The Data from the Questionnaire


1. Conducting Needs Survey

The initial step to begin was conducting needs survey. The reason why the researcher chose this was because it is really important to know the need analysis of the participants. In order to gather the data for these, questionnaire was distributed to the eight grade students of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . To make sure the information gathered from the questionnaire were valid; the researcher also conducted an interview with the English teacher of the participants. The result of the questionnaire and interview are presented as follows.

a. The Data from the Questionnaire

The questionnaire was distributed to 15 students, 8 males and 7 females, of class VIII-B of SMP Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta . The researcher decided to use closed- form based. By closed-form, this means the students only need to choose choices of option given in the questionnaire based on their belief and situation only. The following table is the result of the questionnaire collected for the need analysis survey. Table 4.1: The Results of the Need Analysis Survey No Questions Responses Percentage 1. Do the respondents get Reading activity in English subject? a. Yes b. No 100 2. How often do the respondents get Reading activity in English subject weekly? a. Very often b. Quite often c. Quite rare d. Very rare 86.7 6.7 6.7 3. Do the respondents get difficulties in following the Reading activity? a. Yes b. No 46.7 53.3 4. What are the respondents’ difficulties in Reading activity? a. Structure b. Vocabulary c. Theme of the reading 73.3 53.3 26.7 5. What are the respondents’ impressions while having Reading activity? a. Fun b. Boring c. Nothing special 53.3 46.7 36 Continue from page 35 6. What makes the respondents feel bored? a. The uninteresting theme b. Over difficultof the reading c. Less variation in activity d. Doesn’t understand the activity 60 66.7 20 33.3 7. What activities do the respondents want in the Reading? a. Answer question based on reading text b. Answering true-false question c. Translating English word to Indonesian in the text 26.7 60 13.3 8. In Reading task, what do the respondents prefer? Individual work or group work? a. Individual b. Group 26.7 73.3 9. Do the respondents get Writing activity in English subject? a. Yes b. No 100 10. How often do the respondents get Writing activity in English subject weekly? a. Very often b. Quite often c. Quite rare d. Very rare 20 80 11. Do the respondents get difficulties in following the Writing activity? a. Yes b. No 33.3 66.7 12. What are the respondents’ difficulties in Writing activity? a. Structure b. Vocabulary c. Topic of the writing 66.7 53.3 20 13. How do the respondents make a composition in English? a. Make the whole composition in Indonesian then translate it into English b. Make the outline in Indonesian then write the composition in English c. Write the composition in English directly 66.7 13.3 40 14. What activities do the respondents want in the Writing? a. Write a story from the pictures b. Jumbled sentences c. Continue a story d. Retell a story using own words 60 60 26.7 13.3 15. In Writing task, what is the respondents’ preference? Individual or group works? a. Individual b. Group 26.7 73.3 37 Continue from page 36 16. Choose 4 topics that the respondents interesting to learn a. Animals b. Plants c. Holiday d. Sport e. Job f. Fashion g. Music h. Family i. Food j. Technology k. Fingerboard 25 1.7 16.7 15 3.3 23.3 3.3 10 1.7 The results of the questionnaire played an important part in making the designed materials. By understanding the problems or difficulties the students faced in learning English, more importantly reading and writing skills, the researcher will be able to properly develop the appropriate materials to overcome their difficulties. The researcher chose to divide the questionnaire into two main parts. The first part is a set of questions about reading skills while the second one is a set of questions about writing skills. While the researcher expected the most difficulty the participants are about the vocabulary, the researcher found out that in reading mostly the participants get difficulty in grammar. Knowing this, the researcher will emphasize the designed materials with grammar exercise. Vocabulary became the next issue in students’ understanding in reading skill. Therefore these designed materials will use vocabularies in which the students mostly used in their daily activities. The result of writing part of the questionnaire also really related with the reading part, in which grammar became the greatest concern for the participants. Somehow, this result is quite good for the researcher himself because the researcher will have easier time to relate the reading and the writing skills. In 38 order to help the participants for their grammar problem, the researcher will provide an example of reading passage in each unit and then the participants will be asked to create a similar story using pictures provided. Other technique used to overcome the difficulty is arranging jumbled sentences.This way, the participants will gain both vocabulary and grammar lesson in one integrated activity. The other result from the questionnaire tells about the various topics the participants want to learn. The researcher provided eleven topics for the participants to choose, they were given four choices. The topics were Animals, Plants, Holiday, Sport, Job, Fashion, Music, Family, Food, Technology, and Fingerboard. Not all the topics were used in this design material, the researcher only chose four out of eleven of the most preferable by the participants. The topics used were Animals, Holiday, Music, and Food.

b. The Data from the Interview