Method and Design of the Study

strategy is intended to check students‟ ability to use Think Aloud in their reading activity 28 . The Standardized questioner is adopted from Mokhtari and Reichard. As the questionnaire is aimed to check students‟ ability to use Think Aloud, thus this instruments is only distributed to the experimental class before and after treatment. Thus, it can be summed up that the instruments of this study are Reading comprehension test and a questionnaire 1 Reading Comprehension Test Based on Richard R. Day and Jeong-suk Park in Reading in a Foreign Language Journal, there are six types of reading question comprehension, which are literal, reorganization, inference, prediction, evaluation, personal response. They stated that the level of comprehension of them is different. For instance: The level of literal is lower than inference. It means, to answer an inference question, students more than literal understanding in the text 29 . According to them, the writer will develop reading question whose type are literal, reorganization, inference, and prediction. Evaluation and personal response will not be included as they are not suitable as the form of reading question used in this study is multiple choice questions. Before being distributed to both control and experimental group, the reading comprehension test is distributed, the test is pilot-studied. The objective of pilot study is to check validity and reliability of the instrument. The pilot study is conducted before doing pre-test and post-test. The questions of a pilot study applied out of control and experimental classes. In this researcher, the writers use 30 questions concerning on narrative texts as the instrument. As the pilot study has been conducted and the participants‟ answer has been collected, the validity and reliability of the questions will be analyzed based on the answers. 28 Didi Sukyadi and Eneng Uswatun Hasanah, op.cit., Page 10 29 Richard R. day and Jeong-suk Park.loc.cit. The instrument that has been analyzed will be distributed to students in control and experimental class before and after treatment. The pretest is aimed to check students‟ comprehension before given a treatment the posttest is aimed to obtain the data of the students reading comprehension achievement after conducting Think Aloud technique in experimental class and without Think Aloud technique in the control class. 2 Questionnaire The questionnaire used in this research is named as Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory MARSI. The questionnaire consists of 30 questions. The questionnaire that is developed by Koider Mokhtari and Carla Reichard will check students‟ awareness of their reading strategy before and after the treatment is given. The questionnaire are given only to the experiment class as the Think-Aloud is also only given to that class. 3 The Validity and Reliability of Reading Comprehension Test Before being distributed to the research participants, the reading comprehension test has to be checked for its validity and reliability.  The Validity To check the content validity of the test, the writer ask an expert in this case is t he writer‟s researcher advisor. The writer conducted the pilot study twice. The first pilot study showed that the instrument the writer made failed to meet the goal. According to the writer‟s advisor, he stated that there were some of the items that needed revising. In this case, he highlighted the text number 4. The text is shown below. In the woods waits the only person with whom I can be myself. Gale. I can feel the muscles in my face relaxing, my pace quickening as I climb the hills to our place, a rock ledge overlooking a valley. A thicket of berry bushes protects me from unwanted eyes. The sight of him waiting there brings on a smile. Gale says I never smile except in the woods. “Hey, Catnip,” says Gale. My real name

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