Stating Learning Objectives The Steps in Designing the Integrated Reading Writing Material

41 Continue from page 40 Writing Reveal the meaning and rhetoric steps of short essay accurately, clearly, and acceptably in the form of descriptive and recount in daily life context 3 Once Upon a Time Reading Respond the meaning and rhetoric steps of short essay accurately, clearly, and acceptably in the form of narrative and recount in daily life context Writing Reveal the meaning and rhetoric steps of short essay accurately, clearly, and acceptably in the form of narrative and recount in daily life context 4 Happy Holidays Reading Respond the meaning and rhetoric steps of short essay accurately, clearly, and acceptably in the form of narrative and recount in daily life context Writing Reveal the meaning and rhetoric steps of short essay accurately, clearly, and acceptably in the form of narrative and recount in daily life context

3. Stating Learning Objectives

Before making the designed material, the researcher needed to state the learning objectives. The learning objectives were based on the indicators in the School-Based Curriculum 2006 and the syllabus of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta with a bit of modification in order to fulfill the students’ need. These indicators will be the instrument to see students’ achievement each topic. The indicators are planned in this table: Table 4.4: The Indicators Units Topics Indicators 1 Advertisement: Don’t Miss It Reading 1. Students are able to identify the information in short functional text in the form of advertisement text 2. Students are able to identify the meanings, the linguistic features, and the text structure of short functional text in the form of advertisement text 42 Continue from page 41 Writing 1. Students are able to fill in the information of the short functional text in the form of advertisement text 2. Students are able to write an example of an advertisement text 2 Descriptive: Animal Planet Reading 1. Students are able to identify the main idea of descriptive text 2. Students are able to find information in descriptive text Writing 1. Students are able to complete a descriptive text with correct rhetorical steps 2. Students are able to produce a descriptive text with correct rhetorical steps based on a picture 3 Narrative: Once Upon a Time Reading 1. Students are able to identify the main idea of narrative text 2. Students are able to find information in narrative text Writing 1. Students are able to write the rhetorical steps of narrative text given 2. Students are able to produce a narrative text with correct rhetorical steps using series of pictures 4 Recount: Happy Holidays Reading 1. Students are able to identify the main idea of recount text 2. Students are able to find information in recount text Writing 1. Students are able to arrange sentences into a good recount text with correct rhetorical steps 2. Students are able to produce a recount text with correct rhetorical steps

4. Listing Subject Contents