To Show African- American’s Struggle

depicts racism of African-American at that time. People do not want to befriend with African-Americans because they are black, and they come from a low social status. The writer figures out two syntactic deviations in this poem, which are multiple negations and adjectival phrase displacements. The multiple negations can be seen in the sentence Wont be nobodys bride; Wont meet nobody; Cause I aint got no friend; and Aint nothin for a ruined gal. The multiple negations are used to show the unfair treatments from the society towards African-Americans. On the other hand, the adjectival phrase displacement can be seen in the sentence Damn ma black old mammys soul for ever havin a daughter. Hughes uses these syntactic deviations to show how mean racism is and also how it affects someone‟s life. The third poem is entitled “Black Gal”. The poem narrates the persona as a girl who always does not get what she deserves. She always treats her friends fine but they do not care because she is black. The poem can be read in datum 209SD01. The persona is a working girl who is always kind to her boyfriend. However, she is always mistreated. Her boyfriend takes advantage from her, and leaves her right after. She realizes that she is treated like that because of her race. However, she really loves Albert, her boyfriend, and she wants him back. The writer only figures out multiple negations in this poem. It can be seen in the sentence Aint cut him wid no razor; Aint never been unkind; and Yet I aint never been no bad one. The multiple negations are used to show how the persona treats her boyfriend. Hughes wants to emphasize the kindness of an African- American girl, yet she is still mistreated. The fourth poem is entitled “Florida Road Workers”. It tells about the exploitation of African-American by White Americans in the industry of road building in Florida. The poem can be read in datum 30SD02. This poem tells about a road worker who has built a road but he is not appreciated. The social status makes him neglected. He is employed to build roads but he still lives under poverty. He can only see rich people traveling on the road he made. The writer only figures out multiple negations in this poem. It can be seen in the sentence I aint never seen nobody ride so fine before. This sentence implies that the persona can only see the result of his hard-working. He sees that people can feel the benefit of his hardwork. Hughes wants to emphasize the racism that sent African-American into a low social status. The last poem is entitled “August 19 th ” . This is a poem about a boy named Clarence Noris who is given a capital punishment by the government on 19 th August. This poem is made to commemorate him. The poem can be read in datum 81SD02. The poem really describes the situation of Clarence Noris before he was sentenced to death. He was upset when he saw the young men could not voice their aspiration. He described the time before he was hung up with the lyncher’s rope. He saw how the oppressors had no pity towards him. Before his death, he still wished that after his death, the Black and White would unite to form a new world. In this poem the writer figures out three syntactic deviations which are subject displacement, inversion and prepositional phrase displacement. The subject displacement can be seen in the sentence Bitter was the day. Here, Hughes wants to emphasize the day in the persona‟s life when he has to live under the racism. The inversion can be seen in the sentence And only in the sorrow songs relief was found. This sentence implies that the persona can only feel relief when he listens to the sorrowful songs. He can find the same pain through the song; he knows that he is not the only one whose life is painful. The prepositional phrase displacement can be seen in the sentence In many mouths — dark mouths where red tongues burn and white teeth gleam — New words are formed. This sentence shows that African-American can be the revolutionist; the new aspiration is formed through the African- American‟s mouth. Overall, the writer figures out more multiple negations used by Langston Hughes to depict racism in America. Hughes writes several conditions of African- American people who live with the pain of racism. He emphasizes the conditions using the multiple negations in several poems that belong to this function.

e. To Face Difficulty Wisely

Facing the discrimination and unfair treatments on that era, some Negro could still face the condition wisely. They can see something positive behind their difficulties. Hughes sees this phenomenon and uses some syntactic deviations to write the wise side of African-American. The writer figures out two poems that go to this purpose which are entitled “Supper Time” and “Madam and the Movies”. The first poem is entitled “Supper Time”. This poem tells about how poor the persona is and he has to find a way so that his salary will not be cut down. The poem can be read in datum 98SD02. This poem describes the persona‟s life which is very poor. He lives in poverty. He looks for water, but there is no water. He looks for bread, but there is no bread. Even when he has turned on the light, there is still nothing to be used. He has no trunk to make fire. He has no clothes to be worn. However, he can still realize that he needs to work harder to continue his life. In this poem the writer only figures out multiple negations. They can be found in the sentence I would make a fire but there aint no wood and That place where your trunk was, aint no trunk no more. Hughes uses multiple negations to emphasize the poor conditions of the persona, yet he can realize that his condition will be no better if he does not work harder. The multiple negations are used to attract the reader in seeing the poor conditions of the persona, and make the reader see the conclusion of the persona at the end of the poem. The second poem is entitled “Madam and the Movies”. This poem tells about a madam who escapes from reality. She always watches movie every week to see a romantic man since in reality she does not have one. The poem can be read in datum 90SD03. This poem describes a lonely madam that has no romance in her life. She is really fond of romantic movies and characters since she does not have them all in reality. She realizes that she is quite weak in an affair. She has found her wisdom that she can only see the romance through the movies. Thus, she spends twice a week to watch romance movies.