Analysis of The Theme Through Major Characters in Lauren Weisberger's 'The Devil Wears Prada'.

Dalam novel The Devil Wears Prada karangan Lauren Weisberger, terdapat
dua tokoh utama yang mengalami kesamaan dalam hal meraih ambisi mereka
masing-masing. Andrea ingin menjadi penulis terkenal tetapi dia harus bekerja di
tempat Miranda terlebih dahulu, serta Miranda yang ingin mempertahankan reputasi
ternamanya di dunia mode tanpa harus menjadi “baik” terhadap bawahannya. Pada
akhirnya Andrea dan Miranda harus sama-sama kehilangan sesuatu dan seseorang
yang berharga dalam hidupnya,
Kegigihan mereka menjadi salah satu ukuran dalam menyatakan bahwa
ambisi mereka merupakan prioritas yang harus dicapai demi keberhasilan hidup.
Posisi Andrea yang berusaha merintis dan meraih kesuksesan maupun pertahanan
Miranda ke suatu kestabilan dalam posisi modenya di masyarakat menjadi sebuah
tanda yang mengacu ke tema novel ini. Keberadaan Andrea dan Miranda merupakan
representasi yang sangat tepat untuk merefleksikan tema novel ini, yang tiada lain
adalah, ambisi seseorang dan kegigihannya mengantarkan pada kesempatankesempatan yang besar, tetapi ketika seseorang terlalu memaksakan kehendak sampai
batas tertentu, ia akan kehilangan sesuatu dan seseorang dalam proses meraih


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………… i
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………… iii


Background of the Study………………………………………….....
Statement of the Problem………………………………………….....
Purpose of the Study………………………………………………....
Method of Research……………………………………………….....
Organization of the Thesis…………………………………………...



CHAPTER THREE: CONCLUSION………………………………………... 16


Synopsis of The Devil Wears Prada……………………………….... 21
Biography of the Lauren Weisberger ……………………………….. 22


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Synopsis of The Devil Wears Prada

The story begins from the existence of a young woman in her early 20’s
named Andrea Sachs. On graduating from Brown University, this small town
woman is hired by the high-profile mature woman that ever lives on the fashion
world who firmly holds the empire of Runway magazine, Miranda Priestly. As
having an unfalteringly manner in controlling the designers to launch their latest
fashion collection and an absence of needing a humility of surroundings, Miranda is
kookily directs her inferior, including Andrea, in an uncouth way. This happens in
relation with her ambition in maintaining her popularity towards people who
‘eulogize’ her.
In possessing an ambition of a successful life as a columnist, Andrea puts
her position as smart, confident, persistent, and tough to obey all the hard tasks that
her haughty boss gives. Andrea is perceptibly trialed every day by Miranda’s orders
barked over the phone for the purpose of proving to her boss that she suits to her
boss’s recommendation that can pound The New Yorker door, her dream job.
Nevertheless, narrated in Andrea’s oblivion, she has to lose her love of life,
Alex, in the way of reaching her importunate ambition. She realizes in the end that
her ‘cursed’ job is no need to be prolonged again because her boss is too demanding











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enough to get her another worthy job; besides, her wisest thought leads her to be
herself without vituperation silhouette of Miranda.

Biography of the Author
Lauren Weisberger is a New Yorker. Her birth name was Lauren Beth
Weiberger. She learnt English Literature at Cornell University Arts and Science and
graduated with GPA 4.0. Her English Lecturer from Cornell remembered her as a
bright, judicial critic and a good student who handled criticism well.
Her English Lecturer said that she was a compulsive reader. She became a
writer because she was drawn to all the glittery books. She released many best-seller
books after her debut The Devil Wears Prada (2003), such as Everyone Worth
Knowing (2005), and Chasing Harry Winston (2008).
She was an assistant to the Vogue magazine’s editor-in-chief’s Anna
Wintour from 1999-2000, approximately for ten months, which encouraged her to
write a novel about fashion world. This debut has sold more than 1.2 million copies
and reached $4 million of the selling of its title and adapted into a movie starring the
academy award winner Meryl Streep.

Sources : Kinetz. .

Wikipedia. Lauren Weisberger. 20 April 2010. .


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Background of the Study
As a true devotee of high fashion, I am particularly interested in reading
novels dealing with this matter. A novel entitled The Devil Wears Prada written by
Lauren Weisberger explicitly caught my attention for several reasons. First, the title
includes a world-famous brand, Prada, one of my favourite yet quite unaffordable
brands. Prada is said to be “a leading force in fashion in 1990. The garments and
accessories were smart, sophisticated, and extremely high quality.” (Grosvenor)
Secondly, I am overwhelmed by the knowledge of fashion world poured out in the
novel, which, I believe, is due to the fact that it is written by an ex-assistant of Vogue
Magazine editor-in-chief, Lauren Weisberger. She is a contemporary American

writer, and is well-respected of her acquaintance dealing with the literary works in
style. She also successfully earned about $4 million from her first debut novel, The
Devil Wears Prada. (Kinetz)
Moreover, The Devil Wears Prada is known for its element of realism, as










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and owned by Nick Denton, and is considered to be one of the most visible and
successful blog-oriented media companies.(
Media), “It seemed the entire book world was eagerly anticipating her next
contribution and couldn‟t shut about the realism with which she depicts her heroine.
The critics had gone crazy over the first book, hailing it as one of the greatest literary
achievements of the twentieth century.” (Gawker)
Based on those reasons, I have decided to analyse the theme of the novel. As
stated by Perrine in his book, Story and Structure, theme is “a central and unifying
concept of the story.” (108) In doing so, I will focus my analysis on the major
characters in the novel, Miranda Priestly – supposedly the mean “Devil” and Andrea
Sachs, the nice girl.
As stated in Dictionary of Literary Terms by Shaw, “In fiction, a reader,
primarily interested in the individuals concerned, has a natural tendency to identify
the „hero‟ and to hate the „villain‟ or to feel „for‟ or „with‟ one individual or group and

„against‟ one another.” (71) Consequently, this informational fact directs my attention
to have an opinion that the two major characters are presented in the novel with a
purpose to deliver the theme of the story, to fascinate the readers to a valuable
determination to choose the writer‟s offer in creating each character. I do believe that
the relation between the two major characters and the theme is essential, that is, to
offer the readers the choice in valuing what is the best life‟s learning; in other words,
it leads the readers to the theme of the story.

Statement of the Problem
The problems that I will discuss in this thesis are as follows:


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1. How does the author portray the two major characters in the novel?
2. How do these two major characters reveal the theme?

Purpose of the Study
There are two purposes in this study:

1. To show how the author portrays the two major characters in the novel.
2. To show how the two major characters help reveal the theme.

Method of Research
In the analysis, I read Lauren Weisberger‟s novel entitled The Devil Wears
Prada as a primary text. And then, I search for supporting sources from the library and
the Internet which help me in the process of analysing the novel. As a final point, I
draw some conclusion of what has been discussed.

Organization of the Thesis
The thesis is organized into three chapters. Chapter One, the Introduction,
contains the Background of the Study, the Statement of the Problem, the Purpose of
the Study, the Method of Research, and the Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two
contains the analysis of theme through two major characters in Lauren Weisberger‟s
novel The Devil Wears Prada. Chapter Three is the Conclusion. The thesis ends with
the Bibliography and the Appendices, which include the biography of the author and
the synopsis of the novel.


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Having analysed the theme of the novel, I come to a conclusion that Andrea
Sachs and Miranda Priestly play an important role in revealing the theme of the
novel. They are through relatively the same amount of persistence in reaching great
opportunities; besides, their pushing themselves to the limit affects their oblivion to
lose things and person along the way. In accordance with their existence the theme
of the novel is, “One‟s ambition and persistence lead to great opportunities, yet
when one pushes the ambition to the limit, one will lose something or someone in
the process of reaching the ambition.”
Both Andrea and Miranda set their fundamental belief in reaching their
ambition from the nothing to something. I can conclude that Andrea starts her goal
of life from working at Runway, the place where she never has an idea about the
people‟s way of mind to „survive‟. Her being smart, confident, persistent, and tough
lead her to achieve her ambition in pounding The New Yorker door for her. Despite
Miranda‟s haughtiness and obnoxious language, Andrea, influenced by her being
tough, gets through many obstacles which are made by her devilish boss.
Nevertheless, her being smart achieves something that she never has before, an


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astute personality to leave her boss in the end and believe her own self in living a
life she wants. In Miranda‟s part, her being tough to change her awful
underprivileged past into a higher respectable level drives her to uphold it whatever
it takes by being haughty and too demanding in relation to Andrea. Her being
perfect drives her to become a person who has a high standard in maintaining her
position as a goddess in the fashion world and her popularity.
Moreover, in accordance with the theme about losing something or someone
in the process of reaching the ambition, both of these two major characters do lose
it. I am of the opinion that the unflagging side of a person to attain something
beyond his or her realization leads to the thoughtlessly missing things in the
progress of reaching it. Andrea has to lose Alex, the love of her life, in
unconsciousness of her mind; she loses him for pushing herself too hard in reaching
her ambition in getting her boss‟s recommendation to open lots of opportunities in
writing field. The same condition also happens to Miranda. Her being too
demanding and treating Andrea coarsely lead this woman to lose Andrea. Still, in
the name of her being callous of others and her lacking senses of humility, she does
not let herself down by losing Andrea for there is another Andrea that she can find
out there, sadly to be „tortured‟ by her.
Additionally, in my position as a reader, I believe that both characters are
slightly the same in having a quality of how much endeavor that they produce to
reach their ambition. Therefore, this powers them to have similar value of
persistence. It is told in this Weisberger‟s novel that Andrea idolises Miranda‟s
successful life in the fashion world. Hence, Andrea is inspired to be successful like


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her boss. Yet, Andrea only praises Miranda‟s strength in creating her successful life,
not Miranda‟s being callous in treating her as her inferior.
Apart from the similarities, there is still an essential difference between both
of these characters. I construe one single issue, that is, „beneath‟ this Weisberger‟s
literary work, there is one crucial thing that differentiates Andrea and Miranda:
Andrea knows the wisest thing to be taken at the end of the way of reaching her
ambition while Miranda does not. Indeed, Andrea loses Alex; yet, the good example
of her is she chooses not to let her idolatrous over Miranda overrate and drive her to
be like her devilish boss. She realizes that she can reach her ambition and be her
own self without always being tormented by vituperation silhouette of her evil-like
Futhermore, these two major characters obviously reveal the theme of the
novel that is stated, “One‟s ambition and persistence lead to great opportunities, yet
when one pushes the ambition to the limit, one will lose something or someone in
the process of reaching the ambition”. I personally think that the theme is realistic
because it can happen in real life and it is undoubtedly represented by two lifelike
characters, Andrea and Miranda..
I personally like Andrea because she has a judicial side of personality to
know the limitation of an ordinary human being. She admits that she is an ambitious
woman but she can lift up her position higher than Miranda. She realizes her fault in
wasting her time being ruled by a haughty person named Miranda Priestly. What is
more, she does not want to have the same level of owning deficiency behaviour like


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Last but not least, Lauren Weisberger has portrayed Andrea as an accurate
representation of a living person in this era. As I have to comment, principally life is
about choices that have to be taken by people who run it. The purposes may be
slightly the same but the decision can be different. One can select one‟s own way to
reach one‟s ambition; either it is good or bad, cold blooded or congenial, Miranda or


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Primary Text:
Weisberger, Lauren. The Devil Wears Prada. New York : Anchor Books. 2003

Murphy, M.J. Understanding Unseen. London: Oxford. 1972.
Perrine, Laurence. Story and Structure. New York: Harcourt Brace
Inc. 1974.


Shaw, Harry. Dictionary of Literary Terms. New York: Mcgraw, Hill, Inc. 1972.

Internet Websites:
Betts, Kate. “The Devil Wears Prada”. New York Times. 28 Feb 2008.
Gawker. “The fictional New Yorker book review”. Lauren Weisberger. 26 May
2009. .
Grosvenor, Carrie. “The History of Prada”. Life in Italy. 28 Feb 2009.
Kinetz, Erika. “Devil’s in the Follow-Up”. Lauren Weisberger. 27 Feb 2009.
Wikipedia. Gawker Media.20 April 2010. .
Wikipedia. Lauren Weisberger. 20 April 2010. .


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