 The results of the analysis process suitability of oil palm plantation using SMCE model in ILWIS module based on the same value shown in Figure 21. Figure 21 Suitability of oil palm based on the same value Figure 21 shows the suitability classes based on the same value in the study area that showed the class S1 26.95 S2 56,28, S3 1.14 and N 15.61. Assessment Based on Local Knowledge Alternative 3

Assessment based on local knowledge is one scenario weighting that obtained from the local communities in the study area which makes the assumption that for the criteria accessibility is a factor that considered more important than land condition and climate. Accessibility factor has a weighting value is higher because distance of plantation that near with the road and plant site will minimize the amount of transportation costs. Weights based on local knowledge are shown in Table 12. Table 12 Weight value based on local knowledge CriteriaSub Criteria Suitability Weight Value Climate 0.200 1. Rainfall 0.500 2. Temperature 0.500 Land Condition 0.300 1. Soil Type 0.334 2. Distance From River 0.333 3. Slope 0.333 Accessibility 0.500 1. Distance From Road 0.500 2. Distance From Factory 0.500 The results of the analysis process suitability of oil palm plantation using SMCE model in ILWIS module based on the local knowledge shown in Figure 22. Figure 22 Suitability of oil palm based on local knowledge. Figure 22 shows the suitability classes based on local knowledge in the study area that showed the class S1 21.45 S2 60.38, S3 2.53 and N 15.61.

4.3.2 Alternative Comparison for Final Selection

The composite index maps can be compared to each other in several ways, in order to rank-order the sites. The most common way is to aggregate the composite indexes of each site through their histogram values e.g., maximum, average, sum, and connectivity index and rank-order the sites accordingly. The one with the most favorable selected histogram value becomes the site recommended by the SMCE process. Histograms of the composite maps are showing the distribution of pixel value in the result maps. The value then can be grouped into suitability classification and calculate the areas for each suitability class. The alternative maps are compared based on the distribution of suitability areas to find the best alternative to be chosen for oil palm plantation location. The first preference is given to the site with the largest area with highly suitable values, if there is equality with other alternatives; preference is given to the site with the smallest area with low value or not suitable areas. Figure 23 shows the histogram for alternative comparison. Figure 23 Histogram of alternative comparison Table 13 Suitability area comparison Suitability Area Ha Alternative1 Alternative2 Alternative3 Highly Suitable S1 418,497.6 29 389,193.8 26.95 309,860.9 21.45 Suitable S2 728,006.9 50.41 812,767.2 56.28 872,020.3 60.38 Moderate Suitable S3 72,034.6 4.98 16,578.1 1.14 36,657.8 2.53 Not Suitable N 225,500.0 15.61 225,500.0 15.61 225,500.0 15.61 Grand Total 1,444,039.1 1,444,039.1 1,444,039.1 Table 13 shows a class of highly Suitable S1 on alternative 1 has the highest area is 418,497.6 ha or 29 of the total area of Musi Banyuasin regency, alternative 2 has area 389,193.8 ha or 26.95 of the total area of Musi Banyuasin regency, while for the alternative 3 only covers 309,860.9 ha or 21.45 of the total area of Musi Banyuasin regency. Based on the results of the calculation of the area by comparing several alternatives it can be concluded that alternative 1 is the best solution for the development of oil palm plantations in Musi Banyuasin regency.

4.4 Comparison Map of Suitability with Existing Oil Palm Plantations

Map of results for the spatial overlay of generated suitability map of oil palm and existing plantations can be seen in Figure 24. Appendix 4. It can be seen that existing plantation situated in all types of suitability classes S1, S2 and S3. It seems that the existing plantations do not follow pattern of classes in the field. Some plantations are situated at S2 and S3 classes, although S1 class is still available. But there is a general pattern, that all existing plantation are situated follow river and road infrastructure. Figure 24 Map of oil palm suitability and existing plantation Overlay results of suitability map with the landuse map shows that the existing plantation areas for oil palm development by suitability class S1 is still broad enough 306,612.42 or 21.23 of total Musi Banyuasin regency. The total area and percentage results of overlay can be seen in Table 14. Table 14 Area and percentage of suitability and existing oil palm plantation Suitability Class Area Ha Percentage Not Suitable N 225,500.0 15,61 Highly Suitable S1 306,612.42 21,23 Suitable S2 622,157.41 43,08 Moderate Suitable S3 66,079.53 4,57 Existing Plantation 223,699.66 15,49 4.5 Development Area of Oil Palm Plantation Based on the results overlay process of suitability map with administrative boundaries indicates that the suitability classes S1 which has the potential for oil palm development in Musi Banyuasin regency are in some region. Figure 25 shows the distribution area of suitability class in each district area. Figure 25 Map of development plantation area suitability Table 15 Development plantation area Sub District Development Plantation Area Ha Percentage Sungai Lilin 62,246.37 20.30 Sungai Keruh 9,622.26 3.13 Sekayu 56,466.3 18.4 Plakat Tinggi 1,987.58 0.64 Lais 45,198.52 14.74 Keluang 33,312.03 10.86 Batang Hari Leko 360,18 0.11 Babat Toman 5,386.06 1.75 Bayung Lalan 33,475.37 10.91 Bayung Lencir 58,558.68 19.10 Grand Total 306,612.42 100 Table 15 shows the area of oil palm plantation development which has the greatest area of 62,246.37 ha or 20.30 of the total suitability class S1 is located in Sungai Lilin sub-district, and area of 58,558.68 ha or 19.10 are located in Bayung Lencir sub-district, while for the third priority lies in Sekayu sub-district with area that has the potential of 56,466.3 ha or 18.4 of the total suitability class S1.