Research Method Designing instructional writing materials using movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter contains information about the methodology used in this research. There are six parts in this chapter, which are research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and the last is research procedure.

3.1 Research Method

This part elaborates the methodology used in conducting this research. As written in the first chapter, this study deals with two formulated problems. The first is how instructional writing materials using English movies for eighth graders of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta are designed and the second is what instructional writing materials using English movies for eighth graders of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta look like. Since the process of this research is to develop designed materials, this research is then categorized as Educational Research and Development R D. Borg and Gall 1983 stated that Educational Research and Development RD is a process to develop and validate educational products. There are ten steps of RD which are called RD cycle. Those steps are, research and information collecting, planning, developing preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination and implementation Borg Gall, 1983, p. 775. However, since the focus of this research is to design an instructional materials without implementing to the real classroom, the researcher only used the first five steps of RD cycle. Those five steps are as follows: 3.1.1 Conducting Research and Information Collecting The first step of the R D cycle is the basis in conducting the research. In this first step, the researcher conducting observation and reviewing literature to collect information and knowledge related to this research. As have been mentioned in Chapter One, the researcher already did an observation when having teaching practice in SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta and found that the students needed an instructional material using creative media, especially in writing skill. Furthermore, in order to get more information, the researcher also distributed questionnaire to eighty students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta grade eighth and conducted an interview to the English teacher of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta who taught the eighth grade students who also knew more about the students‟ needs and characteristics. 3.1.2 Planning After collecting data and information, the researcher made a design plan which included stating goals, selecting topics and general purposes, and also specifying the instructional objectives. The researcher made the lesson plan based on School-Based Curriculum 2006, which was used in the school. 3.1.3 Developing Preliminary Form of Product After deciding the goals and purposes, the researcher developed the instructional materials, handbooks and evaluation devices. Here, the researcher used Task-Based Learning in designing the materials. The researcher also picked some movies related to the students‟ interest which would be used in the designed materials. The reseaarcher designed instructional writing materials using English movies for eighth grade students of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta. 3.1.4 Testing Preliminary Field After finishing the designed materials, the researcher made a questionnaire in order to obtain the evaluation of the educational product. The questionnairre was distributed to the English teachers of SMP BOPKRI 3 Yogyakarta. The researcher then got feedback and suggestions from those experts in order to improve the designed materials. Further, the questionnaire results were used to revise the design materials to be a better one. 3.1.5 Main product Revision Revising the instructional design is the last step of the design process. In this step, the researcher revised the main product based on the feedback and suggestion gathered. The revision was intended to serve a proper instructional materials which can fulfil the students‟ needs. Those five steps of RD cycle above are connected to the seven steps of instructional design model by Morrison, et al 2011 which are used by the researcher to design the instructional materials. The connection of those models can be seen in this figure : Figure 3.1 The connection between Instructional Design Model by Morrison, et al 2011 and R D Cycle by Borg Gall 1983 Identify the Instructional Problems Analyze the Learner and Context Conduct the Task Analysis Specify the Instructional Objectives Select the Instructional Strategies Develop the Instruction Evaluate the Instruments Research and Information Collecting Planning Developing Preliminary Product Preliminary Field Testing Revision PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3.2 Research Setting