Women Are Treated Differently From Men


4.1 Women Are Treated Differently From Men

Man and woman treated diffrently because their differences between the sex have been attributed to inborn biologgical factors. Gender role distiction within societies were said to drive from biologically based differences in ability, motivation, and interest. Eagly 1997: 146 said that: Social role theory “treats these differing distributions of women and men into roles as the primary origin of sex-differentiated social behavior, their impact on behavior is mediated by psychological and social processes” . In all societies the obvious biological difference between men and women is used as a justification for forcing them into different social roles which limit and shape their attitudes and behavior. That is to say, no society is content with the natural difference of sex, but each insists on adding to it a cultural difference of gender. The simple physical facts therefore always become associated with complex psychological qualities. It is not enough for a man to be male, he also has to appear masculine. A woman, in addition to being female, must also be feminine. Gelles 1999:361 said that: Gender is part of social structure that a set of social and cultural practices that both reflect and rainforce assumptions about differences between men and women. Universitas Sumatera Utara Right from birth, babies are usually treated according to their gender. Baby boys tend to be wrapped in blue blankets,while girls in pink. Boys are handled more roughly than girls, boys are bounced around and lifted high in the air but girls are cuddled cooed over. Boys are often left alone to explore their environment but girls are protected against any posible accident. In everyday life, it can be seen that a mother always wants her daughter to look pretty all the time and looking forward for her daughter can marry to the right man. Whereas for boys, she wants her son to become a great man, have a good career in his work and give her son responsiblity in family. This such thing can be seen in The Glass Menagerie. Amanda differentiates between her daughter and son by telling Laura to keep looking beautiful and interesting to attract the gentelman callers. Amanda believes in the importance of a woman’s appearance. Mother wants her children learn to categorize themselves by gender very early on in life. A part of this is learning how to display and perform gendered identities as masculine or feminine. Boys learn to manipulate their physical and social environment through physical strength or other skills, while girls learn to present themselves as objects to be viewed. The term ‘gender inequality’ is often related to a condition where women and men are treated differently. In The Glass Menagerie itself, it can be seen how a mother named Amanda treats her both children in different ways. Generally, men are often treated in more special ways than women. But in The Glass Menagerie, a contrastive thing is revealed. In this case, Amanda treats her daughter named Laura more specially than Tom, her oldest son. Universitas Sumatera Utara Amanda believes in the importance of a woman’s appearance. She is sure that a woman is a creature who is born to be treated in special ways. So, when there is a party in Wingfield’s apartment, Amanda asks Laura to stay fresh and pretty to attract gentelmen callers because she is a young woman whose beauty and attractiveness are assets for her to look more special in men’s views. This is reflected on page 1262 of the play: Amanda: Resume your seat, little sister – I want you to stay fresh and pretty – for gentlemen callers p.1262, Amanda. Thio 1985 in his book said that: “Girls seeing their mother, they learn the importance of being pretty and feel that they must rely more on their beauty than intelligence to attract man”. Girls are always treated gently in his family with full attention. A mother always wants her daughter always look beautiful and attractive because she think it is capital of important for woman in daily life to get attention from the opposite sex. In this case it does not mean that a mother not think that how importance for a woman to master the ways to interacting with other people while the speech. Women are also in demands for can be flexible in mastering words and conversation. As can be seen in play The Glass Menagerie, Amanda assigns certain responsibilities to her daughter and her son, according to their genders. The resulting difference in the male and female character is then described as inborn and used to defend the existing power arrangement. Only those who accept it are normal, and only they can expect to succeed. The male social role is designed to reward masculine men, while the female social role offers its relative Universitas Sumatera Utara advantages only to feminine women. The aggressive man will run the bigger business; the pretty, agreeable woman will find the richer husband. In other words, masculinity and femininity are gender qualities which are developed in response to social discrimination. However, once they have been developed, they justify and cement it. The masculine and feminine gender roles mutually reinforce each other and thereby perpetuate the inequality on which they are based. Nevertheless, Amanda still focuses on her daughter, Laura than Tom. Amanda asks Laura to not only have to possess a pretty face and a graceful figure to attract gentlemen callers, but also have to have a nimble wit and an eloquence in speaking so that she can entertain those gentlemen callers. It showed on page 1263: Amanda: They knew how to entertain their gentlemen callers. It wasn’t enough for a girl to be possessed of a pretty face and a graceful figure – although I wasn’t slighted in either respect. She also needed to have a nimble wit and a tongue to meet all occasions. The Glass Menagerie, p.1263 . Amanda judges a woman’s worth by how much attention she receives from men. Image on screen, Amanda as a girl on a porch, greeting callers. In here Amanda shows gender inequality between women and men, she showed that men are stronger than women in doing work that involves physical. Eagly 1997:148 said that: Social role theory “treats these differing distributions of women and men into roles as the primary origin of sex-differentiated social behavior, their impact on behavior is mediated by psychological and social processes”. Universitas Sumatera Utara Amanda’s repeated instructions to ‘stay fresh and pretty’ underscore the value she places on attractiveness for women. Kendall 1996: 361 said: From birth, parents act toward child’s sex. Baby boys are perceived to be less fragile than girls and tend to be treated more roughly by their parents. Girl babies are thought to be “cute, sweet, and cuddly” and receive more gentle treatment. Amanda assigns certain responsibilities to her daughter and her son, according to their genders. She taught his children to behave accordance by their gender that should be. She believes that women are the most special creatures in the world. Therefore, she really wants her daughter, Laura, to look fresh and pretty in gentlemen callers’ views. Laura [rising]: Mother, let me clear the table. Amanda: No, dear, you go in front and study your typewriter chart. Or practice your shorthand a little. Stay fresh and pretty - Its almost time for our gentlemen callers to start arriving. [She flounces girlishly toward the kitchenette] How many do you suppose were going to entertain this afternoon? The Glass menagerie, p.1263. Laura recognizes clearly the gender roles that she is expected to fill. Neverthless, her mother fears if she may fail to do so. Therefore, Amanda always treats Laura in more special ways because she does not want her to be an old maid.It quotations faund on pages 1264 and 1266 in the play: LAURA: Mother’s afraid I’m going to be an old maid. The Glass Menagerie, p.1264. Universitas Sumatera Utara AMANDA: I know so well what becomes of unmarried woman who arent prepared to occupy a position. Ive seen such pitiful cases in the South - barely tolerated spinsters living upon the grudging patronage of sisters husband or brothers wife - stuck away in some little mousetrap of a room - encouraged by one in-law to visit another - little birdlike women without any nest - eating the crust of humility all their life Is that the future that weve mapped out for ourselves? I swear its the only alternative I can think of [She pauses.] It isnt a very pleasant alternative, is it? [She pauses again.] Of course - some girls do marry. The Glas Menagerie, p.1266 A mother always wants her children to know the gender rules as that children ought to behave when face of to the opposite sex. And here Amanda teaches to his son and daughter that man should come to women with manly and woman has the rights to choose the right man for her. Amanda explains about how gender rules that supposed happen between men and women. Well, in the South we had so many servants. Gone, gone, gone. All vestige of gracious living Gone completely I wasn’t prepared for what the future brought me. All of my gentlemen callers were sons of planters and so of course I assumed that I would be married to one and raise my family on a large piece of land with plenty of servants. But man proposes—and woman accepts the proposal The Glass menagerie, p.1287 Universitas Sumatera Utara Amanda really loves Laura. She treats her differently from Tom. She even asks Tom to look out for Laura before she gets married because she is still young and dependent. Amanda stresses on Tom that Laura is his only sister and he still has responsibility to take care of her and find out the right man for her. Because of gender stereotyping, Amanda makes Tom to have a responsibility to find out a couple for his older sister Laura. Popenoe 1986:342 said: But men and women tend to have diffrent attitudes toward marriage. For most women today, marriage is stil the realization of a dream. And mother who have been unhappy in their own marriages hope that their daughters will find the “right man”. Here Amanda wants Laura to get a good man and he makes it become Tom’s responsibility.It showed on pages 1274: AMANDA: I mean that as soon as Laura has got somebody to take care of her, married, a home of her own, independent ?- why, then youll be free to go wherever you please, on land, on sea, whichever way the wind blows you But until that time youve got to look out for your sister. I dont say me because Im oldand dont matter - I say for your sister because shes young and dependent. The Glass menagerie, p.1274 Because of Amanda’s over protection and love to Laura, she has even made many plans for Laura which are not based on a desire for her daughter’s own satisfaction, but a fulfillment of the gender roles she sees in the world around her. Can be seen on page 1274: Universitas Sumatera Utara AMANDA: ...I put her in business college - a dismal failure Frightened so it made her sick at the stomach. I took her over to the Young Peoples League at the church. Another fiasco. She spoke to nobody, nobody spoke to her. Now all she does is fool with those pieces of glass and play those worn-out records. What kind of life is that for a girl to lead?The Glass Menagerie, p.1274 Amanda absolutely wants a better life for Laura. She wants her only daughter to have a good husband in her life. Amanda does not really care about Tom because she still focuses on Laura’s future. Amanda even places the responsibility on Tom to help Laura fulfill the duties of her gender as a woman. So, it is clear that Tom only becomes a tool for Amanda to find the right man to be Laura’s husband. AMANDA: Do you realize he’s the first young man we’ve introduced to your sister? It’s terrible, disgraceful that poor little sister has never received a single gentleman caller Tom, come insideThe Glass menagerie, p.1278 When Laura gets a special treatment from Amanda, Tom only becomes a person who is teased by his mother. While they are having dinner together, Amanda always criticizes Tom on page 1262 in the play: AMANDA [to her son]: Honey, dont push with your fingers. If you have to push with something, the thing to push with is a crust of Universitas Sumatera Utara bread. And chew chew Animals havesections in their stomachs which enable them to digest flood without mastication, but human beings are supposed to chew their food before they swallow it down. Eat food leisurely, son, and really enjoy it. A well-cooked meal has lots of delicate flavours that have to be held in the mouth for appreciation. So chew your food and give your salivary glands a chance to function The Glass Menagerie, p.1262 Amanda always ctiticizes Tom. She thinks that Tom never cares about her and her sister, Laura who is crippled and has no job at all. She also blames on Tom for his selfishness. And this finally causes Tom feel uncomfortable. Therefore, he prefers going somewhere outside the house to staying at home. AMANDA: Dont think about us, a mother deserted, an unmarried sister whos crippled and has no job Dont let anything interfere with your selfish pleasure I just go, go, go - to the movies The Glass Menagerie, p.1299 Man and woman is treated differently because of gender responsibilities that already exist in a social environment that has existed and applied. Woman who were seen as innately maternal and social where naturally suitedto managing the children and house hold. While man who were regarded as bold and competitive, rational, and not inclined to be swayed by emotions, where naturally suited to managing the bussiness of goverment, war and commerce. Like Popenoe 1986 said that: Men and women are different physically, and they think, feel, act, and relate to others in different ways. Mens are rational, and womens are Universitas Sumatera Utara emotional. Men go out and earn living, women are mother and homemakers. Men seek money and power, women find fulfillment through their husband and children. And in this play Amanda has forced Tom to work at a warehouse a shoes factory. However, Tom actually dislikes that job because he does not feel free working there. Unfortunately, Amanda is too imposing the gender roles on Tom because she believes that a man has to possess a great job and good career advancement. And that’s what Amanda wants from Tom. Finally, Tom complains about her mother’s will because he wants to get a job which suits him. It showed on page 1269: TOM: Listen You think Im crazy about the warehouse? [He bonds fiercely toward her slight figure.] You think Im in love with the Continental Shoemakers? You think I want to spend fifty-five years down there in that - celotex interior with - fluorescent – tubes Look Id rather somebody picked up a crowbar and battered out my brains - than go back mornings I go Every time you come in yelling that God damn Rise and ShineThe Glass Menagerie, p.1269 From the quotation above, Tom complains about coercionfrom his mother who has always stressed his obligations as men to work to earn money and continue to increase his career. Here, Tom shows how he rebels against the gender rule that should be on its way. He does not like the way his mother forces him to follow the gender rule. Again, Tom is treated differently from Laura. Tom is burdened by her mother to work and pay the rent of the house. Because it has become the Universitas Sumatera Utara obligations of a man to work and finance his family. In the play The Glass Menagerie can be seen clearly that Amanda acted as a dominant mother who has the power in differentiate her children as men and women. Wilson 1966: 98 said that: The wife dominant type of structure is associated with high-achieving but tense and rejecting son. For the boy, the socialization process requires read judements not demanded of the girl. Like in the labor force in the United States is based on the assumption that most workers are men with families to support. And here Tom, complains again for the gender roles that his mother made for him to do. It showed on page 1268: TOM: House, house Who pays rent on it, who makes a slave of himself to – The Glass Menagerie, p.1268. In the role gender inequality, man should be the one who should be working in the family, become successful and experienced an increase in his job, and show masculinity at work. Wilson 1966: 124 said that : Gender may play an important role in the ways that people make attribution about success and failures. For the male-linked items, when a male did well his success was attributed primarily to skill. In case when a female did well, however, her successful performance was more likely to be attributed to luck. Similar pattern way man’s failures exist in attributed to external circumstance but woman failures to be attribute more lack of hand work and ability. In this play, Amanda continues to remind Tom that he must rise in the world of his job and do not let fail. And it showed in quotation on page 1272: Universitas Sumatera Utara I’ve had to put up solitary battle as these years. But you are my right-hand bower Don’tfail down, don’t fail The Glass Menagerie, p.1272. Here, Amanda reminds Tom again to be on his duty as a man. Amanda makes clear how gender inequality is stressed on her children. Gender inequality is the unequal and biased treatment between the two sexes. That strongly believe that the unequal treatment is something that should have stayed in social life. In the play, Amanda as a mother distinguish her treatment to Tom and Laura, as man and woman. Where Amanda wants Tom to behave as a man according to his gender. While Laura behave vulnerable as a woman who needs protection from a man. In religion according to Browne 1988:56 said that: Women are either invisible or occupy subordinates position to men in most religious scriptures. For example, in the Christian Bible, Eve is formed from a rib taken from a man, and it was Eve the evil temptress who led Adam astray and laid the basis for original sin in Christianity and Judaism. God is always seen as male, Jesus is male, Christ’s 12 apostles were all men. In Islam, Mohammed is a man. Aldrige 2007 notes that, in the Qur’an, women are legally inferior to men, lacking the same rights as their husbands, to whom they must submit. De Beauvior 1953 argues that most scriptures in most religions suggest that ‘man is master by divine right’. And in the religion women associate God with love, comfort and forgiveness, which are linked with traditional femininity and family roles. In contrast, men associate God more commonly with power and control. The fact that women lean more to people-orientation than to concerns with power may explain their greater involvement in religion. Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.2 Women Do Not Have The Same Opportunities Than Men