Making the Lesson Plan

From the explanation above, it is necessary to the writer to discuss the English teaching and learning activities to the fourth grade students in SD N VII Wonogiri. Firstly, the writer prepared the lesson plan, the material, and the teaching aids before teaching and learning process. It could make the writer easy in conducting effective teaching and learning process. When she taught in the class, the writer should control the students’ behavior, because they did not always pay attention in the class. The writer should remind them to pay attention or asked questions about the material to them, so they did not do the other activities, i.e.: speaking with the other students, walking around in the class, and busy with their own activities, etc. In explaining the material, the writer always changed her movement in the class. It was one of teaching variations that could make students focus and help teachers check students’ difficulties. Secondly, the writer applied Grammar Translation Method in teaching English to the fourth grade students, in this case class 4A, because it is the appropriate method used to teach English to the Elementary school students. The method also was suggested by the English teacher of SD N VII Wonogiri. The writer gave explanation in Indonesian to make students understand the material easily. The writer also combined English and Indonesian to make students more familiar in English, because English is a new language for them. The process of English teaching and learning to the fourth grade students of SD N VII Wonogiri could be presented into several steps. The writer had some procedures in order to make English teaching and learning run well. Those procedures were brainstorming, explanation, exercises, and ending the lesson. 1. Brainstorming In this step, the writer guided the students to the topic. It could motivate and develop studen ts’ thinking, especially the idea about the new material. The writer brainstormed students by greeting, reviewing the previous material, and attracting them to the new material. a. Greeting Greeting is used to start the lesson. Familiarizing greeting to students is good for them, because they can apply their English skill directly. It also can be their daily habit. The writer greeted students after entering the classroom, as follows: Teacher : “Good morning, students?” Students : “Good morning, miss.” Teacher : “How are you today?” Students : “I am fine. Thank you, and you?” Teacher : “I am fine too. Thank you.” The students always said greeting enthusiastically and loudly. It made the writer and the students have high spirit and motivation to start the lesson. After that, the writer checked students attendance one by one based on the name list. By checking students’ attendance, the writer could know and memorize each student’s name.