E. Conceptual Framework

Reading is an activity or process in getting information. When someone is reading a text but he or she does not understand what he or she is reading, that is not reading. In Indonesia, actually, English has become compulsory subject taught from Secondary School SMP up to Senior High School SMA. In senior high school, students learn several kinds of texts. One of those texts is recount text. Recount text is a text which tells past activity. A recount text contains some events. Based on the description above and based on writer‟s observation at the first year students of Senior High School at SMA Darussalam Ciputat, She found that the students still face some difficulties in answering and understanding the texts especially recount texts. When the teacher gave the students reading text, the students usually are not very interested in the text, because maybe the teachers do not give an interesting activity to attract students‟ attention in reading text. To solve this problem, the writer thinks that pre-reading activity can be a good strategy to help students in reading a text especially recount text. Pre-reading activity is an activity or a phase before the students read the text. This activity could be a way, to stimulate the students to read the text. When they are attracted to read the text, they will pay attention to the reading text and they will comprehend the text easily. The sample of the research will be given to first grade of senior high school students. The writer will give the treatment of pre-reading activities before they read the text. The writer will give sequences of the pictures about the text. Then, the students are given the reading comprehension test related to the text. 26


A. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted in SMA Darussalam located at Jl. Otista Raya No. 36, Ciputat, Kota Tangerang Selatan. It took place for about two weeks.

B. Subject of the Research

Subject of the research was first grade of SMA Darussalam Ciputat which each class consists of 20 students. The writer used two variables X and Y. Each of these represents score of the class. Variable X as the score of experiment class X3 and Y as the score of controlled class X2. The experiment class is taught using pre-reading activity and controlled class is taught without pre-reading activity.

C. Object of the Research

The object of the research is Recount Text, which is realized in reading comprehension text. The writer wants to know the effectiveness of pre-reading activities in teaching recount text.

D. Research Method and Design

This research was conducted to know the effectiveness of variables. Thus, the quantitative method was required in this research and a quasi-experimental research was decided as a research design. The procedure of conducting this design was dividing the participants into two groups; in this case, the students were grouped into controlled class and experimental group. The students in the experimental group got treatment. They were given the material in the learning process by conducting pre-reading activities, while students in controlled class was not given the treatment. At the first meeting, pre-test was given to both groups to make sure the students of two groups have relatively the same comprehension on reading