Learner Roles Teacher Roles

18 communicative competence such as: structural, functional, instrumental. Type 4. Functional The objective of this type is in terms of communicative function. The objectives determine the functions needed, and the functions determine the selection and sequencing of grammatical materials. Type 5. Fully Notional This type is applicable for the learners who already have adequate proficiency of English but still need to be specified in a new particular purpose. All components of this syllabus - socio cultural, semantic, linguistics as well as psycho-pedagogical – are united together. Type 6. Fully Communicative This type is also called as learner generated syllabus. The learners become the source of input. Communication is the primary objective and the linguistic competence should be a part of communicative competence.

6. Speaking Skill a

The Nature of Speaking Brown and Yule 1983 as quoted by Nunan 1989:26 stated that language teaching has been concerned with the teaching of written language that the language is characterized by well-formed sentences. Speaking is one way for students to communicate. Speaking makes easy the understanding of all the information delivered. Through speech, man expresses his emotions, communicates his intentions, reacts to other persons and situations, as well as 19 influences other human beings Rivers,1968:162.In other word, speaking activities can express students own ideas, wishes, opinions, attitudes, information, etc. Speaking is usually done by two or more speakers, facing each other and paying attention and responding to what is said rather than how correctly it is said Nunan, 1989:31. b Teaching Speaking According to Bushman 1986:25 the general purpose for speech study in English Class is to develop students who can participate satisfactorily in everyday situations that demand oral work. Nowadays, people are expected to speak English fluently in working environment. That is why the teaching of speaking skill cannot be separated from the idea of teaching communicative ability. Rivers 1968:160 said that the teaching of the speaking skill is more demanding on the teacher than the teaching of any other language skill. Rivers added that students in a foreign-language class will not learn to speak fluently merely by hearing speech, so it is important to the teacher to give more opportunities for practicing the speaking skill. The teacher needs to use his imagination in devising situations that provoke the students to the use of the language in the expression of his own meaning. In teaching speaking, teacher has many techniques that are frequently used. They are conversation, guessing things, getting information, sharing, group- work experiences. These techniques will allow students to participate in speaking activity. Technique also should concern about affective aspect of the students and have some relevance to interesting topics.