Tia Rizqi Aulia, 210103110087, Laporan Tugas Akhir, 2014. Peran
Tim Kreatif dalam Program Yuk Keep Smile TRANS TV. Dosen pembimbing

Drs. Dian Wardiana Sjuchro, M.Si, Program Diploma III Pendidikan Ahli
Komunikasi Terapan, Sub Program Penyiaran, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi,
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.
Tujuan dari Laporan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui Peran Tim
Kreatif dalam seluruh rangkaian produksi program Yuk Keep Smile di TRANS
TV, mulai dari praproduksi, produksi serta pasca produksi.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan Laporan Tugas Akhir ini
adalah metode deskriptif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi,
studi kepustakaan, dan wawancara langsung dengan pihak terkait.
Deskripsi kerja tim kreatif dalam proses praproduksi meliputi penemuan
ide-ide, membuat breakdown properti berserta wardrobe,membuat naskah dan
membuat rundown; produksi meliputi cek dan breafing para pemain dan bintang
tamu, menjaga durasi agar sesuai dengan rundown serta berkordinasi dengan para
pihak yang terlibat seperti floor director, production assistant; pasca produksi
meliputi pembuatan rundown on air dan evaluasi.
Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa tim kreatif program Yuk Keep Smile

bertugas dalam semua tahapan produksi, meliputi praproduksi, produksi dan
pasca. Tim kreatif diharapkan dapat lebih bijaksana lagi dalam mengatur durasi
agar tidak selalu mengalami over durasi di setiap episode nya serta lebih tegas lagi
dalam membreafing para pemain agar lebih menjaga tutur kata dan bahasa dalam
menyampaikan lawakannya.



Tia Rizqi Aulia, 210103110087, Final Report, 2014. Role of the Creative
Team Yuk Keep Smile Program at TRANS TV. Supervisor Drs. Dian Wardiana

Sjuchro, M.Si, Expert Education Program Diploma of Applied Communications,
Broadcasting Sub Program, Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of
Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.
The purpose of this final report is to investigate the role of the creative
team in the production for the whole series of programs Yuk Keep Smile at
TRANS TV, from preproduction, production and post-production.
The method used in the preparation of this final report is descriptive, the

data collection techniques such as observation, library research, and direct
interviews with relevant parties.
Description of the creative team working in the preproduction process
includes the discovery of ideas, making a breakdown properties along with
wardrobe, make a script and make a rundown; production includes checks and
briefing the cast and guest stars, keep the duration to match the rundown as well
as coordinating with the parties involved such as floor director, production
assistant; post-production includes the manufacture rundown on air also an
Observations indicate that the creative team in charge of the program Yuk
Keep Smile in all stages of production, including preproduction, production and
post. The creative team is expected to be more prudent in regulating the duration
that is not always experienced over its duration in each episode and be more firm
in briefing the talent and remind them to be careful and be more wise when their
choosing a word and languages to be said later in conveying thier jokes.
