The Research Method Review of Related Literature

them in enriching their knowledge and increasing their language proficiency.

1.6 The Research Method

The object of this thesis is 20 songs of Enrique iglessias’s songs. I choose those songs because they are quite familiar to me. This analysis will help the reader to understand deeply about what Iglessias wants to tell through his songs. The followings are the steps in doing the analysis of this thesis. Firstly, I collect several albums of Enrique Iglessias, and then I select some songs as the samples of the analysis. Secondly, I choose lyrics which have figurative expression then I analyze them. Afterward, I classify them into each type of figurative expression and describe them. Finally, I conclude the result of analysis into how many of each figurative expression are found in those 20 songs.

1.7 Review of Related Literature

In completing this thesis, I use some theories which are relevant to basic principle of Semantics to support the idea of the analysis. In addition, the focus is figurative expressions. A figurative language is the opposite of literal language. In figurative language, we do not mean exactly and completely what we say. In our everyday speech and writing, we are usually use figurative expression to add vividness or clarity of our ideas. In this thesis, I focus on eight component of figurative expression: Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification, Metonymy, Synecdoche, Simile, Euphemism, and Oxymoron. Universitas Sumatera Utara In addition to above linguists’ theories, I also read thesis: Saiful Saleh KS 2008, in his thesis “A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE EXPRESSION IN EARNEST HEMINGWAY’S THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA.” He concludes that simile is the most dominant 39 Figurative Expression used in that novel. Followed by Personification 31, Metaphor 11, Synecdoche 10, Hyperbole 6 and Oxymoron 2. There is no Irony used in this novel. I use this thesis as my reference because I found the slight similarities of what he had analyzed to what I want to do in my analysis. Furthermore, he also analyzes about the figurative expression, but he used different object. In addition, Tiodor O. B. Manalu 2006, in her thesis “THE ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE EXPRESSIONS FOUND IN CELINE DION’S ALBUM A NEW DAY HAS COME.” She concludes that the most dominant figurative expression in this album is Hyperbole 35, followed by Metaphor 18, Personification 13, Metonymy 11, Synecdoche 8, Paradox 6, Simile 5, and Euphemism 4. It is the same with Saiful Saleh thesis, I also use this thesis as my reference because there are slight similarities with my analysis, and she analyzed about figurative expression as I do in my analysis. Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. BASIC PRINCIPLE IN SEMANTICS

2.1 The Definition of Semantics