14 Wayne Joku, 2015 GIS MAPPING OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALONG KM 0-77 CITARUM RIVER Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Penyusunan Rencana Aksi Citarum Bestari 2015 KM 0-77 was carried out during March of 2014 by several individuals employed by BPLHD acting a survey team. Data collection techniques were used to obtain data in accordance to the needs of the study and these were conducted through questionnaires, observation, interviews, and studying related existing administrative data. Observation was used to know and learn directly from the social and environmental conditions at the time. In-depth interviews were used to determine the qualitative aspects in greater depth through face-to-face interaction with the locals. A desk study was conducted to collect the data related to the already existing documents in offices and agencies in connection with the administration of Citarum. Respondents were determined using purposive sampling, ie a sampling technique conducted with consideration of the residential areas surrounding the upstream, midstream, and downstream portions of the river. Key informants were determined using snowball sampling; a technique in which the determination of key informants starts from people who have a sufficient understanding of the problem being studied then that person is requested to choose a person to serve as the next key informant.

3.2 Secondary Data Sources

There are several sources of data that required preparation and in depth understanding prior to the processing of data in order to achieve the aforementioned objective of producing the output data. These are the data sources required: 15 Wayne Joku, 2015 GIS MAPPING OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALONG KM 0-77 CITARUM RIVER Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 1. Badan Pusat Statistik BPS – This is a non-departmental government institute of Indonesia who is responsible to conduct statistical surveys. Its main customer is the government, but statistical data is also available to the public. Annual surveys include national and provincial socio-economics, manufacturing establishments, population and the labor force. Their statistical data is readily available either from their public offices and their website. Majority of administrative data that has been integrated with the Penyusunan Rencana Aksi Citarum Bestari 2015 KM 0- 77 data has been obtained from BPS. 2. Google Maps – This is a Web-based service that provides detailed information about geographical regions and sites around the world. In addition to conventional road maps, Google Maps offers aerial and satellite views of many places. In some cities, Google Maps offers street views comprising photographs taken from vehicles. Google Maps offers several services as part of the larger Web application, as follows:  A route planner offers directions for drivers, bikers, walkers, and users of public transportation who want to take a trip from one specific location to another.  The Google Maps application program interface API makes it possible for Web site administrators to embed Google Maps into a proprietary site such as a real estate guide or community service page.  Google Maps for Mobile offers a location service for motorists that utilizes the Global Positioning System GPS location of the mobile device if available along with data from wireless and cellular networks. 16 Wayne Joku, 2015 GIS MAPPING OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ALONG KM 0-77 CITARUM RIVER Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |  Google Street View enables users to view and navigate through horizontal and vertical panoramic street level images of various cities around the world.  Supplemental services offer images of the moon, Mars, and the heavens for hobby astronomers. Although majority of the spatial data used in this process has been provided by BPLHD, Google Maps provides an efficient and up-to-date alternative to substantiate information whenever there is any uncertainty. 3.3 Description of the company where internship was undertaken 3.3.1 Company Profile