Personality Change Theory of Human Personality

Using those theories to analyze the novel, the changes that happen to Tom occur with the trigger from his environment, his surroundings, and also his pretension. However, the major focus on the change of personality that Tom has is the last change he makes after he meets his young neighbor, Joseph. The characteristics of Tom at that time meets the characteristics of Joseph make Tom unlocks himself and changes until his last breath. The relationship that Tom does not realize has with Joseph increasingly opens himself up to the real world and let go his shadows that has been living with him for the more than thirty years. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is Michael Gerard Bauer’s The Running Man. This book published in 2004 by Griffin Press. This novel consists of 280 pages that are divided into three parts and each part is divided into chapters. The first part has six chapters. This part entitled “All Their Lives in a Box”. This part begins with the funeral of Tom Leyton as Joseph being devastated with the passing of his dear friend. But, then the plot goes back to the past when Tom Leyton has to meet his young neighbor, Joseph, for the first time as his sister has asked him to. The second part, entitled “In Dream Too Deep”, has seven chapters. This part is telling about the same dreams that Joseph has for a long time. A dream that makes him feel frightened about the existence of The Running Man. The last part, entitled “That Pang of Joy”, has four chapters. This part is about the last moments of Joseph having relationship with Tom Leyton before Tom dies. The title “That Pang of Joy” is referring to the expression Tom has right before he dies to Joseph. That his heart will stop because of the pang of joy. The joy that Joseph gives to him that can change him and help him find his way back. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

B. Approach of the Study

To examine the problems of the study, the researcher uses psychological approach. Psychological approach uses psychological interpretation to interpret literature. Albertine Minedrop once said in her book that literary works are allowed to be examined using psychological approach because literary works display character or nature of figures, even though they are just imagination, who can can demonstrate various psychological problems Minedrop 2010: 55. Psychological approach is used because the focus of this study is about seeing the personality changes that related with the psychological aspects where the main character is dealing with his inner conflict. The characteristics of the main and minor character is analyzed with theory from literature field and backed up with the psychological theory that can explain about the behavior. Since the personality of a person must have something to do with the behavior of the person, therefore using psychological approach is essential in analyzing the problem. Combined with the related theories, psychological approach can be the guidance to relate the theories with the purpose of finding the change of the personality of the main character.

C. Method of Study

This research analyzes the change of personality of Tom Leyton and in order to do the study, the researcher uses the library research and internet research method to collect the data. The data that have been gathered are used to solve the problems and support the theory of the researcher.