Fatma Ningsih, Ikhsanudin, Zainal Arifin

English Education Study Program of Language and Arts Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University




  This research is aimed at improving the eighth- grade students of SMP N 2 Pontianak speaking ability in Academic Year 2017/2018. This research used English video conversation "asking and giving opinion" in teaching speaking. The method of the research was the classroom action research, which consisted of 2 cycles. The subject of this research was the students of class 8F of SMP N 2 Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018. The result of this research showed that the students’ speaking ability in each cycle has improved during their activity in the asking and giving opinion. The technique of data collection in this research observation. The tools of data collection are a recorder, a observation checklist, and a field note. The result of data analysis showed that the students' speaking ability improved after the process the teachers drilling the students' pronunciation continuously and applying vocabulary practice using English video conversation "asking and giving opinion".


English Vide Conversation “Asking and Giving Opinion”,

Speaking, Classroom Action Research


  In Indonesia, English has been taught as one of the compulsory subjects. English teaching and learning process are done to develop students’ communication competencies because the essential goal of learning a foreign language is to enable the students to use it for communication. Moreover, the current curriculum in Indonesia is Curriculum 2013 in which English is taught from junior high school level. It means that students from junior high school need to learn English more active. One of the language skills that must be mastered by the students in learning English is speaking skill. In line with this, Grauberg (1997: 201) states that for many pupils the prime goal of learning a foreign language is to be able to speak it. Speaking skill should be taught and practiced in the language classroom to enable the students to speak or communicate in the target language.

  Based on the researcher’s observation class 8F of SMPN 2 Pontianak, the researcher found that most of the students were lack of vocabularies, it made students unable to pronounce some statements. Some students were not confident to speak English, they were shy when they had to perform in front of the classroom. It made the students uninterested and dislikes speaking. If they do not interest in speaking, teaching-learning cannot be done well and the teaching- learning will be boring.

  To attract the student’s interest in speaking, the researcher used an appropriate media and technique to encourage the students’ speaking audio-visual is a good alternative media in learning English. In this research, the video is as an audio-visual. According to Harmer (2001), an video is not only a great aid to see language-in-use such as comprehension since students are able to see general meanings and moods that are conveyed through expression, gestures, and other visual clues, but also uniquely bridge the cross-cultural understanding. Students love video because video presentation is interesting, challenging, and stimulating. It also brings how people behave in the culture whose language they are learning into the teachers deliver the material in context and also make the students interested in learning English.

  Considering the problems above, the researcher conducted a classroom action research to improve students’ speaking ability through English video conversation “asking and giving opinion”. What the teachers need to do was to apply an appropriate media into the teaching and learning process and the teachers drill the students' speaking continuously. The researcher believed through this research, the media can solve the students' problems.

  Media are any devices that can be used to transmit any knowledge or information to the people. Smaldino, et al (2007) defines media as a mean of communication and sources of information. Media provide a message with an instructional purpose. For the learners, media will send out facts, skills, attitudes, knowledge or additional materials to make learning easier, as it intends to help both the teacher to teach reflectively and the learner to grasp the lesson effectively. In daily life, there are many media that are often seen such as television, radio, book, record, and computer/laptop. Meyer (2002) in Muniandy and Veloo (2011: 173) defines video as a kind of multimedia material consisting of verbal and non-verbal presentations displaying simultaneous images, narration and on-screen text. When the teachers decide to use video as supplementary materials, they must believe that it is closely related with the goals of the course.

  One way to do this is to bring in the video to introduce or to expand a theme of the material that is already part of the curriculum. The teacher is there to choose appropriate sequences, prepare the students for the viewing experience, focus to students’ attention on the content, play and replay the video as needed, design or select viewing tasks, and follow up with suitable post- viewing activities. From the explanation above, media can be identified as any forms of communication whether printed or around the students that can convey messages that motivated the students to learn. In this research, English video conversation is categorized as an audio-visual. English video conversation can help the teacher to communicate and delivers the knowledge or material to the students.

  Videos have advantages of achieving the important goals such as motivating students’ interest, providing realistic listening practice, stimulating language use, and heightening students’ awareness of particular language points or other aspects of communication.

  Heinich (2002:197) said video is the perfect medium for students who are auditory or visual learners. It is important for teachers to select the video, relate the videos to the students’ needs and promote active viewing, and integrate the videos with other areas of the language curriculum.

  Video conversation has advantages of achieving the important goals of motivating students' interest, providing realistic listening practice, stimulating language use, and heightening students' awareness of particular language points or other aspects of communication. They can be improved or destroyed by the way in which the teacher introduces the video. English video conversation can support the teaching- learning process. The students can learn a language not only by listening to how native speakers pronounce some word but also by observing their facial expressions. They can also learn about the culture, what other people wear, eat, from other countries what other people in other countries wear, eat and many more.

  Speaking is so complex because it includes many aspects such as grammar, pronunciation, fluency and vocabularies. The objects of speaking are various such as discussion, speech, debate, dialogue and conversation. In addition, speaking becomes an important need in our daily activities. In education, speaking becomes the bridge between the knowledge and students. In the process of teaching English, speaking can describe how the teaching learning process, students and the teacher, how they give response about study, and how they want to express their idea. Through speaking the students can express their knowledge.

  Speaking also has some important functions for the students such as; Richards (2008:22-24) states that there are three functions of speaking. The first is speaking use for interaction with someone. Speaking as interaction refers to the students normally mean by "conversation" and describes the interaction that served a social function. When people meet, they exchange greetings, engage small talk because they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone of interaction with other. The second is speaking as transaction refers to situations where the focus is on what is said. The third is speaking that can usefully be distinguished has been called speaking as performance. This refers to public speaking that transmits information before an audience, such as a classroom presentation, public announcement, and speeches. Speaking also needs many components.

  There are three components of speaking. 1) The speakers. Speakers are people who produce the sound. They are useful as the tool to express opinion or felling to the hearer. So, if there are no speakers, the opinion or the feelings will not be stated. 2) The listeners. Listeners are people who receive or get a speaker's opinion or feeling. If there are no listeners, speakers will express their opinion by writing. 3) The utterances. The utterances are words or sentences, which are produced by the speakers to state the opinion. If there is no utterance, both of the speakers and the listeners will use sign.

  Brown (2000) cited in the goal and the techniques for teaching conversation are extremely diverse, depending on the students, teacher and overall context of the class. The goal of teaching speaking should improve students’ communicative skills, because only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social communication. speaking performance: imitative for focusing on some particular element of language form, intensive to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language, responsive can stimulate students in speaking, transactional to invite students to engage in a conversation, interpersonal to learn how such features as the relationship in the conversation, and extensive is to practice in the form of oral reports, summaries or perhaps in short speeches.

  So, the teacher can consider some important points in teaching speaking to the students. The students need to know the knowledge of vocabularies, pronunciations, and language functions in English that they are going to use. The teacher then can assist the students to perform their speaking abilities. The knowledge and practices of them are very useful in producing the language appropriately.

  The use of video conversation as a model can help students speak more efficiently in speaking, the students will also be taught to explore and concept their ideas and also comprehend more about difficult pronunciation in speaking. Then, the students are asked to speak up in turn to convey their ideas about asking and giving opinion and respond. In this case, it helps the students to generate their ideas, associate words, and concept for the speech which means it can help the students in improving the speaking ability.

  To make this research becomes clearer, first of all, the teacher explains about asking and giving an opinion and respond. The teacher shows to the students English video conversation about asking and giving opinion and respond. After watching the video, the teacher gives the students opportunities to give a response when the students act as the second speaker on the video. Next, the teacher repeat some sentences based on video and the students try to repeat. Through drilling, it can make the students fluent in speaking. video played twice, video can help students how to pronounce some statements and the purpose is to make students more conversation about asking and giving opinion and performance in front of the class. Each of the students will have 3-4 minutes in performing. The teacher tells the students the aspects that will be marked of scored and consider time in performing the conversation.


  The researcher used classroom action research (CAR) as the research design to help teacher finding the problems. In this case, the researcher had improved the students’ speaking ability of eighth-grade students of SMPN 2 Pontianak by using English video conversation “asking and giving opinion”. Classroom action research is a research which is conducted in the classroom to solve some problems that happen during teaching and learning process. Action research is a systematic procedure done by teachers (or other individuals in an educational setting) to gather information about, and subsequently improve, the ways their particular educational setting operates, their teaching and their student learning (Cresswell, 2012).

  Classroom action research is aimed to improve the quality of teaching and learning process or to solve the real problems happen in the classroom. One of the main aims of action research is to identify a “problematic” situation or issue that the participants – who may include teachers, students, managers, administrators or even parents – consider worth looking into more deeply and systematically (Burns, 2010).

  Action research is systematic, intentional research that is carried out by practitioners themselves and is not imposed by others. According to Goodnough (2011, p. 5)

  “It is insider research in the sense that those directly involved in the situation take action to improve their own practice and their understanding of that practice, while resolving problem

  ”. Through classroom action research, the researcher will be able to solve the problem in the classroom. In the end, it will improve students' achievements in their study.

  Setting and Subject of the Research Setting

  This research has conducted at SMP N

  2 Pontianak which located at Jl. Selayar, Pontianak Selatan Subject

  The researcher had been conducted this research to the eighth grade of SMP N

  2 Pontianak especially 8F class students in academic year 2017/2018. This class consisted of 38 students, comprising 20 male students and 18 female students. The reason the researcher chose that class is that students of that class were not interested and dislike speaking.

  Technique and Tool of Data Collection Technique

  The technique of data collection that are applied in this research: 1) Observation. The researcher had used an observation checklist and field notes. The purpose of the observation was to know the activities during teaching and learning process, such as how the teacher explained the materials, what will the students’ respond and how the students have been worked in doing the test. 2) Oral test. The researcher also used the oral test in order to know the students’ improvement in speaking by using English video conversation “asking and giving opinion”. The researcher had used two videos as a model: “Express Your Opinions (English Speaking)” and “How to Give Your Opinion in English ”.


  The tool of data collection of this research: 1) Recorder. The researcher used a recorder to record the students' speaking performance. By recording the students' performance, the researcher hoped that it made the researcher easier to observe and scored the students' speaking. 2) Observation Checklist. Observation checklist consisted of the action applied by the researcher to see the improvement of the students’ listening skill by using English by the researcher. It was a contemporaneous note of observations taken during the teaching and learning process. The collaborator wrote down anything occurred during the application of the technique, including the obstacle that the teacher and collaborator had found in teaching-learning process. 4) Students’ performance. The researcher gave a test to the students in order to see the improvement of the speaking ability. The test was students in the pair they made a conversation about asking and giving opinion. It had been done in oral form. So the students were asked to speak based on the topic that gave to them. 5) Scoring table. The scoring table was the main tools in collecting data in this research. The aspects of assessment rubric consist of pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and accuracy.

  Data Analysis

  The researcher findings had mostly come from the outcome of observation checklist, field note and students’ speaking practice that had been analyzed. Specifically for students’ speaking practice result, the formula as follow:

  ...... (1)

  Notes: M

  = the average of students’ speaking ability mean of students’ test score = the total sum of students’ responses (by measuring students’ performance) N = the number of the students being observed

  If the students’ individual score is higher from cycle to cycle, the researcher considered that the students’ speaking using English video conversation “asking and giving opinion” improved.


  The researcher describes the findings of this research based on the research purpose was mentioned in chapter I that some made students unable to pronounce some statement and some students were not confident to speak English, they were shy when they had to perform in front of the classroom. The researcher of this research believed that using English video conversation “asking and giving opinion” can improve students’ speaking ability.

  To convince the idea, a classroom action research was conducted in the eighth grade of SMP N 2 Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018 on March 14 th – 23 rd , 2018. Two cycles were carried out involving 38 students and a collaborator.

  In the first cycle, the teacher introduced and shows the video about "asking and giving opinion" into the material. Some of the students participated in the teaching- learning process. The teacher asks students to repeat statement based on an example of video and speaking aloud gradually and together. The students would be asked to find some new words. It aimed at helping the students understand the content of the video. It also helped the students in understanding some new words in the next task. The pronunciation practice was done after the vocabulary practice. The teacher would pronounce those new words and the students repeated after it. The vocabulary practice and pronunciation practice would help the students to enrich their vocabulary mastery and give more practice to pronounce some words in speaking.

  During teaching and learning, they pay attention to the teacher but there were some students did not pay attention and kept talking to their friends. Most of them were passive asking and answering the questions. That was a bad response. The result in the first cycle was very unsatisfactory. Most students had a low score because most of them were still having insufficient speaking and also some students shy or not confidence to show themselves in front of the class. It can be seen that the result of the student's mean score was categorized as fail. The result of the first cycle is 64.4 which is categorized as fail. Based on the indicator of

  The teacher and the researcher needed to overcome the problem such as asked the students to watch English video conversation seriously and repaired their task asked the students to be active and good pronunciation based on the video and motivated the students to improve their speaking through performance. There were other problems; the first problem was about time management. The teacher did not have any time to conclude all the material in the last activity because the time has ended. The last problem was the students were not too serious when did their tasks. They were joking to their friends and disturbing other students' concentration.

  In the second cycle, the teacher gave English video conversation "How to Give Your Opinion in English" and the teacher explains more about the statement that included about asking and giving opinion. The video was played second times. The researcher also asked the students to listen and repeat the dialogue in the video several times to help them learn how to pronounce each word. Vocabulary practice and pronunciation practice were still applied.

  These activities were used again in order for the student's vocabulary mastery keep increasing and they would understand the content of the video. Besides, the students would always get pronunciation practice. Since the students' pronunciation still needed to be improved, the pronunciation practice was also added by imitating the speaker from the video and practicing some dialogues.

  They looked excitedly because the video seemed to attract them. The teacher asks students to repeat statement based on the example of video and speaking aloud gradually and together. The teacher then told the students to make a conversation with pair work based on video and perform in front of the class, after watching the video the students make conversation based on the video with pair work. The teacher played video while explaining material about asking and giving opinion and give some example. The teacher asked the students to perform at

  The teacher and collaborator checked the stude nts’ score. The result was satisfying because most of the students showed improvement in their individual score. The teacher and the collaborator observed the result of planning and acting. They observed the whole process in the second cycle such as lesson plan, teaching materials, teacher performance, and students’ response.

  The teacher and collaborator found the students gave positive response during the activity. The students really excited about the English video conversation. The students seem more ready to perform and the students could speak English fluently and pronounce some statement and word clearly, and be confident in performing in front of the class. The result in the second cycle was a bit satisfactory. It can be seen that the result of the student's mean score was categorized as good. The result of the second cycle is 77.5 which is categorized as good. Based on the indicator of success, this result was still satisfying.

  Based on the result of planning, acting and observing toward teaching-learning process in cycle 2, the researcher and the teacher were satisfied because the purpose to improve the students' speaking ability by using English video conversation "asking and giving opinion" had been reached. The students mean score was improved. It can be seen from the students' speak English and fluently pronounce some statement and word, and the confidence to perform in front of the class in the second cycle.

  Research Discussion

  From the research finding, the researcher had some important points to be discussed: from the observation in cycle 1, it was found that the researcher collaborated with the teacher to apply the English video conversation "asking and giving opinion" to help the students to get the ideas of speaking. But, the students are difficult on how to pronounce some statement. The teacher started to focus on how the students pronounce. students in speaking was still poor. The first cycle was not satisfying and still needed much effort to gain the goal of English video conversation “asking and giving opinion” applied. The result of the first cycle is 64.4 which is categorized as fail. It meant that the second cycle should be conducted. So, in the next step, the teacher had to give a more detail explanation about English video conversation "asking and giving opinion". The teacher should re-explain about the material briefly and clearly in the next cycle. The researcher and the teacher had also to monitor all the students during the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

  Since the researcher conducted cycle 2 of this research, it indicated that the previous cycle was a failure to improve the students' speaking achievement or lower. As a result of the observation, it was found that the students get better improvement from the previous cycle. In this action, vocabulary practice and pronunciation practice were applied. Pre- teaching any unusual vocabulary contained in the video was needed and aimed at helping the students enrich their vocabulary. So, when they watched the video, they could understand the content of the video. The pronunciation practice was the follow-up activity of vocabulary practice. Brown (2001:271) says that by using drilling, students will get an opportunity to listen and orally repeat some words. To make it more interesting, pronunciation practice was also done through the video. The students listened to the speaker’s utterances in the video and repeated after it.

  The use of both actions successfully helped the students improve their pronunciation and vocabulary mastery. So, t he researcher tried to explore the students’ vocabulary mastery through English video conversation “how to give your opinion in

  English”. The teacher elaborated the students’ vocabulary and practices it to pronounce. Based on the result of observation, the students could start speaking and pronounce their vocabulary and some statement, and the speaking activity more activity.

  From the observation in cycle 2, it concluded that the student in speaking is better than previous. It found that the second cycle was satisfied and the goal of using English video conversation

  ”asking and giving opinion” applied. The result of the second cycle is 77.50 which are categorized as good. It meant that the second cycle was successful. The students ready to perform and the students could speak English fluently and pronounce some statement and word clearly, and be confident in performing in front of the class. The students became more active and enjoy the lesson since they were always enthusiastic and excited about watching and listening to the video as the speaking model. The students can learn the language not only by listening but also by observing native speakers pronounce some words, their facial expressions, and gestures.

  However, speaking performance has a weakness, for example when the students perform, the classroom becomes noisy and there are some students wrong in pronouncing some statements, but it is no problem for students in perform speaking, the most important point is that the students dare to try speaking.

  From field notes and observation checklist description and also students’ mean score that improved from cycle to cycle, it is found out that English video conversation “asking and giving opinion “ improved speaking ability.


  Referring to the discussion in chapter

  IV, it could be concluded that: 1) The students of SMP N 2 Pontianak in class 8F problem in speaking are caused the students were lack of vocabularies, it is made students unable to pronounce some statement and some students were not confident to speak English, they were shy when they had to perform in front of classroom. It also makes them uninterested in speaking. 2) The problem of the students in pronunciation pronunciation continuously. English video conversation “asking and giving opinion” could positively encourage the students to speak English. 3) Giving pronunciation practice also cou ld improve the students’ pronunciation. The students got more practices to pronounce the words in some ways. The pronunciation practice was also done by imitating the speaker from the video. It made the activity more interesting. 4) The use of video made the classroom atmosphere more enjoyable and led the students to speak English. The students to be confident to speak. Through video English the students become more interesting, interactive, active and also can attract the students attention in learning English. The use of videos as the main media gave the students an appropriate speaking model to help them in learning speaking. They could watch and listen to some expressions used by the speaker clearly.

  Based on the result of analysis and conclusion, it is concluded that the English video conversation “asking and giving opinion” can improves the students’ speaking of the class 8F of SMPN 2 Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018.

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  Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. (Sixth ed.).

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  Goodnough, K. (2011). Taking Action in

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  ’ pronunciation continuously and applying vocabulary practice based on the video in the opening of the lesson helped the students to enrich their vocabulary. 2) The teacher should always give opportunities for the students to practice as they learn best when they experience the language themselves. 3) The students should always practice speaking in order to build their speaking habits which will be very beneficial to improve their skills in speaking. 4) The students should participate actively in every task and activity which includes practices inside and outside the classroom in order to using video as teaching media to provide authentic models of English accompanied by applying some communicative speaking activities can be effective solutions to improve the students’ speaking. 6) The researchers should be more creative in using various video teaching techniques and designing other activities so that the students have more opportunity to speak in an interesting way. 7) Find the videos which are suitable with the core competencies, basic competencies, and also the students' proficiency level.

  Based on the research finding that the researcher has found teaching learning activity especially in speaking that English video conversation “asking and giving opinion” can improve the students’ speaking. Therefore, it is suggested: 1) The teachers drill the students

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