37 students 50 said that they are less confident when speaking. Six students 30 said that their obstacle in learning English when they did not want to practice. It could be seen that most students had learnt English when they were in the Elementary School. It can be seen in the table that 90 of the students joined extracurricular English Club because they liked to learn English. Only 60 of students who joined English course before, so the level of knowledge of the students was different. Then, the researcher should give the materials in the level of less difficulty. If the researcher gives the materials based on the students who are expert in English, others students will be difficult to follow the learning activity. Other characteristic of the students was they were lazy to practice their English. In this case, teacher should be a good motivator so that students were interested in learning English. Students said that their obstacle of learning English were they did not know the meaning of the vocabularies and they less confident to speak English. They were afraid if they made mistake. People can not learn without make any mistake. This case that would be the problem should be solved by the researcher. Knowing the students characteristics, the researcher get the students’ needs. From the discussion above, it can be concluded in the simple way that the students’ characteristics as follow: 1. They like English so they are motivated to join this course. 2. They start to learn English when they are in the elementary School. 38 3. Some of them have ever joined English course so they have some basic knowledge. and the students’ needs as follow: 1. They need more vocabularies so that they know the meaning of English vocabulary. 2. They need more practice in order to make them be more confident. 3. They need more practice so that they will be more fluent in speaking English.

2. The Competence Standard, Topics, and Basic Competences

After conducting needs analysis from the students’ characteristics, the researcher decided the goal. The goal was taken from interview with the teacher about the goal of the course. “The goal of this course is that the students are able to speak fluently so that they can be the winner in the competition which is held every year. Besides, students also become more confident to share their idea” the result of the interview with the English teacher. Because it was extracurricular, the goal of the course was outside the curriculum. Then, the goal of this study was to help students to be able to use basic communication skills and more fluently through extracurricular English Club by using Communicative Language Teaching in the form of written and spoken in daily live. This goal was called as the Competence Standard. 39 After deciding the goal, the researcher selected the topics. The topics selection was based on the students’ needs inferred from the questionnaire in the pre-design survey. Table 4.2: The Result of Pre-Design Survey Question no.6 No Statement Percentage 6 The topics the students liked the most a. Describing people b. Direction c. Describing place d. Telling about oneself e. Shopping f. Family g. Hobbies h. Giving Procedure 20 10 10 25 30 30 85 10 In the questionnaire, there were many topics that students should choose. The most interesting topics will be discussed in the course. Based on the data, seventeen students 85 chose hobby as the most interesting topic. Six students 30 chose family and shopping as the next topics that would be discussed. The topics above were chosen by the researcher chose although there were topics in the small percentage. It was done because the researcher used the curriculum as the reference of making the syllabus. In the curriculum, topics like direction and giving procedure were included in the teaching learning activity. Then, the researcher included those topics although they were in the small percentage. Finally, the topics would be discussed were Hobbies, Family, Shopping, Telling