Methodology The population and sample


3.1 Methodology

In this thesis, I apply two methods of research, they are: • Library research: In this research, I have read some books related to the topic especially English grammar book. • Field research: In this research, firstly, I collect and choose the subjects. Secondly, I make a multiple choice test and give it to the student, in order to get the data of their ability in mastering Elliptic construction. • I also used P. Harris 1969: 128 technique of data analysis : The formula: X’ N= _______ x 100 X . Y N : the outcomes of the students’ answer X’: the total of student’s right answer X : the number of students Y : the number of the test In finding the average level of student competency, I categories the score into five levels, these are as follows: Universitas Sumatera Utara 50 = below average 81-100 = Average 1-1 = Good 2-1 = Very good 1-1 = Excellent The out comes of the average level of students’ competency is obtained by applying the formula given by Hadi 2002: 37 as follows: Σ x Mean : _______ N Σx : the total score of the students N : the number of the students I use descriptive method to describe all the facts, which are related to the subject of analysis about elliptical construction. The object of the analysis is year XI of Primagama’s Student at Jl. Letda Sujono no.108 Medan. “ Metode deskripsi dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkanmelukiskan keadaan subjekobjek penelitian seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat,dll pasa saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta- fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”.Hadi 2002: 36 In doing this research, I apply field research. After I get the data from the student, I am going to analyze it, draw a conclusion, and then give the suggestion. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2 The population and sample

The word “population” may mean differently in different situation or context. Based on The Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary 1974 : 649, it explains that, “ population is the member of the people living in a place, country, etc or a special section of them.” According the quotation above, the population of a country is people, but the population of a research can be people, social phenomena, language, and any other things, which may be relevant to the study. In this case, population is a group of individual or item to be studied. If we are talking about population means that talking about sample. Sample is used as an object to represent the population. It is impossible for me to take all population to be the object of this thesis. Therefore, I take same students as samples, and informants. The sample of this thesis is year IX student of Primagama on Jln. Letda Sujono No. 108 Medan.

3.3 The techniques of collecting data