Narration Kinds of Writing

conventions in written forms-and more. Writing is a process of expressing thoughts and feelings, of thinking, and of shaping experiences.” 7 On the book of Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, Hedge defined “writing is the result of employing strategies to manage the composing process, which is one of gradually developing a text. It involves a number of activities: setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading and reviewing it, then revising and editing.” 8 The various definitions of the writing according to experts above can be identified by the writer into the key words of each definition and it can be concluded in a sentence. Writing is a process which involves a number of activities from the writer to express his thoughts and feelings into sentences to become a good writing form.

2. Kinds of Writing

According to Vivian Horn the kinds of writing can be divided into three kinds: Narration, Description, and Exposition. 9

a. Narration

Narration is to tell a story, to relate a sequence of events that are linked in time. It is any development in a sentence, paragraph, or paper by chronological order. The emphasis in narration is on the story itself, as in fiction, biography, autobiography, and much journalism. 10 There are two types of narration in writing, namely: present narration and past narration. 11 1 Present Narration 7 Walter T. Petty and Julie M. Jensen, Developing Children’s Language, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 1980, p. 362. 8 Tricia Hedge, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, New York: Oxford University Press, p. 302. 9 Vivian Horn, Composition Steps, Cambridge: Newbury House Publishers, 1977, p. 6 10 Richard S Beal, The Compact Reader, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984, p. 43. 11 Regina L. Smalley and Mary K. Ruetten, Refining Composition Skills: Rhetoric and Grammar Boston: Heinle Heinle Publisher,1995 p. 50 - 56 It is narrative paragraph that describe a sequence of events or tell stories or experiences. Here is model of present narration: “For many, Mardi Gras day begins on St. Charles Avenue with the Rex Parade. By nine o’clock, the avenue is lined with people dressed in all kinds of costumes. At around ten o’clock, the parade begins. First there is the sound of sirens. The police on motorcycles always lead the parade to clear the street. Then a band usually marches by. At this time the people start clapping and swaying to the music. Next come the masked men on horseback. Finally, the first float arrives carrying men in costumes and masks. Immediately, everyone rushes toward the float. They wave their hands and yell, “Throw me something Mister” The men generally throw beads and coins at the crowd. Then the float passes, but soon another one comes and the people do the same thing over again. After about an hour, the parade passes by and the first part of Mardi Grass day ends.” 12 2 Past Narration It is narration that describes a sequence of events or stories or experiences in the past time. Here is model of past narration: “Last school holiday, my brother and I visited our grandfather in Bandung. They have a big vegetable farm. The first day we were there, we helped grandfather to water the spinach and lettuce. It was a lot of fun. Next, grandmother took us to pick the watermelons. They were huge. After we picked them, grandfather put them in a truck and took them to the market. After helping grandmother picked more watermelons, we went back to the house to clean ourselves and have dinner.” 13

b. Description