Personification The word personification derives from Latin words; ‘persona’ means Synecdoche Simile

In this sentence, Ronaldo is directly compared with playboy. Ronaldo is human being who is status is male. Playboy is used to describe Ronaldo as male characteristic that not satisfied with one woman. He always cheats his girlfriend.

3.2.3 Personification The word personification derives from Latin words; ‘persona’ means

person, actor, or mask used I the theatre and ‘fic’ means to make. Therefore, personification is a kind of figurative expressions in which an inanimate object given a human quality. According to Webster Dictionary 1971: 123, “Personification is a kind of figurative expression that personifying an object as an attribution of personal qualities as a form characters representation of a thing or abstraction as a person or by human form.” Consider the following example: Sad eyes never lie In this sentence, we can see that sad eyes as a condition, can lie which have features like human being. As we know, sad eyes do not mouth that it can say something as human. The possible interpretation for this expression is the conditions of being crying cannot deceit people who see the sad eyes, everybody absolutely will know that the condition of it is being sad.

3.2.4 Synecdoche

The word synecdoche derives from Greek word synekdechesthai, consists of ‘syn’ means with, ‘ex’ means out and ‘dechesthai’ means to take or to receive. Universitas Sumatera Utara Therefore, synecdoche means taking or giving something what has been mentioned. Taylor 1981: 189 states that as a kind of metonymy, synecdoche is the use of a part of a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa. Consider the following example: Indonesia against England in soccer game now In this sentence, we know that in soccer game, only 22 people are plying on the field, eleven Indonesian people against eleven England people, not all of the Indonesian people and England people are plying soccer on the field,. We can see that the use of a part of a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa.

3.2.5 Simile

. Tarigan 1995: 118 says, “Simile adalah perbandingan dua hal yang pada hakekatnya berlainan dan yang sengaja kita anggap sama. Simile is a comparison between two unlike objects that are regarded similar or almost similar. Simile expresses a comparison between two things, which have one or more points. The objects must be in dissimilar kinds. Simile is usually indicated by like and as. Consider this example: Bush is running like Ferrari We can find the simile in the expression above indicated by word like. This expression compares two things, he and Ferrari. The ability of Bush in running is compared with Ferrari. The word Bush is indicates male human Universitas Sumatera Utara being. Ferrari is a fast car that can reach 300 kmhour speed. So, the sentence means that Bush can run fast.

3.2.6 Irony