Approach of the Study Method of the Study

point of view, though a few stories are writte n from Holmes‘ point of view and third person ‘s point of view. He got his cases from 3 kinds of sources, given by civilians that come to him asking for help, some are private detectives and second source is from government, like Scotland Yard ‘s detectives like Gregson, Anderson, and Lestrade. Even sometimes he got a case from his brother, Mycroft Holmes.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach that is going to be used in this study is psychoanalytic approach. Psychoanalytic approach is a form of literary criticism that uses the techniques in psychology in order to interpret or analyze a literary work. ―Psychoanalytic criticism is a form of literary criticism which uses some of the techniques of psychoanalysis in the interpretation of literature Barry, 200 2: 96.‖ This approach is using some of the techniques in psychology to interpret, criticize, or analyze a literary work. The aim in psychoanalytic approach is to understand the aspects of human mind in the literary work, or in this case is to understand the character‘s behavior and ―the reason‖ behind his action. In real life, the basic method of psychoanalysis is to make the patient talks freely. Unfortunately, the subject of this study, Sherlock Holmes, cannot do that. Therefore rhat is the reason why th e approach is used. It can analyze the subject‘s unconscious mind through the statements that he made. As stated, ―The basic reason, again, is that the unconscious, like the poem, or novel, or play, cannot speak directly and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI explicitly but does through images, symbols, emblems, and metaphors Barry, 2002: 102.‖

C. Method of the Study

The object that was studied in this study was the main character of Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which was Sherlock Holmes. Therefore, to support this study, the writer conducted a library research. The primary sources of this study were taken from the compilation of Sherlock Holmes stories entitled Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories Volume I. For secondary sources the writer used internet sources and some theories from books like Beginning Theory and Theories of Personality. In order to find Sherlock Holmes‘ defense mechanisms, the writer did the following steps. Firstly, the writer read to understand the theory of defense mechanisms. The writer did that in order to understand the characteristic of defense mechanisms. It helped the writer to find Sherlock Holmes‘ defense mechanisms easily. Secondly, the writer read Sherlock Holmes stories and searched for Sherlock‘s unusual act. If the writer found an unusual act from Sherlock Holmes, there was a big probability that his action could be related to defense mechanisms. Thirdly, the writer analyzed the Sherlock Holmes‘ acts by identified what he was doing and why he was doing it. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Fourthly, the writer matched the characteristics of the act of Sherlock Holmes and the characteristics of each defense mechanism to identify what kind of defense mechanisms that Sherlock Holmes uses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25