Mistery Genre Review of Related Theories

thought out of consciousness and enter to the realm of unconscious. As stated by Mcleod ―Denial involves blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is just too much to handle, the person just refuses to experience it 2009 .‖ It is like when a boy who is attracted to a girl, but because of some reasons like the girl is too beautiful or too rich for him, he feels ashamed to introduce himself to her. When his friend asked him whether is he likes her or not, he says no. The answer that he gives is a denial. He actually likes her but he denies that feeling, and when he denies that feeling, unconsciously the feelings are brought into unconscious mind that result into a repression. Parapraxis, it is also a psychological term which means an unintended action that caused by repressed material. It is where the repressionrepressed feeling found its way out of unconsciousness into reality and is not realized by the person who represses the feeling. As Barry states, ―whereby repressed material in unconscious finds an outlet through such everyday phenomena as slip of the tongue, slips of the pen, or unintended action 2002: 98.‖

2. Mistery Genre

Detective story is one of sub-genre of mystery genre. This type of genre is usually about crime and the process of solving the crime. The ―puzzle‖ in the story is usually very hard to be solved, lack of clues and require someone special to solve it using the most acceptable logical reason. The detective is the only one who has different perspective to something that happened. As Encyclopædia Britannica say in its article, Detective story, type of popular literature in which a crime is introduced and investigated and the culprit is revealed. The traditional elements of the detective story are: 1 the seemingly perfect crime; 2 the wrongly accused suspect at whom circumstantial evidence points; 3 the bungling of dim-witted police; 4 the greater powers of observation and superior mind of the detective; and 5 the startling and unexpected denouement, in which the detective reveals how the identity of the culprit was ascertained. 2016 Sometimes there are detective stories that put a supernatural conflict in the stories, but still, the way the detective solves the case uses rational reasoning. It reveals the supernatural even using logic. Usually the supernatural event turns out just made by people. The defense mechanisms theories are meant to be used to a person. Those theories can be used to analyze a character in a literary work too since the author put human aspects into the character that he made. Characters are the person represented in dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it –the dialogue –and from what they do –the action Abrams, 2005: 46. Since Sherlock Holmes stories are included as detective stories with mystery genre, the objective of this study is to analyze the main character, Sherlock Holmes. However, the theories of defense mechanisms cannot be fully applied in analyzing the character. It is cannot be fully applied because to analyze someone, in psychology, it needs two way of communication between the analyst and the patient. In this case it cannot be done because the character that is analyzed cannot give a feed back. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

C. Theoretical Framework