Schematic Structures of Recount Text

b. Use of the past tense: Last holiday I decided to spend my vacation c. Use of temporal and additive conjunction: to connect the messages of clauses Martin, 2009: 156 and help make the text cohesive: After, when, then, before, during, or conjunctions such as “first, next, then”; d. Personal comments except for factual Recount The holiday was cool…: I was happy because I had a great vacation in Italy. 27 In conclusion, in recount text there must be some linguistic features to support the content of the text. As on the other kinds of text, there are similarities each other. They are using participants, using past tense as time signals, using conjunction and showing the details to support the content of the story.

4. Schematic Structures of Recount Text

Even though there are several kinds of recount text, basically they have the same characteristics in the schematic structures. Emilia stated that a recount text consists of three parts, those are: a. Orientation In orientation, it is mentioned some events which is also stated the participants, place, or time information in that story. b. Events This part introduces series of events which is happened in the story. c. Reorientation It is the part how the story goes back to the beginning point and sometimes the author also gives the comments or his opinions about the events happened. 28 Reorientation is optional and closure of events. 29 It is the last part of the text. It consists of the summarizing of events and also the ending of the story. 27 Emilia, op. cit., p. 107. 28 Emilia, op. cit., p. 107. 29 Utami Widiati et al., Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Kelas VII, Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008, 4 th Edition, p. 29. Some recounts text may not have the conclusion paragraph, because it is optional. In this part, it usually consists of comments of the author, but it may be added or not. As Emi Emilia said that “Some recounts have evaluative comments or a conclusion which may constitute the writer‟s comment on events described previously, but this is just optional. The conclusion is written in the last paragraph, and because this part is optional, some recounts may not have this conclusion paragraph. ” 30 Therefore, someone can add comment or just ignore it. Pardiyono stated that, “to make recount text, first the teacher should know rhetorical structure of recount text: 1 make orientation, that is text element which contains topic or something that will be infomed to the readers, then 2 record of events, and the last is 3 re- orientation.” 31 In conclusion, schematic structure means how the paragraph is structured in order the purpose of the writer can reach the reader effectively. This part also includes what information put into each of the unit of the paragraph.

5. Recount Text in KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan