To show the other problems faced by African-American

The seventh poem is entitled “Late Last Night”. This poem tells about a broken hearted man. The poem can be read in datum 206SD03. In this poem, the persona cries the whole night because his heart is broken. His woman leaves her. Hughes uses multiple negations to emphasize that the persona cries not because someone passed away but because his woman leaves him alone. This can be seen in the sentence Wasnt nobody gone, Neither had nobody died. Hughes wants to show, again, that African-American men should face relationship problems besides dealing with their society problems. The last poem is entitled “Evil Woman”. This poem tells about a man who feels disappointed towards his woman who is a White American. The poem can be read in datum 207SD01. The persona in this poem gets so angry towards his woman. He always treats her right but she does not. She argues a lot with him and he really wants to send her back to his hometown. Hughes uses multiple negations in the sentence I cant have no womans got such low-down ways to show how desperate the man is. Again, Hughes wants to show that African-American have to deal with love problems, especially the persona in this poem who must deal with a White American woman. Overall, multiple negations are still mostly used in this function. They are used to emphasize the love problems and relationships, and also other real-life situations. Besides multiple negations, subject displacements, inversion and noun phrase displacements are still used in this function to express the feeling of the personas toward their love affairs. To conclude, there are more poems that have purposes to tell about relationship problems among African-American, closeness to God, and even about death. Those prove that there are more poems belong to purpose g than those in other purposes. 98


This chapter presents the conclusion of the study that deals with syntactic deviations found in the collected poem of Langston Hughes and their functions presented in Chapter 4 and some suggestions for further researchers.

A. Conclusions

After analyzing and categorizing the data from The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, the researcher summarizes some points. First, it deals with the types of syntactic deviations found in the collections of poem. Second, it deals with the function of the collection of poems written by Langston Hughes containing syntactic deviations. 1. Types of Syntactic Deviations in the Collected Poems of Langston Hughes In relation with the first objective, the writer figures out that among 85 syntactic deviations, multiple negations are mostly found in the poems written by Langston Hughes. It is proved that more than half of the findings of syntactic deviations belong to multiple negations category. Hughes uses more negations that give more epmphasis on the message without changing the structure of the sentence. 2. The author’s purposes wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes using syntactic deviations. In relation to the second objective, the researcher concludes that multiple negations function as the way of discussing the problems of African-Americans at 99 that time, especially about the relationship among them. It turns out that Hughes used multiple negations more to talk about relationship problems than to talk about the American Dream or even to depict the racism in America at that time. It is proved that there are more poems that belong to purpose g i.e. to show the other problems faced by African-American than to any other purposes. The multiple negations function to show the relationship affair among African- Americans at that time.

B. Suggestions

Based on the findings of this study, the researcher suggests that syntactic deviation and another deviation such as: phonological deviation, morphological deviation, or lexical deviation can be used in writing poems. It might be a good poem that can portray who is the author, what kind of condition he experienced, and what is the purpose. Thus, the language use which contains deviation becomes a media to send author’s message to the readers and the world. However, the use of deviation should not impair the message itself. The meaning of the poems should not be bias, so that the message can be clearly seen. Another suggestion deals with the content of the message conveyed through poems. For those who want to criticize some discrimination, race, or ethnicity issues, multiple negations and inversion can be put mostly in the sentences. Those types of syntactic deviation are used by Langston Hughes to talk about Negro issues in America in the 17 th and 18 th centuries and he was awarded with several 100 Nobel related with humanity. Thus, the other author may take the same steps as he does. For a further study, the researcher suggests that the subject of the research is not a poem anymore but more on the drama or role play that deals with humanity issues, since drama and role are more complex than a poem. Moreover, it can be proved that syntactic deviation is not only found in the poem but also found in other English literatures. For the lecturers of English literature, syntactic deviation can be put as one subject of lecture or one topic of seminar. This will help students improve their writing and critical thinking in how to use syntactic deviation without impairs the message conveyed and the meaning of the sentences. Those are all the suggestions for a better future study on the analysis of syntactic deviations. 101 REFERENCES

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