A comparison of IFRS, Indonesian GAAP and US GAAP

January 2005

Similarities and Differences

A comparison of IFRS, Indonesian GAAP and US GAAP

Published by Kantor Akuntan Publik Haryanto Sahari & Rekan - PricewaterhouseCoopers Gedung PricewaterhouseCoopers Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-3 Jakarta 12920 – INDONESIA Tel: +62 21 5212901 – 06 Fax: +62 21 5212911/12

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© 2005 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All right reserved. PricewaterhouseCoopers refer to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.

January 2005

Cover: Photo courtesy of Camelia Siagian, Senior Associate, Assurance Services.



Since 1994 the accounting profession in Indonesia, through the Indonesian Preface


Institute of Accountants, has committed to harmonizing the Indonesian accounting standards (called the “PSAK” or “Indonesian GAAP) with the



International Financial Reporting Standards/the International Accounting Summary of similarities and differences

Standards (“IFRS/IAS”). Consequently there are many PSAK issued by the Accounting framework

Indonesian Institute of Accountants that are based on the existing IFRS/IAS.

Financial statements

In 2004, the Indonesian accounting profession took one more significant Consolidated financial statements

step toward convergence with IFRS by launching a program, expected to be Business combinations

finalised in 2008, to eliminate the differences between PSAK and IFRS/IAS. Once this stage is completed, the Indonesian Institute of Accountants will

Revenue recognition

decide whether it will, going forward, fully adopt IFRS/IAS. Expense recognition


This publication is intended as a tool to identify key similarities and differences between IFRS/IAS, Indonesian GAAP and US GAAP. It is not


meant to provide a detailed comprehensive comparison amongst the three Equity

sets of accounting principles. This will be a living document, one which will Derivatives and hedging

be updated from time to time to reflect changes in each reporting regime. Other accounting and reporting issues

Hopefully this publication will be useful for our clients, our staff and public in Foreign currency translation

general, whether based in or outside of Indonesia.

Foreign currency translation – hyperinflationary Economy

Earnings per share

Kind regards,

Related-party transactions

Segment reporting

Discontinued operations

Post-balance-sheet events

Interim financial reporting

Haryanto Sahari


Country Senior Partner




Summary of similarities and differences

This publication by KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is for those who wish to gain a

US GAAP PAGE broad understanding of the key similarities and differences between International Financial Reporting



Indonesian GAAP

Accounting framework

Standards (IFRS), Indonesian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Indonesian GAAP) and US

Similar to IFRS. However, No revaluations, except 21 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). The first section provides a summary of the

Historical cost

Uses historical cost, but

some securities and similarities and differences and then refers to individual sections where key divergences are highlighted and

intangible assets,

revaluations are more

property plant and

restricted to certain items

derivatives at fair value.

equipment (PPE) and

such as PPE, derivatives

the likely impact of recent proposals explained.

investment property may

and certain types of

be revalued. Derivatives,

investments in securities.

No summary publication can, of course, do justice to the many differences of detail which exist between

biological assets and

Presently there is no

most securities must be

specific requirement to

International Financial Reporting Standards and those in Indonesia and USA. We have, in particular,


revalue biological assets.

focused on the differences most commonly found in practice; detailed rules may apply very differently in the

Conceptually similar to 22 case of specific transactions. When applying the individual accounting frameworks, readers must consult all

Fair presentation

In extremely rare cases,

Not explicitly mentioned

IFRS, but not used in the relevant accounting standards and, where applicable, their national law. Listed companies must also


entities should override

in the GAAP. However,

the standards where

override of standards is


follow relevant securities regulations, such as the Indonesian Capital Market Supervisory Board (BAPEPAM)

essential to give a fair

possible although rarely



requirements or the US Securities and Exchange Commission requirements.

First-time adoption of

Requires full

No specific guidance on

First-time adoption of US 22

GAAP requires International harmonisation of accounting is a current issue. This publication demonstrates that although

accounting frameworks

retrospective application

the first-time adoption of

retrospective application. progress is being made towards comparability between the underlying principles of IFRS, Indonesian

of all IFRS effective at

accounting framework.

the reporting date for an

However, most

In addition, particular

GAAP and US GAAP, important differences remain to be addressed. This publication takes account of standards specify

entity’s first IFRS

standards require

treatment for first-time authoritative pronouncements issued under IFRS and US GAAP up to June 2004. For Indonesian GAAP

financial statements with


adoption of those pronouncements taken into account are those issued up to December 2004.

some exemptions and


limited mandatory



Similarities and Differences - A Comparison of IFRS, Indonesian GAAP and US GAAP is designed for

Financial statements

Similar to IFRS, except 23 comprehensive and information may have been omitted which may be relevant to a particular user. In

the information of readers. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, this publication is not

Components of financial

Two years’ balance

Similar to IFRS.


sheets, income

three years required for

particular, this publication is not intended as a study of all aspects of accounting practice under IFRS, public companies for all

statements, cash flow

statements except Indonesian GAAP and US GAAP, nor as a substitute for reading the local accounting standards and other

statements, changes in

balance sheet. official pronouncements when dealing with specific issues. No responsibility for loss to any person acting or

equity and accounting

policies and notes.

Entities may present 24 & Rekan (PricewaterhouseCoopers). Recipients should not act on the basis of this publication without

refraining from acting as a result of any material in this publication can be accepted by KAP Haryanto Sahari

Balance sheet

Does not prescribe a

Requires current/non-

particular format; an

current presentation

either a classified or non-

classified balance sheet. seeking professional advice.

entity uses a liquidity

except for certain

presentation of assets

industries such banking.

Items presented on the

face of the balance sheet No part of this publication may be reproduced by any method without prior consent of KAP Haryanto Sahari

and liabilities, instead of

a current/non-current

Less comprehensive list

are generally presented

in decreasing order of & Rekan (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

presentation, only when

of items to be presented

a liquidity presentation

on the face of the

liquidity. Public

provides more relevant

balance sheet.

companies must follow

and reliable information.

SEC guidelines regarding

Certain items must be

minimum disclosure

presented on the face of


the balance sheet.

US GAAP PAGE Financial statements (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Financial statements (continued)

Income statement

Does not prescribe a

Similar to IFRS.

Present as either a

26 Cash flow statements –

Standard headings, but

Similar to IFRS. Listed

Similar headings to IFRS, 28

standard format,

However, there are

single-step or multiple-

format and method

limited flexibility of

entities are required to

but more specific

although expenditure

differences in details of

step format.

contents. Use direct or

use direct method.

guidance given for items

must be presented in one

items to be presented on

indirect method.

included in each

of two formats (function

the face of the income

Expenditure must be

category. Use direct or

or nature). Certain items


presented by function.

indirect method.

must be presented on the face of the income

Cash flow statements –

Cash includes overdrafts

Similar to IFRS.

Cash excludes


definition of cash and

and cash equivalents

overdrafts but includes

cash equivalents with Exceptional items

cash equivalents

with short-term

Does not use the term,

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS, but

maturities (less than 3

short-term maturities.

but requires separate

individually significant


disclosure of items that

items should be

are of such size,

presented on the face of

Cash flow statements –

No exemptions.

Similar to IFRS.

Limited exemptions for 28

incidence or nature that

the income statement.


certain investment

require separate


disclosure to explain the

Changes in accounting

Restate comparatives

Similar to IFRS.

Include effect in current- 29

performance of the


and prior-year opening

year income statement.

Disclose pro-forma Extraordinary items


retained earnings.


Extraordinary items still

Defined as being both

comparatives. Include

need to be reported

infrequent and unusual,


when meeting the

and are rare. Negative

adjustments for specific


goodwill is presented as


an extraordinary item.

Correction of errors

Restate comparatives.

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

Definition of extraordinary item is

Changes in accounting

Reported in income

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

similar to US GAAP.


statement in the current period.

Statement of recognised

Present the statement of

Recognised gains and

Disclose total

gains and losses/other

recognised gains and

losses are presented

comprehensive income

Consolidated financial statements

comprehensive income

losses as either in notes

within the primary

and accumulated other

or highlight separately in

statement of changes in

comprehensive income,

Definition of subsidiary

Based on voting control

Definition is similar to

Controlling interest 31

primary statement of

shareholder equity.

either as a separate

or power to govern. The

IFRS. However, no

through majority

changes in shareholder

primary statement or

existence of currently

explicit requirement to

ownership of voting


combined with income

exercisable potential

consider currently

shares or by contract.

statement, or with

voting rights also needs

exercisable potential

Consolidate variable

statement of changes in

to be taken into

voting rights.

interest entities (VIEs) in

stockholders’ equity.


which a parent does not have voting control but

Statement of changes in

absorbs the majority of shareholders’ equity

Statement showing

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS. SEC

capital transactions with

rules allow such

losses or returns.

owners, the movement in

information to be

accumulated profit and a

included in the notes.

Special purposes entities Consolidate where the

Similar to IFRS.

Consolidate SPEs if 31

reconciliation of all other


substance of the


components of equity.

relationship indicates

requirements for VIEs are

The statement must be


met. To avoid

presented as a primary

consolidation, the SPE


must be a qualifying SPE.

US GAAP PAGE Consolidated financial statements (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Business combinations (continued)

Similar to IFRS, but 39 subsidiaries

Non-consolidation of

Dissimilar activities or

Subsidiaries are not

Only if control does not

32 Purchase method – fair

Fair value the assets,

Similar to IFRS.

temporary control are not consolidated if control is

rest with the majority

values on acquisition

liabilities and contingent

specific rules for

a justification for non-

temporary (short term) or

owner and the owner is

liabilities of acquired

acquired in-process


if there are long-term

not the primary


research and

restrictions to transfer

beneficiary of a VIE.

development (generally

funds to the parent.

expensed) and contingent liabilities.

Dissimilar activities are not a justification for non-

Only recognise liabilities

Similar to IFRS.

Some restructuring


for restructuring activities

liabilities relating solely to

the acquired entity may Definition of associate

when the acquiree has

Based on significant

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

an existing liability at

be recognised in fair

influence: presumed if

acquisition date.

value exercise if specific

20% interest or

Prohibited from

criteria about

participation in entity’s

recognising liabilities for

restructuring plans are


further losses or other


Presentation of associate Use equity method.

Does not specifically

Similar to IFRS.

costs expected to be


Show share of post-tax

require showing share of

incurred as a result of the


post-tax result.

business combinations.

Disclosures about

Not recognised until the 40 significant associates

Give detailed information

Less disclosure

Similar to IFRS.

33 Purchase method –

Include in cost of

Similar to IFRS.

on significant associates’

compared to IFRS.

contingent consideration combination at

contingency is resolved

assets, liabilities,

Information on

acquisition date if

or the amount is

revenue and results.

significant associates’

adjustment is probable


assets, liabilities,

and can be measured

revenue and results not


Generally state at share 41 Presentation of joint


Purchase method –

State at minority’s

Similar to US GAAP,

of pre-acquisition ventures

Both proportional

Current guidance only

Equity method is

35 minority interests at

proportion of the net fair

generally state at share

consolidation and equity

covers Jointly Controlled

required except in


value of acquired

of pre-acquisition

carrying value of net

method permitted.

Operations and Jointly

specific circumstances.

identifiable assets,

carrying value of net


Controlled Assets and is

liabilities and contingent


comparable to IFRS.


However, for Jointly

Purchase method –

Capitalise but do not

Goodwill is amortised

Similar to IFRS; however, 42

Controlled Entity, IFRS

goodwill and intangible

amortise. Review

over its useful life,


measurement model is Business combinations

approach is acceptable.

assets with indefinite

goodwill and indefinite-

normally not longer than

useful lives

lived intangible assets for

5 years, unless a longer


impairment at least

period of not exceeding


All business

Most business

Similar to IFRS.

annually at the cash-

20 years can be justified.

combinations are

combinations are

generating unit level.


acquisitions. Pooling of

Purchase method –

Acquirer to reassess the

Reduce proportionally

Reduce proportionately 43

interests still allowed if

negative goodwill

identification and

the fair value assigned to

the fair values assigned

certain criteria are met.

measurement of

non-monetary assets,

to non-current assets

acquiree’s identifiable

record any remaining

(with certain exceptions).

assets, liabilities and

excess as deferred

Any excess is recognised

contingent liabilities.

income and recognise as

in the income statement

Any excess remaining

income over a period of

immediately as an

after that reassessment

not less than 20 years.

extraordinary gain.

is recognised in income statement immediately.

US GAAP PAGE Business combinations (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Expense recognition

55 subsequent adjustments

Purchase method –

Fair values can be

Fair values can be

Similar to IFRS. Once the

43 Interest expense

Interest expense

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

adjusted against

corrected against

fair value allocation is

recognised on an accrual

to fair values

goodwill within 12

goodwill up to the end of

finalised, no further

basis. Effective yield

months of the acquisition the year after acquisition,

changes are permitted

method used to amortise

date. Record subsequent if additional evidence of

except for the resolution

non-cash finance

adjustments in income

values becomes

of known pre-acquisition


statement unless they

available. Record

contingencies. Record

are to correct an error.

subsequent adjustments

against goodwill the

Employee benefits –

Use projected unit credit

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS

in income statement

adjustments made

pension costs – defined

method to determine

conceptually, although

unless they are to correct

during the allocation

benefit plans

benefit obligation.

several differences in

an error.

period relating to data for


which management was

Employee share

Recognise expense for

Basically all share-based

Two alternative methods 59

waiting to complete the


services acquired. The

compensation measured

for determining cost:

intrinsic value (market Purchase method –


corresponding amount

at fair value.

price at measurement disclosure

Disclosures include

Disclosures include

Similar to IFRS, with

will be recorded either as

names and descriptions

names and descriptions

additional disclosures

a liability or as an

date less any employee

of combining entities,

of the combining entities,

regarding the reasons for

increase in equity,

contribution or exercise

date of acquisition, cost

method of accounting for the acquisition and

depending on whether

price) or fair value at

of combination,

acquisition, date of

details of allocations.

the transaction is

issue using option

summary of fair values

acquisition and any

determined to be cash-

pricing model.

and pre-acquisition IFRS

operations resulting from

or equity-settled. The

Recognise cost of share

values of assets and

the business

amount to be recorded is

awards or options over

liabilities acquired, and

combination which the

measured at the fair

period of employee’s

impact on results and

entity has decided to

value of the shares or


financial position of

dispose off.

share options granted.

Similar to IFRS for post- 61 Uniting of interests


Termination benefits

Account for post-

Similar to IFRS.

retirement benefits. More method


Still allowed when it is

Similar to IFRS.

retirement benefits as

difficult to identify the

pensions. Rules also

detailed guidance given

acquirer and if meeting

given for termination

for termination benefits.

certain criteria.

benefits arising from

Termination indemnity

accounted for as pension Revenue recognition

redundancies and other

post-employment and

plans and calculated as

either the vested benefit Revenue recognition

long-term employee

Based on several criteria,

Criteria are similar to

Four key criteria. In

benefits. Account for

obligation or the actuarial

which require the

IFRS. However, there are

principle, similar to IFRS.

termination indemnity

present value of the

recognition of revenue

less detailed guidance

Extensive detailed

plans as pensions.

vested benefits.

when risks and rewards

and examples for

guidance exists for

have been transferred

specific transactions.

specific transactions.


and the revenue can be

Acquired intangible

Capitalise if recognition

Similar to IFRS, except

Capitalise purchased 63

intangible assets, Construction contracts

measured reliably.


criteria are met;

that useful life of an

Accounted for using the

Similar to IFRS.

Percentage of

intangible assets must be intangible asset is always

amortise over useful life

percentage of

completion method is

amortised over useful life. finite.

and review for

completion method.

preferable; however,

Intangibles assigned an

impairment. Intangibles

Completed contract

completed contract

indefinite useful life must

assigned an indefinite

method prohibited.

method permitted in rare

not be amortised but

useful life must be not be


reviewed annually for

amortised but reviewed


for impairment annually.

Revaluations are

Revaluations are not

Revaluations are not

permitted in rare




US GAAP PAGE Assets (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Assets (continued)

Impairment is assessed 72 intangible assets

Internally generated

Expense research costs

Similar to IFRS.

Expense both research

63 Impairment of assets

If impairment indicated,

Similar to IFRS except

as incurred. Capitalise

and development costs

write down assets to

the requirement to

on undiscounted cash

and amortise

as incurred. Some

higher of net selling price

reconsider useful lives

flows for assets to be

development costs only

software and website

and value in use based

when no loss arises is

held and used. If less

if stringent criteria are

development costs must

on discounted cash

not specified.

than carrying amount,


be capitalised.

flows. If no loss arises,

measure impairment loss

using market value or Property, plant and

reconsider useful lives of

discounted cash flows. equipment

Use historical cost or

Use historical cost.

Revaluations not

those assets. Reversals

revalued amounts.

Revaluation is generally


of losses permitted in

Reversals of losses

Regular valuations of

not permitted unless

certain circumstances.


entire classes of assets

allowed by government

are required when


For assets held for

revaluation option is

disposal, impairment is


Current proposal is

based on lower of

carrying amount and fair Non-current assets held

similar to IFRS.

value less cost to sell. for sale

Non-current asset is

No specific guidance.

Similar to IFRS.

classified as held for sale

Capitalisation of

Permitted, but not

Required for qualifying


if its carrying amount will

borrowing costs

required, for qualifying


be recovered principally


through a sale transaction rather than

Investment property

Measure at depreciated

Usually classified as part

Treat the same as for 74

through continuing use.

cost or fair value and

of long-term

other properties

Measure a non-current

recognise changes in fair

investments. Measured

(depreciated cost).

asset classified as held

value in the income

at cost but not

for sale at the lower of its



carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.


Carry at lower of cost

Similar to IFRS except

Similar to IFRS; however, 75

use of LIFO permitted. Leases – classification

and net realisable value.

LIFO method may still be

A lease is a finance lease

Finance lease if certain

Similar to IFRS, but with

Use FIFO or weighted


if substantially all risks

criteria, which are more

more extensive form-

average method to

Reversal of write-down is

and rewards of


driven requirements.

determine cost. LIFO


ownership are

requirements, are met.

prohibited. Reversal is

transferred. Substance

required for subsequent

rather than form is

increase in value of


previous write-downs.

Not specified. Generally 76 accounting

Leases – lessor

Record amounts due

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS, but with

71 Biological assets

Measured at fair value

Not specified. Generally

under finance leases as a

specific rules for

less estimated point-of-

historical cost used.

historical cost used.

receivable. Allocate

leveraged leases.

sale costs.

gross earnings to give

Current proposal is

constant rate of return

similar to IFRS.

based on (pre-tax) net investment method.

US GAAP PAGE Liabilities



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Liabilities (continued)

Similar to IFRS, but 86 measurement

Financial assets –

Depends on

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS; however,

77 Deferred income taxes –

Use full provision

Similar to IFRS.

classification of

no ability to designate

general approach

method (some

recognise all deferred tax

investment – if held to

any financial asset or

exceptions) driven by

assets and then provide

maturity or loan or

liability as at fair value

balance sheet temporary

valuation allowance if

receivable, then carry at

through profit or loss.

differences. Recognise

recovery is less than

amortised cost,

deferred tax assets if

50% likely.

otherwise at fair value.

recovery is probable.

Unrealised gains/losses

A number of specific

on fair value through

differences in

profit or loss


classification (including trading securities)

Deferred income taxes –

No temporary

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS regarding 86

recognised in the income

main exceptions

differences on non-

non-deductible goodwill.

statement and on

deductible goodwill and

Initial recognition


initial recognition of

exemption does not

investments recognised

assets and liabilities that


in equity.

do not impact on accounting or taxable

Derecognition of financial Derecognise financial

No general guidance for

Derecognise based on



assets based on risks

derecognition of financial

control. Legal isolation of

and rewards first; control

assets in general (except

assets even in

Government grants

Recognise as deferred

No specific guidance.

Similar to IFRS except 90

is secondary test.

for some financial assets.

bankruptcy is necessary

income and amortise.

long-lived asset

For example, those

for derecognition.

Entities may offset

contributions recorded

arising from factoring).

capital grants against

as revenue.

However, IFRS approach

asset values.

Similar to IFRS. Specific 90 Provisions – general

is acceptable.

Leases – lessee

Record finance leases as

Broadly similar to IFRS.

Record the provisions

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS, with

83 accounting

asset and obligation for

However, there are some

rules must be met to

relating to present

rules for specific

future rentals. Depreciate differences in

record a finance or

obligations from past

situations (employee

over useful life of asset.

determining the amount

capital lease.

events if outflow of

termination costs,

Apportion rental

of obligation and interest

resources is probable

environmental liabilities,

payments to give


and can be reliably

loss contingencies, etc.).

constant interest rate on


outstanding obligation. Charge operating lease

Provisions – restructuring Recognise restructuring

Similar to IFRS.

Recognition of a liability

rentals on straight-line

provisions if detailed

based solely on


formal plan announced

commitment to a plan is

or implementation

prohibited. Must meet

Leases – lessee

For a finance lease, defer

Similar to IFRS, i.e. defer

Timing of profit and loss 91

effectively begun.

the definition of a liability,

accounting: sale and

and amortise profit

and amortise profit.

recognition depends on

including certain criteria

leaseback transactions

arising on sale and

whether seller

regarding the likelihood

finance leaseback. If an

relinquishes substantially

that no changes will be

operating lease arises,

all or a minor part of the

made to the plan or that

profit recognition

use of the asset.

the plan will be

depends on sale

Immediately recognise


proceeds compared to

losses. Consider specific

strict criteria if a property Contingencies

fair value of the asset.

Disclose unrecognised

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

Consider substance/


possible losses and

linkage of the

probable gains.


US GAAP PAGE Liabilities (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Derivatives and hedging (continued)

Similar to IFRS, except 102 classification

Financial liabilities –

Classify capital

Broadly similar to IFRS;

Where an instrument is

93 Derivatives and other

Gains/losses on hedges

Similar to US GAAP.

instruments depending

however, guidance is

not a share, classify as

financial instruments –

of foreign entity

all hedge ineffectiveness

on substance of the

less comprehensive.

liability when obligation

measurement of hedges

investments are

is recognised in the

issuer’s obligations.

to transfer economic

of foreign entity

recognised in equity,

income statement.

benefit exists.


including hedge ineffectiveness on non-

Mandatorily redeemable

No guidance for

Similar to IFRS.

derivatives. For

preference shares

mandatorily redeemable

derivatives, record hedge

classified as liabilities.

preference shares.

ineffectiveness in the income statement.

Convertible debt

Account for convertible

Convertible debt is

Convertible debt is

debt on split basis,

usually recognised as a

usually recognised as a

Gains/losses held in

allocating proceeds



equity must be

between equity and debt.

transferred to the income statement on disposal of

Derecognition of financial Derecognise liabilities

Generally similar to IFRS;

Similar to IFRS.



when extinguished. The

however, guidance is

difference between the

less comprehensive.

Other accounting and reporting topics

carrying amount and the amount paid is

Functional currency

Currency of primary

The currency mainly

Similar to IFRS.

recognised in the income


economic environment in

used in the entity’s


which entity operates.



Functional currency –

If indicators are mixed

Functional currency if

Similar to IFRS; however, 105

no specific hierarchy of Capital instruments –


and functional currency

meeting all the following

factors to consider. purchase of own shares

Show as deduction from

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

is not obvious, use

indicators: cash flows,


judgement to determine

selling prices and costs.

Generally the currency in

which the majority of Derivatives and hedging

the functional currency

that most faithfully

revenues and expenses

represents the economic

are settled.

Derivatives and other

Measure derivatives and

Similar to US GAAP.

Similar to IFRS, except

results of the entity’s

financial instruments –

hedge instruments at fair

no ‘basis adjustment’ on

operations by focusing

measurement of financial

value; recognise

cash flow hedges of

on the currency of the

instruments and hedging

changes in fair value in

forecast transactions.

economy that


income statement

determines the pricing of

except for effective cash

transactions (not the

flow hedges, where the

currency in which

changes are deferred in

transactions are

equity until effect of the


underlying transaction is recognised in the income

Presentation currency

When financial

The presentation

Similar to IFRS.


statements are presented currency is Indonesian in a currency other than

Rupiah. Other currencies

Gains/losses from hedge

functional currency,

may be used as a

instruments that are

assets and liabilities are

presentation currency

used to hedge forecast

translated at exchange

provided they meet the

transaction may be

rate at balance sheet

functional currency

included in cost of non-

date. Income statement


financial asset/liability

items are translated at

(basis adjustment).

exchange rate at dates of transactions, or use average rates if rates do not fluctuate significantly.

US GAAP PAGE Other accounting and reporting topics (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Other accounting and reporting topics (continued)

110 economy – definition


Hyperinflation indicated

No specific guidance.

Currency in highly


Disclose name of related

Disclose name of related

Similar to IFRS.

by characteristics of

inflationary environment

transactions –

party, nature of

party, nature of

economic environment

(three-year inflation rate


relationship and types of

relationship and types of

of country, which

of approximately 100%

transaction. For control

transaction if there have

include: population’s

or more).

relationships, give

been transactions

attitude towards local

disclosures regardless of

between related parties.

currency and prices

whether transactions

Also disclose volume of

linked to price index; and



if cumulative inflation

outstanding items and

rate over three years is

pricing policies.

approaching, or exceeds, 100%.

Some exemptions

Some exemptions

Exemptions are narrower

than under IFRS. Hyperinflationary

available for separate

available, including

Entities that have as

No specific guidance.

Generally does not

financial statements of

exemption for intragroup

economy – measurement functional currency the

permit inflation-adjusted


transactions in

currency of a

financial statements;

consolidated financial


instead requires the use

statements and

economy must use it for

of a more stable currency

exemption for

measuring transactions.

as functional currency

transactions between

However, re-

(usually the presentation

state-controlled entities.

measurement of the

currency). However,

measurement unit at the

foreign issuers that use

Segment reporting –

Public entities: report

Similar to IFRS.

Public entities: report 111

balance sheet date is

IFRS permitted to omit

scope and basis of

primary and secondary

based on operating


quantification of any


(business and

segments and the way

differences that would

geographic) segments

the chief operating

have resulted from

based on risks and


application of FAS 52.

returns and internal

evaluates financial

information for purposes Earnings per share –

reporting structure.

of allocating resources diluted

Use weighted average

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

potential dilutive shares

and assessing

as denominator for


diluted EPS.

Segment reporting –

Use group accounting

Similar to IFRS.

Use internal financial 112

Use ‘treasury share’

accounting policies


reporting policies (even if

method for share

accounting policies differ


from group accounting policy).


Determine by level of

Similar to IFRS; however,

Similar to IFRS.

Similar disclosures to 112 – definition


direct or indirect control,

joint control is not

Segment reporting –

Disclosures for primary

Similar to IFRS.

joint control and

specifically mentioned.


segment include

IFRS (primary segment)

significant influence of

revenues, results, capital

except liabilities and

one party over another or

expenditures, total

geographical capital

common control of both

assets and liabilities, and

expenditures not


other items. For

required. Depreciation,

secondary segment,

amortisation, tax, interest

report revenues, total

and exceptional/

assets and capital

extraordinary items


disclosed if reported internally. Disclosure of factors used to identify segments is required.

US GAAP PAGE Other accounting and reporting topics (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Other accounting and reporting topics (continued)

If issued, the contents of 116 – definition

Discontinued operations

Operations and cash

A component of a

Similar to IFRS.

Interim financial reporting Not mandatory to

Mandatory for listed

flows that can be clearly

company that is,

Component that is

prepare interim

entities and other entities

interim statements are

distinguished for

pursuant to a single plan,

clearly distinguishable

statements but must use

as stipulated by

prescribed and basis

financial reporting and

will be disposed of or

operationally and for

the standard if prepared.

prevailing laws and

must be consistent with

represent a separate

abandoned. That

financial reporting can be

Basis should be

regulations. Similar to

full year statements.

major line of business or

component represents a

a reporting segment,

consistent with full year

IFRS, basis should be

Quarterly reporting

geographical area of

separate major line of

operating segment,

statements and include

consistent with full year

required for SEC

operations, or is a

business or geographical

reporting unit, subsidiary


statements and include

registrants (domestic US

subsidiary acquired

area of operations and

or asset grouping.


entities only).

exclusively with a view to

can be distinguished


operationally and for

Insurance and

Provides definition of

No single definition of

No single definition of 118

financial reporting

reinsurance contracts –

insurance and

insurance contract.

insurance contract. The



reinsurance contracts.

Guidance is provided of

resulting population of

insurance contracts is a Discontinued operations

two types of insurance

subset of the IFRS – measurement

Measured at the lower of

Measured at carrying

Similar to IFRS.

companies: life and loss

carrying amount or fair

amounts (determined


classification due to

value less costs to sell.

based on prevailing

stricter criteria for

Indonesian GAAP) less

reinsurance. Accounting

any impairments.

requirements for ‘universal-life-type’

Make provisions for

insurance contracts is

some costs if considered

deposit accounting

a restructuring and

rather than deferral and

criteria for recognising a


provision met.

DPF not specifically 118 Discontinued operations


Provides definition of

No specific guidance.

covered, other than – presentation and main

Disclose at a minimum a

Give details of

Similar to IFRS. Report

participation feature

DPF and introduces

implicitly in SOP 95-1 for disclosures

single amount on the

discontinuing operation.

discontinued and held-


certain requirements for

face of the income

Disclose (on face of

for-sale operations as a

financial instruments that

insurance contracts only.

statement with analysis

income statement) pre-

separate line item on

contain such feature.

further disclosed in the

tax gain or loss from

face of income statement

Insurance contracts or

Insurance contracts and

notes for both current

discontinuance. Also

before extraordinary

financial instruments

financial instruments

and prior periods.

disclose revenue,

items and cumulative

with DPF may have a

with DPF are measured

Assets and liabilities of a

expenses, pre-tax profit,

effect of accounting

compound nature and

under existing GAAP and

discontinued operation

total assets, total

changes. Assets and

present a DPF equity

resulting equity

to be presented

liabilities and cash flows

liabilities of held-for-sale


component is not

separately from other

attributable to

disposal groups

separately disclosed.

assets and liabilities on

discontinuing operation.

segregated on balance

Consideration received

the balance sheet.


for financial instruments

Financial instruments

with DPF are deposit Post-balance-sheet

with DPF may be

Adjust financial

Similar to IFRS.

Similar to IFRS.

recognised as revenue



statements for

with an expense

subsequent events,

representing the increase

providing evidence of

in the liability.

conditions at balance sheet date and materially affecting amounts in financial statements (adjusting events). Disclose non-adjusting events.

US GAAP PAGE Other accounting and reporting topics (continued)



Indonesian GAAP


Indonesian GAAP

Other accounting and reporting topics (continued)

Disclosure requirements 120 reinsurance contract –

Insurance and

Subject to a few

No specific guidance.

Detailed measurement

Insurance and

Extensive disclosure


are less demanding. measurement

minimum requirements.

bases for the different

reinsurance contracts –

requirements focussed

requirements are less

The most important

types of insurance and


on the accounting

demanding. Required

However, a number of

requirements are the

reinsurance contracts.

policies adopted,

disclosures, among

disclosure items are

tests on insurance

material amounts

others, a loss insurance

covered in the MD&A and

liability adequacy and

Also prescribes liability

reported and factors that

company or a life

other non-audited

reinsurance asset

adequacy test and

affect the uncertainty of

insurance company

sections of annual report.

impairment. Equalisation

reinsurance impairment

the amounts and timing

must describe their

and similar provisions are

test and prohibits

of insurance and

accounting policies for

Claims development


equalisation provisions.

reinsurance cash flows.

recognition of income

tables are disclosed

and expenses and

outside financial

Insurance and

Deposit accounting

No specific guidance.

Concept of

Claims development



reinsurance contracts –

required when

policyholders’ account

tables are required.


deposit accounting and

measurement of deposit

balance has been

FAS 60 and SOP 03-1 121 components

unbundling of deposit

component is reliable

developed, and detailed

Separate accounts

Single line presentation

No specific guidance.

and rights and

rules require deposit

not permitted.

allow single line

obligations arising from it

accounting (under FAS

presentation in the

are not reflected in

balance sheet and

balance sheet.

offsetting of investment

Deposit accounting for a

results with changes in

Unbundling permitted if

component of a contract

policyholder liabilities in

deposit is reliably

is covered by EITF 93-6.

the income statement.

measurable. If

Reinsurance contracts

unbundling is not

that transfer only timing

required, deposit

risk or only underwriting

components may be

risk are deposit

recognised as revenue.


Insurance contracts sold

Eliminate and do not

No specific guidance.

No specific guidance;

by an insurer to its own

treat as plan assets in

however, practice is to

defined benefit plan

pension obligation

treat such contracts as


plan assets under FAS 87.

Insurance and

Exemptions from

No specific guidance.

Embedded derivatives

reinsurance contracts –

separation and fair value

must be separated and

embedded derivatives

are given for certain

fair valued unless they

embedded derivatives.

are clearly and closely related.

Persistency bonuses are

Fixed dollar persistency

considered embedded

bonuses are not


embedded derivatives but a variation of interest rates.

Accounting framework

Conceptual framework

IFRS, Indonesian GAAP and US GAAP each include a conceptual framework. The principles set out in the three frameworks provide a basis for setting accounting standards, and a point of reference for the preparation of financial information where no specific guidance exists.

Qualitative characteristics of financial information IFRS

Financial information must possess certain characteristics for it to be useful. The IFRS Framework requires that financial information must be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable.

Indo GAAP Similar to IFRS. US GAAP

A series of concept statements set out similar characteristics to IFRS, with greater emphasis placed on the consistency of financial information.

Reporting elements IFRS

The IFRS Framework presents five reporting elements: assets, liabilities, equity, income (includes revenues and gains) and expenses (includes losses).

Assets are resources controlled from a past event. Liabilities are present obligations arising from a past event. Assets and liabilities are recognised on the balance sheet when it is “probable” that economic benefits will flow in to or out from the entity, and those benefits must

be able to be measured reliably. Equity is the residual interest in the assets after deducting the entity’s liabilities. Income is increases in economic benefits that result in increases in equity other than those

relating to contributions from equity participants. Expenses are decreases in economic benefits that result in decreases in equity other than those relating to distributions to equity participants.

Indo GAAP Similar to IFRS. US GAAP

Reporting elements and the definition and recognition criteria are similar to IFRS. US GAAP concept statements contain additional elements: investments by and distributions to owners, comprehensive income and fair value measurements used in accounting. Other comprehensive income includes all changes in equity during a period, except those resulting from investments by and distributions to owners.

Historical cost IFRS

Historical cost is the main accounting convention. However, IFRS permits the revaluation of intangible assets, PPE and investment property. IFRS also requires fair valuation of certain categories of financial instruments and certain biological assets.

Indo GAAP Similar to IFRS. However, the types of assets measured at their fair values, or those that can

be revalued, are more limited.


Prohibits revaluations except for certain categories of financial instrument, which have to be carried at fair value.

Financial statements

Conceptual framework (continued)

A. General requirements

Fair presentation override


IFRS Entities may depart from a standard in extremely rare circumstances in which management

Entities must disclose that financial statements comply with IFRS. Compliance with IFRS concludes that compliance with a requirement in an IFRS or an Interpretation of a Standard would be


should not be disclosed unless the financial statements comply with all the requirements of so misleading that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements set out in the

each applicable standard and each applicable interpretation.

Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements. IFRS requires disclosure of Indo GAAP Companies with securities registered in Jakarta Stock Exchange (“JSX”) are required to the nature of and the reason for the departure and the financial impact of the departure. The override comply with Indonesian GAAP and Indonesian Capital Market Supervisory Board does not apply where there is a conflict between local company law and IFRS; in such a situation, the

(“BAPEPAM”) s rules and regulations. ’

IFRS requirements must be applied. There is a regulatory reporting requirement for certain non-public Indonesian companies

Indo GAAP Indonesian GAAP does not address this issue specifically. However, existing Indonesian auditing including those that accumulate funds from the public (such as financial institutions) and standard indicate the possibility of overriding an accounting standard in rare situations in which

have assets exceeding a certain amount.

compliance with standard could result in a misleading financial statements. Such an override would require disclosure of the nature of and reason for departure and the financial impact thereof.


US companies with registered securities must comply with US GAAP and the SEC’s rules and regulations and financial interpretations. Non-US companies with registered securities

US GAAP Extremely rare in practice. SEC will generally not accept such an override. in the US may issue financial statements under US GAAP or another comprehensive basis

of accounting principles (such as IFRS), provided that a reconciliation of net income and

First-time adoption of accounting framework equity to US GAAP is given in the notes, together with US GAAP and SEC disclosures.

There is no regulatory reporting requirement for non-public US companies. However, certain IFRS

First-time adoption of IFRS as the primary accounting basis requires full retrospective application of

regulated entities are subject to statutory reporting.

all IFRS effective at the reporting date for an entity’s first IFRS financial statements, with optional exemptions primarily for PPE and other assets, business combinations and pension plan accounting and limited mandatory exceptions. Comparative information must be prepared and presented on the

Components of financial statements

basis of IFRS. Almost all adjustments arising from the first-time application of IFRS must be adjusted against opening retained earnings of the first period presented on an IFRS basis. Some adjustments