The Course Grid of Unit 1


a. The Results of Expert Judgement and Revisions of Unit 1 1 The Results of Unit 1

There were four aspects of the materials that were evaluated: the appropriatness of the content, presentation, language and topography. The following was the results of the analysis of the expert judgement of unit 1. Table 46. The Appropriateness of the Content The Appropriateness of the Content No Evaluated Aspects Score 1 The developed materials are in accordance with core and basic competences for grade XI in the Curriculum 2013. 3 2 The developed materials are in accordance with social function stated in the Curriculum 2013. 3 3 The developed materials are relevant with students future. 3 4 The developed materials involve linguistics feature learning of the text. 3 5 The developed materials are using up to date information. 3 Mean 3 Table 46 reveals that the mean of the appropriateness of the content is 3. Thus, in term of the content appropriateness, the materials can be classified as “good” based on table 3.3 as it falls between 2.5 ≤ x ≤ 3.24. Table 47. The Appropriateness of the Presentation The Appropriateness of the Presentation No Evaluated Aspects Score 1 The developed materials are systematic. 3 2 Each unit of the developed materials has similar components. 3 3 The developed materials emphasize on students-centred activities. 3 4 The basics of the developed materials are discovery learning and project-based learning. 3 5 The developed materials require students to be critical, creative and independent. 3 6 The developed materials force students to do reflection. 3 7 The developed materials consists of three parts: introduction warm up, main activities, and reinforcement. 3 Mean 3 64 Table 47 shows that the mean of the appropriateness of the presentation is 3. hence, in term of the content appropriateness, the materials are classified as “good” based on table 3.3 as it falls between 2.5 ≤ x ≤ 3.24. Table 48. The Appropriateness of the Language The Appropriateness of the Language No Evaluated Aspetcs Score 1 The developed materials are appropriate for students’ level of thinking 2 2 The developed materials use effective and efficient language. 1 3 The developed materials have good coherent and cohesion of the material components 3 Mean 2 Table 48 demonstrates that the mean of the appropriateness of the language is 2. This mean value is classified as “fair” based on table 3.3 as it falls between 1.75 ≤ x ≤ 2.4. The expert stated that there were lots of grammatical mistakes. She also pointed out that some instructions were less communicative. Hence, she suggested that two main points should be priority in revising the materials. Table 49. The Appropriateness of the Layout The Appropriatness of the Layout No Evaluated Aspects Score 1 The developed materials are going to be printed out using ISO standard paper A4A5B5 3 2 The developed materials have ideal proportion in title, subtitle, text and illustration placement. 3 3 The illustrations of the materials are both aestetics and functional. 3 4 The developed materials do not use many variety of font. 3 5 The use of bold, italic, underline and capitalization is proportional. 2 6 Overall design of the materials are eye-catching. 3 Mean 2.8