Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Creative Writing Final Project Here I Am in The A.M.


  HERE I AM IN THE A.M. By Agnes Yustin Roswita / 392013034

  As a human being, have you ever plan of what might happen on the next five days ahead or even five seconds later?Maybe, some of you never did it. Maybe. While, I felt that the whole of my life was always such a mystery. Just as “Que Sera-Sera”, I had always let any moments fell into their places and times. Despite an unusual gift that given by God for human who had six sense and even more, I thought God always worked for the best which human might not understand earlier. When I was a teenager, I used to obey what my parents advised me. But my twin, Agus was completely different. Despite of his enchanting personality, nobody knew what was going on in his life. He was so tenacious like clever student in high school. He would like to do and legalized any ways to get his goals came true. It seemed like everything had to be perfect for him. If something was not as he expected, the trouble came then. He might became more insane than he used to be. Well, his mindblowing character which was related with the last issues of my life, reminded me about the epic story of Ramayana that had has brought up by the famous Dalang of Surakarta, Ki Mangun Jaya Saputra. I almost got myself lost in the story after watching the Wayang Kulit Performance.

  • I touched the smooth of the acrylic glass nameplate on my table.

  “Agas Prasetya Jati, MBA. The CEO of Javarich Hotel, Surakarta Indonesia

  ”, beside of the nameplate, there were many delightful faces on a photograph. The more I saw the picture, the more I felt the weight ofinhaling- exhaling breath in my lungs. I wished they could be here with me. I couldn‟t believe that was so unfair that God took one after one of my family, after Bapak passed away. I missed



  the feeling like home.Bapak , Ibu , and my twin, Agus Prasetya Jati. I closed my tearing eyes and pretended like there was nothing happened. Suddenly, my alarm clock woke me up from my


  daydreaming. It was 09.30 p.m. I remembered that there would be a Wayang Kulit Performance in the hallroom of this hotel. Without further excuses, I grabbed my Tablet and I walked leaving my office to press the smallest number of the button on the lift. However, my mind was kept shouting the name „Agus‟, my twin. I wished that name would be faded away from my mind, but 1 it always end up with my sorrow that hardly erased. 2 Bapak means Father in Bahasa. 3 Ibu means Mother in Bahasa.

  There were many people gathered here in this hallroom. I saw the Gamelan Music, such as many Gongs, Kendang, Gambang, Suling Bambu, Rebab, Saron, Bonang and many other music intruments of this performance. The men who as the niyaga or the music players were talking to each other and smoking around, while the pesinden(the female singers) were seemed


  graceful doing their preparation mannerly with their pretty Kebaya . The sound system officers were also preparing their stuffs, moreover checking the audio devices and frequency. There was a Kelir, the large white fabric as the background of the wayangor the Javanesse Puppets which extended to five meters long and its width was one and a half meters. Those puppets and the

  audience were enthusiastic of waiting the performance. Some of the moments were pictured on my Tablet.


  , the director of this “Excuse me Sir, I need to introduce you to Pak Dalang performance”, Mr. Rusman tapped my back.

  “Oh, Welcome, Sir! Agas Prasetya...”, I greeted to that middle-aged man. “Nice to meet you, Sir! Oh hey, I read the last article that you have already mentioned as the man of the most successful business influencer in Surakarta. Hohoho, it‟s great. Congrats!”,

  Ki Mangun Saputra Jaya, the famous Dalangin Surakarta, shook my hand and tapped my shoulder.

  “Thanks Sir! To be honest, it‟s an honor to be the eyewitness of the epic Ramayana story and I‟m so lucky to see you right this moment, Sir”, I bent little down in front of him. “My pleasure, Mr. Agas. I promise that Ramayana Story won‟t dissapoint the rest of your day,

  ” Mr. Jaya said.

  “But actually, most of the people haven‟t yet known that classic story as well, Sir.” I said. “Hahahaha! That‟s interesting! I‟ll make sure that the audience will get much more than the story itself”, Mr. Jaya stopped his smoking and threw the cigarette to the rubbish. “May we start the performance right now?”

  “Oh, Okay. Thank you so much for your kindness. Good luck, Sir,” I shook his hand and 4 tapped his arm. 5 Kebaya = A Javanesse traditional woman clothes. 6 Gunungan Wayang = The signs of the beginning , the ending of the story, and also the setting of the story place.

  Actually, I was not really interested with Wayang Kulit Performance because I used to go to the classical music concert or art gallery exhibition rather than this performance. Yet I was curious why my parents were so fond of watching this kind of performance. The last time I watched this performance was a very long time ago. Perhaps, when I was seven years old, exactly when I watched it together with my parents and Agus. By the time, I also did not really understand what and why the people did during the performance.

  “Why does the man talking to himself alone and holding those creepy puppets?” Agus asked me with his child curiousity. “Yea. I’m agree. It’s so weird. Maybe, he is crazy!”, I answered. “So does our mommy and daddy. I hate this because I could not watch The Superman 2 film at home!”Agus whispered on my left ear.

  I forgot of how the performance was going on and the ending too, because as I remembered, suddenly I woke up at the car. I saw Agus was sleeping next to me. I saw at the window car that there were not much vehicles like in the afternoon on the street. It was so quiet everywhere. I looked at the clock on the dashboard car. If I still remembered and not mistaken, it was 04.00 A.M. Probably, Agus and I were so sleepy that we were sleeping during the performance.

  That was such a childhood memories that flashed back when I saw Ki Mangun Saputra Jaya, the Dalang began to tell the prologue of Ramayana story.

  • ‚Once upon a time, there was a prosperous Ayodhya Kingdom. The King, Prabu Dhasarata had been lived there with three wives. They were Dewi Kosalya, Dewi Kekayi, and Dewi Sumitrawati. Prabu Dhasarata was really want a child. Then, he had prayed with his first wife, Dewi Kosalya, to ask God a child. After a couple of times, the God had granted his wishes. Rama was born and Prabu Dhasarata was delighted. However, Dewi Kekayi actually was jealous because Prabu Dhasarata had really loved his first son, Rama. Because of her envy, when Rama Wijaya was seventeen years old, he got ‘thrown away’ from the palace to the forest, as the tradition taught that before become the King of Ayodhya, he should train himself in the dangerous forest. If he died, it meant he failed to become a king. Prabu Dhasarata who was really loved Rama, commanded Leksmana. Leksmana was the first child from his marriage with his third wife, Dewi Sumitrawati, whom Prabu Dhasarata demanded to accompany Rama’s journey in the forest.

  The Dalang kept playing the god of the story. His hands were still holding and directing those puppets and suddenly, the Kelir, background of the Wayang performance became the story of my past experience, when everything was not seemed nice to be told as a story.

  • Bapak was sitting in his rocking chair which faced to the balcony terrace of the second floor of the house. I knew this was his time for spending the rest of his life after he refused to get more medication in Singapore, knowing that it would be useless. He was kind of a stubborn person, even though his kidney cancer was increased until stadium four and the other digestive systems were diagnosed got the disease from its cancer. Bapak preferred to spend his time with the family at home rather than in the hospital. One day, the daily nurse of my father called me to accompany my father. I opened the door and I saw my father on his rocking chair. Ibu was standing beside my father, she seemed to hide her deep sorrow and held her tissues.

  “It‟s okay Buk, everything will always be be alright..”, I hugged her. Ibuonly hugged me instead of saying any words that may make her became more outcrying. I held my Bapak‟s hand. He was only smiled and tapped my arm.

  “Agas...,” Bapak said.


  “Nggih, Pak ?” “You are the strongest person in this family, and it‟s forever will be..,”his deep voice slowly touched my heart even though at that time, I still could not understand.

  It was mindblowing yet I was curious. Until he wanted me to open some files in the USB on the Tablet in front of him. I was a little bit surprised and confused, seeing the stock and graphic of the Javarich Hotel. I also read the rest of the legacy letter that dedicated for me and Agus. Somehow, I thought my father gave it to the wrong person. This was something that I could not handle for me as a 18-years-old boy.

  “You may not understand for what I‟m doing now for you and Agus, especially for you.

Probably, you have to register yourself to the school that I recomended. Actually, I haven‟t fulfilled my wishes yet. Someday, you may find the legacy in the...,” he coughed. Suddenly

  hiscough vomitted a blood and it sounded weaker, even more sickly. I rushed the tissues and 7 quickly wiped the blood.

  “Someday, you will understand what you have to....”, he tried to finish his sentence, realising his breath became heavier. It made my body needed to get closer to his mouth. “I have been dreaming about the beautiful future of my generation. A little bit regret that I haven‟t make it yet,” his voice began weaker. “What was that?” I confused. “The legacy was clearly detailed in the files that you‟ve read. But, still there are many things that I have to teach you,” his eyes seemed like how much he wanted me to do something. “What if I could not....” I hesitated. “Remember who you are,” he said. “I may not be there forever, but you will always find the way to survive like the way I did. But remember one thing, you are not the reflection of

  Bapak. You are truly yourself.” His words sounded magically stopped the time. Like someone pressed the pause button, my body was frozen at the moment. However, I tried to keep myself „awake‟.

  Even though he was trying to smile at me,I realised that his wrinkled face began pale and even paler. “Pak.. Bapak.. Bapak!!” I patted his cheek, realized that something went wrong. My mother was also trying to wake him up. Immediately, I ran out from the room to call out the ambulance. Suddenly, DASSHH!!

  “ARGH!” “Agus ......?” Both of us were falling in front of the door.

  Agus was quiet and we were staring at each other like thunderstruck stones. That was just happened around nine years ago, the moment that remained dramatically happened on my mind.

  • “OK, that was all from today‟s meeting. I guess we‟re running out of the time. Once again, congratulations for Mr. Agas for your success of your salary increment in this company. We are respectfully grateful for your outstanding hard work. Congratulations!”

  Everybody in the meeting room clapped and mostly they stared at me with their amazement faces. I stood up from my seat and bent down to the Mr. Fadil, the Head of Marketing Division and also to the other employees. The people in that room was merely talking about me. They seemed admired my hardworks during that times. Even the whole staffs on my office knew my name, including the office boys who were also working in this company.

  The office hours were ended. I drove my car to home and of course, I could not wait to tell Ibu and Agus about what just happened in my office. It was 18.30 P.M. Right after Ibu


  9 served the rawon and sayur lodeh for dinner, Agus served the warm rice and I made tea for us.

  If Bapak was still here, he might read the newspaper after fed the birds, and then talked with Ibu about the bureaucracy of the Indonesian‟s president at that time. Oh, how the time could flew so fast?


  ? Is there any something wrong with your client “Agus, how was your day, Nang today?” Ibu‟s voice broke the silence.

  “As usual, Bu,” he answered shortly. “The client‟s proposal has just approved by the company.” Ibu sighed a long breath and looked at him. “Nang, I know. Being a good lawyer is not easy in this era. Many people does not want the truth. Mostly, they just b elieve what they think it‟s true. You should be aware in every case you deal with,” Ibu poured the rice into our plates. Agus remained silent. “And how about your work today, Agas?” Ibu asked me. “Alhamdulilah Bu. I get a salary increase since this month. They said it was all because of my hardwork,” I said. “Alhamdulilaahh,” Ibu hugged me from the back. “We should have shalat together after this dinner,” she said.

  Agus only glimpsed at us. “You‟re also have a good job, Dude. I know that was never an easy job to deal with the clients and that kind of people,” I embraced Agus from the back. Suddenly, he stood up from his chair and walked away from the table.

  “Where are you headed to?” “Toilet,” he answered briefly, again.

  • One day in the dense forest, Rama Wijaya was hunting for the food with his wife, Dewi Sinta
  • 11 8 and his brother, Leksmana. While in Ngalengka Kingdom, Rahwana , the powerful giant king, got the 9 Rawon is Indonesian soup, which the beef meat is the main ingredient. 10 Sayur Lodeh is also Indonesian soup, which the eggplant is the point of the dish. message and supernatural vision that Dewi Sinta was the incarnation of Dewi Widowati, the one that he ever fell in love with, but pathetically,Dewi Widowati rejected him and ended up by burning herself. Rahwana was never give up. He could not hold up his impatience and anger which was growling inside his soul, why he still did not get what he really wished for. So,when he knew that Dewi Sinta, the incarnation of Dewi Widowati was in a journey of hunting food with Rama, he could not keep his desire anymore to make her as his wife. So, he attempted to enter the forest. He arranged the tricks. He 12 13 disguised himself to be the starving old man after he ordered Kalamarica to be a Kijang Kencana . 14 Meanwhile, Rama, Sinta and Leksmana were looking for the prey as their lunch .

    • The fresh cool water showered the whole skin of my body just like the pouring rain in the outside that was coming down to hug the earth and kissed the ground. However, no matter how long I took the shower, this stillness seemed hard to move on. I wanted to stay here and I really didn‟t want to get out from this bathroom.

      “You are the strongest person in this family, and it’s forever will be..,”

      Oh God! Literally, I wanted to swear and yelled as loud as I wanted. What Bapak said was just like a ghost that made me crazier. Immediately, I decided to wipe my hair and my body. I was also wiping my back and the topless body while my feet were walking slowly toward my bedroom. When I openedme bedroom‟s door, I was startled.

      “Agus?” I was a little bit shocked. “Oh, I... I‟m just trying to send my email with your PC, because....” Agus was scrathcing his hair. But I wasn‟t sure with his sudden gesture. I felt the strange atmosphere in my bedroom.

      “But we have wifi and we‟re all know with the superb connection”, I puzzled. “Uhmmmm.... My PC.. Yeah.. You know.. It‟s already attacked by.. yeah.. you know troubled because of virus a couple times ago. And l l ost some of my data.” His eyes seemed trying to create what he would say.

      “Yeah, but.. how could you know the password?” I became more doubtful. “Oh, geez! We‟ve been together for more than 24 years and we know each other well, 11 right?” he smiled at me.

      In Ramayana story, Rahwana, the king of Ngalengka Kingdom, was a giant king who desperately wanted Dewi 12 Sinta to be his wife.

    Kalamarica was the Rahwana‟s beloved subordinate in his kingdom who had the power to change himself in any

      13 kind of creatures. 14 Kijang Kencana = The Golden Gazelle

      I tried to look for the most positive excuses in my head. Maybe he was joking. He was only tried to finish the newest level of my game on my PC. Since the death of my father, Agus became strange and even stranger. I realized it when I saw that he was the only one who did not even drop a tear at the funeral of my father. Earlier, I thought he was strong enough to pass through that bad moment. He was the person that I adored after my father because of his intelligence, hardworking, and he never gave up to seize what he wanted.Of course, we both were struggling to maintain the family‟s financial issues. Because of his accomplishments in academic during in high school, he got the scholarship in the well- known State University which all of the college tuition was financed by the government. Meanwhile, I was grateful to cross one of my father‟s bucket list. Luckily, I became the student of the school as my father wished, after I struggled and passed through the hardest test. Right after four years and eight months, I was graduated. However for some reason, I felt that I could not show him the legacy letter easily. I felt that something would be worse if he could not fulfill my father‟s wishes wisely. I was not try to be selfish, but just to consider about the future of my family after my father passed away.

      “Don‟t worry, I‟ve just already helped you to unlock your latest level in DOTA after I sent those emails. You can check it if you don‟t believe me.” Agus went out of my room with the smile.

      Immediately, I grabbed the mouse and checked my PC. I was dying at the time. I could not imagine what if he could find and readthe legacy data without my acknowledgement.

    • Dewi Sinta was interested with the beautiful golden gazelle which was eating the grass, approximately three meters from her sight. Without any hesitation, Rama Wijaya took his arrow from his back and pointed it with the arch toward the golden object. His left eye was sharply shot the target to make sure that he would not lose the prey. Unfortunately, the shot of the arrow missed that beautiful animal. He was unsatisfied but didn’t give up. The Kijang Kencana jumped and ran to the other bushes to protect himself from the harm arrow. He decided to leave Sinta and commanded Leksmana to stay with her, to protect her from anything that may kill her.

      Sinta and Leksmana were waiting for Rama. Unexpectedly, they waited him in very long time. Sinta was afraid if something bad my happened on her husband. So, she commanded Leksmana to run after him. Then, Leksmana created the magical circle area with his magic power and gift around him and Dewi Sinta, which was no other people and creatures could enter the circle zone. This magical circle was incredibly designed to protect them safely from any dangers.

      Meanwhile from the another spot, a bit far away from Sinta, the starving old man who was hiding behind the big stones, began showing himself after waiting for the perfect moment. Dewi Sinta was still waiting on the magical circle area.

      Dewi Sinta was startled when suddenly, she looked at the poor old man who was walking toward herself. ‚He must be exhausted after long journey in this forest‛, she was so pity with the old man. She jumped down from her horse, yet remained stood at the circle area. Then, she gave him food. Without realizing any danger that may harm her, when Sinta was giving the food for the old man, she forgot of what Leksmana’s already warned.

    The old man was smart enough of arranging his trick. Successfully, he grasped Sinta’s arm and pulled her out from the magical circle zone that given by Leksmana to protect her. It was only took less

      than one second, so quickly with a blink of a sight. Suddenly, the starving old man was turning himself back into the pure form of Rahwana, the powerful giant king. Dewi Sinta was trying to fight back to him, but she was powerless because obviously, Rahwana was too strong for her. All the thing she could do was only screaming if somebody may help her at that time.

      Rahwana carried Sinta on his shoulders and ran away from the circle zone.

    • The performance was just like a shock therapy when The Dalang was holding the

      Wayang of Rahwana and Dewi Sinta puppets. He also knew how to give a code to the other



    niyaga to play their own music instruments, as the story needed to tie up with Gendhing , the

      song that related to the portrayal of kidnapping Sinta by Rahwana. The compatibility of the

      with its continuity. What a great synchronicity! It was more than just a performance itself, because there was no difference between the casts or the crews. Such like the awesomeners that captivated my unstoppable amazement. Suddenly, when I saw one of the niyaga hit the Gongs, it seemed like he hit my worst memory of my life.GOOOONG!! 15 ***

      Niyaga is the people (mostly are men) who are playing the music instruments behind The Dalang. They also

    should be responsible to continue the story with the songs. They have to be able to memorize at least ± 200 hundred

    songs that related to the story although only 30 songs that will be performed, because they never know what song of

    16 The Dalang demand to them to play.


    Gendhing is conductory song which are have their own point based on the variety of the every single scenes of the

    17 story, to connect one scene to the another next scene of the story.

      “Damn it!” I punched the table of the customer service bank. I didn‟t care with the other people in that room who were suddenly glazed at me. “Just tell me what‟s on earth going on with my bank account? Where are all my money had gone?”, Iwas so mad with all the awfullness that happened in one day. “We are so sorry about this uncomfortness, Sir. But we were also trying to check that maybe there‟s some error may occur on your account. Once again, we do apologize...”, the customer servive was trying to explain the financial problem in my bank account.

      “But that‟s the only thing that could save my future, my mother and brother, and this is such a... How c ould it be?” I was literally crying at that time and mostly I was so frustrated. That was so sudden when I checked my bank account and ATM Card, all of my savings were lost, just like that! Could you imagine that insanity? Why did this such things happened when I was already in a good position of my career? I was crying night over night. I was so stressed out and at that time, and it ended up with my spontan choice to drove my car to nowhere. I really had no destination at that time because all the things that shouted out on my mind was only my unexpected failure. Until I realized that my car was arrived at the place where I could see the whole city out there. I put off my sunglasses and opened the door of my car. The GPS on my phone was activated by my curiousity to search and browsed what kind of that place. My eyes even hard to believe when I read, “nearby around Bukit Bintang Restaurant, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.” The sunset at the west side and the warm winds blew my sweaty long-sleeve. My feet were slowly covered up my stunning reaction, they guided myself to the spot of the restaurant, which where I could see all the scenery of Yogyakarta City.

      “Almost. I‟m almost there, just like this restaurant.” Suddenly, that place reminded me about something when my hands touched the skin of the bamboo that had made into the pillar.

    • “I imagine about how wonderful our ancestor was, Agas. So beautiful, even when I watch


    every story in Pakeliran . I hope you understand if someday you can make something new. This

    generation nowadays is so ungenerous, even in this digital era. People can get anything new

    with their gadgets, but sadly they can not choose whether it is good for them or not. Even none of

    them recognize the beauty inside of culture. Agas, be humble with your decision you would make ahead. You know, our generation is so heart- 18 breaking. Some people are rarely to.....” Suddenly, somebody knocked the door when I read the legacy. I closed my laptop immediately. “Come in!‟ “Hey, what is that, Dude?” Agus opened the door. “Hmmh, nothing. It‟s just a chatting. How was your day?” I said to my brother. “With whom? Why don‟t you tell me?” Agus took the guitar next on my bed. “Ahhh.... it‟s not your business, Dude” I laughed. “Why? Why does it seem so secretive? Are you dating with.... a whore next door?” His curiousity became annoying. I was trying to swear but...

      “Hahaha.. just a joke. Anyway, would you like to join my online soccer team? He asked. “Maybe, later after I take the shower” I answered. “Ok. I‟m waiting. Be prepared.” He closed the door and dashed.

      I sighed a relieved feeling. It happened a month ago before I lost my savings. Honestly, I thought about having a coffee cafe bar with my on savings. Even I would like to give him the responsibility to take care of the management of the coffee cafe bar. I was not sure about the legacy but by the time, I thought that was the best decision if someday he might read this legacy. At least, he would not be so mad at me and Bapak.

      But, wait... Did he take all my savings? But for what purpose? No, it‟s impossible! I had to go right now. I went back to the car and drove back to the Surakarta.

    • The farther Rahwana ran, the louder he laughed because of his completed mission to kidnap

      Sinta. Jatayu 19 was flying over the Dandaka forest. Suddenly, he caught the moment when Sinta got kidnapped by Rahwana. He went down, trying to save Sinta from Rahwana. He fought hard to release her from that giant. Unfortunately, the effort of Jatayu was not matched with the magical power of that giant. Rahwana wear the the magical self-protection that he got after he learnt and asked from Bathara Narada and Resi Subali. They were Aji Rawarontek and Pancasona. Aji Rawarontek was given by Narada because of his mercy after nine of Rahwana’s head was chopped off for the sake of the offerings for Dewa Brahma.So, Rahwana could not be defeated by any kind of human, even the god! While Aji Pancasona was given by Resi Subali, so Rahwana’s body would not be dead even when the body was in 19 Jatayu was the bird who could speak like a human. In Ramayana story, he was also

      the best friend of Rama‟s the ground. Poorly, Jatayu was defeated by him, even both of his wings was tear off because of Rahwana’s sword. Rahwana left him with Dewi Sinta on his shoulders.

    • ‚I got you, pretty..‛ Rama focused and released his arrow to the Kijang Kencana. ‚AAAHH..!‛ Finally, that golden gazelle screamed out. Unfortunately, the Kijang Kencana turned himself into the original form of a giant. He turned into Kalamarica. Rama was startled. It was a smart trick. Quickly, he ran back to the first spot when the first time he caught the tricky golden gazelle. In the journey or running back, suddenly he met Leksmana. They realized that it all was only a trick. Then, they were in hurry to go back, finding Dewi Sinta. However, Dewi Sinta was not there. They kept looking for her. In the way they searched her, they met the poor Jatayu, who was dying after fought with Rahwana. Rama and Leksmana got the news that Dewi Sinta was kidnapped by Rahwana. They were also thankful for the kindness of Jatayu who was

      trying to save Sinta even though he was nearly in death. Because of that, Rama and Leksmana prayed to God for the death of Jatayu could be enhanced beautifully. Finally, Jatayu was died in magnificent way. 20 His body was also upraised to the heaven just like moksa .

    • I rushedto the door of my bedroom with hurrying steps.. I checked the the laptop, the documents, the savings book, untill my room was so messy. When I checked the legacy, I felt something wrong. The password was error, even when I wrote it more than three times. I rushed into Agus‟ bedroom.

      “What on earth did you do on my computer? Have you changed the password. He was just remain silence. I punched his face and he fell into the his own table of computer.

      “Tell me what‟s wrong with the legacy? What the hell are you doing for me? Why did Bapak never give me the best as....”

      “You‟re such an idiot!” My anger-tone was increased. “What have you been on my all savings? Did you take all of that?” “Because you never told me about that legacy! You never know how much I struggled I help our family!” He hit me back on my face.

      Suddenly, I heard somebody opened the living room which was next to my bedroom. I 20 closed the bedroom door immediately that a little bit opened before.

      Moksa is the dying process of human / creature, when the body is also disappeared to the place that he / she / it

      We both were spontaneously in silence. I pretended there was nothing happened between me and my the only sibling. “Nang, have you eaten the dinner?” Ibu knocked the bedroom door. “Later, Bu..” we answered. “Are you okay?” Ibu opened the door. There was an awkward silence in the atmosphere in a sudden whole times like this earth just stopped the clock, to pause the war. “What‟s going on here? Hey, why does it seem so messed up?” Ibu was shocked. “Um.. We need to rearrange our stuff because the boss was looking for the old documents..” I turned into pokerface quickly.

      “We will tidy it up later, Bu..” Agus added. “Oh.. Okay. Don‟t be shy to ask Ibu‟s favor.” Ibu left us and closed the door.

      The silence dashed off my mind, and it was never imagined why we both could be professional at lying for Ibu. “I‟m starving.” Agus starred at me and left his messy room. “Don‟t you dare to take off what‟s not yours!” I grabbed his collar shirt quickly. “Yours? I don‟t think that‟s all yours.”, Agus released my grasp. “Don‟t say if you just take my savings..”, I whispered. “..and be prepare if the legacy wasn‟t true at all!” He left me alone in his room. I stood in the middle of the very awful mess of mind that brought myself to stay at the bedroom. My chest felt so tormented bearing the pain inside. Even I did not realize that Ibu was calling me to have dinner together.

      “Agas, come on. Don‟t your belly crave some food?” Ibu knocked again the door. “Later, Bu.” I answered.

    • In the middle of the way Rama and Leksmana were searching out of Sinta, suddenly they found an ape who was squeezed in the branches of a huge tree. Because of the merciness of Rama and Leksmana, they released that ape out from the pinching branches. The ape named Sugriwa. He was the younger brother of Resi Subali in Goa Kiskenda Kingdom. Based on the Rama’s favor, at the end Sugriwa got the support to conquer the war defeating Resi Subali, his older brother. Then, the togetherness of Sugriwa and Rama finally brought the victory that made Sugriwa to give Anoman and all of the apes kingdom to Rama and Leksmana as a present. When Rama and the troops approached
    the Ngalengka Kingdom, Rama ordered Anoman, the divine ape to find Sinta inside. After met Sinta, slowly Anoman was getting out from that Rahwana’s kingdom with his ability to mess the palace up with playing the fire.

    • The nighmare just came into my life. I never expect such the cold war began, Agus and I became such a stranger to each other. As the days passed by, I got overwhelmed by many things that blended up in my head. It was so unbelievable, how could that my the only brother do this thing, and it all hapenned on me? Seriously? Oh Damn. Why did I always get bad luck when I tried to give the best for the people I love? No no no no. I should not think like that. Maybe, there was an error occured in my bank account. Perhaps, I was too stressed to think about Agus. But, how did it related to the legacy?

      The more days passed, the more friends in the office were also felt so pity with my eyebags that getting darken, so were my eyes. I was getting too busy to get my money back until I realized one of my friends asked me.

      “Sir, are you okay?” Feni, my teamwork mate asked me someday. “Uhm.. Yeaaa.. I‟m just finishing the 30 slides our tomorrow‟s presentation..” I smiled. “I‟m not asking for what have you done. Are you sure that you‟re okay?” Feni asked again. Even she gave the mineral bottle. “You should drink it first, Sir.. before your face turn into zombie..” “Um.. Yes. Uh.. Thank you.” I put off my glasses and drink that pure water.

      Even some friends asked me for coffee time, to take a break after the rough days of the meetings and presentations. They were also asking my what was going on while the coffee was getting bitter. They seemed nice, even I was not afraid to be open up for them. Telling my problems made me felt relieved, just like the positive vibes that they shared for me. Thank God, they had golden heart. They were also willing to help me to investigate the case.

      “I could not believe that perhaps, your twin did that things to you..” Ron, my partner of marketing management said. “I hope we can help you. We are also thinking to arrange the tactic to make him admit in front of you and Ibu.” Feni said.

      Until the day I went home and I found Agus was hangover, he was holding a bottle of Vodka. His face turned red and everything in his bedroom was messy. Actually, I was not really While I was trying to get out of the room, suddenly he punched my head from the back. It was the most painful harm of my life.

      “AAARGH!” I never imagined he hit me so hurtful. “What‟s wrong with you??” I shouted. “You must be wrong about me...” Agus seemed flying in his mind. “You should be grateful that I did not tell Ibu about this..” I said. “I think you‟re more blessed with what Bapak already gave for you. ALL FOR YOU!” he punced me right on my face but I attacked him back until he dropped in his bookshelf.

      “Don‟t you dare to say that you have stolen all of my savings!” I grabbed his neck-shirt. “Your savings? Are you kidding me?” He hit me again until I saw the blood fell from my lips. Damn. Even my mouth was too numb to say anything to answer.

      “I think that was not all your savings, bruh. Perhaps, the rest was mine but you choose to keep it all by yourself. Am I right, Sir Agas?” His voice sounded like a beast. I never saw him like this in the whole life.

      “I‟m trying hard to give you all of me. How evil you are..” I stood hardly. My fist was strongly bumped toward him. “ARGGHH!” Agus was bleeding in his nose and mouth. He was still got drunk. “I never thought before that the only brother was so greedy. Even he never saw me the legacy that Bapa k only gave for him. Oh.. How nice you are...” Agus quipped. “I don‟t think that you will be respectful to Bapak if I show you that legacy..” I did not care if he had already read the legacy or not. “Well... who is the stranger here? You, or I?” Agus was trying to slam the small table toward me, but it seemed like I was not strong enough to hold that strike. I fell down, beating the night lamp until it cracked.

      “PYYAARR!” “Holy sh*t!” I was weary. Suddenly, I heard someone was running to Agus‟ room. “Massyaallah Nang! What was just happened to you?” Ibu seemed crying to hold me up. “What have you done to your brother?” She cried and screamed to Agus. Agus was silent. “I never gave a birth a demon like you!” Shewalked and slapped to Agus‟ face. “Stop, Bu. Stop!” I hold her to prevent her if Agus may attack her.

      Agus remained silent, even it was the most painful slap from Ibu. “How many times I warn you to stop drinking!” I gripped his bloody shirt.

      “Can you both just stop??” Ibu seemed could not handle her outcrying. We both were frozen and fixated in the same time. My breath sounded fully tired. “Tell me what‟s going on Agus. Why did you hurt your the only brother?” Ibu asked him without hesitated.

      “WHY? You asked me why? Why should I care for something you never ask about? Why does everything should always be Agas, not me?” He started crying. Just like thuderstruck, I felt pity for him. I thought and realized that my parents was more care about me rather than to him, since the accident when I was child almost killing me, especially when I got spinal cord injury. Seemed like I got the most serious ill than the others. Agus behaviour was also became different since the way my parents raised me treated me like the special one. Where I have been, God?

      “DON‟T YOU EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!” Surprisingly, he shouted and hit Ibu so quickly in front of me with the broken bottle of Vodka. If I was not in a little daydreaming that sucked me, perhaps I could save Ibu from Agus‟ brutality.

      Suddenly, my friends came up to my house with the polices. Immediately, the police ran and shouted, “HANDS UP!”. I was still holding Ibu in my arms by the time.

    • Rama Wijaya and his squad, including the batch of the apes were ready to start the war with

      King Rahwana in Ngalengka Kingdom, for the sake to set Sinta free. Rahwana’s brother and sister advanced the war first against Rama’s troops. Dewi Sarpakenaka, the sister of the king of Ngalengka was died after Lekmana shot her with many sharp arrows. Raden Kumbakarna, brother of Rahwana who was 21 only fight for the kingdom was also died after Rama and Leksmana killed him with the arrows. Now, there was only Rahwana who hardly killed. Aji Rawerontek and Aji Pancasona was never be erased as long as Rahwana was alive, even after Anoman was strike him off with the supernatural power. While Anoman was so busy to defeat Rahwana, Rama Wijaya was praying to seek the help. He managed to meditatedafar from the battlefield.

      While in the midst of meditating, Rama’s spirit was flew away from his body, was flying to seek the most possible way to kill off his dreadful opponent enemy, Rahwana. Along his spirit was looking for the answer, by the chance he met Resi Khidir, an ascetic who was wandering over the heavenly world.

      Rama asked for the help from that predecessor. He seemed so hopeless, so he surrendered for any potential way that Resi would give for the sake to bring down the Rahwana. ‚Rahwana is just too powerful to be defeated, dear Rama. However, you must remove him out of the world, because the world was so messed up with his superpower and greediness. Well, just to make him bow down to you, I give you this magical arrow weapon named Kiai Pandangu. The benefit from this arrow is, he can follow wherever the enemy will go. He has no murder power, but he will always injure and hurt the enemy continually until he / she can not resist anymore unless asking for forgiveness.‛ Resi Khidir gave the arrow for Rama. Rama was grateful and flew back to his meditation, toward the body.

      Assisted by Anoman, finally Rahwana was successfully burried down in the midst of the mountain of Karungrungan, because of the magical arrow, Kiai Pandangu always pierce him wherever he would like to hide.

    • The show of the Wayang performance was still persisting even though it was already

      02.00 A.M. Few of the audiences were sleeping when I came back from the toilet. There were also empty seats. Perhaps, some of them went back to home because they were sleepy. One thing that I admired from this moment, the performance was seemed never get tired until morning even though the audiences were exhausted and sleepy.

      “What‟s matter, Sir? Anything that I can help?” Mr. Rusman, the security asked me. “Oh, it‟s fine. It doesn‟t matter..” I answered. “If you feel sleepy, I can help you to drive you home, Sir”, he offered a help. “Alright, I‟ll call you if I need you help. Thank you.”I said.


      23 I sat back to the front seat. The served food like pisang rebus and kacang rebus fed the

      hungry in my belly. The warm tea became cooler along the show kept going from the night until in this dawn. Suddenly, I realized something. Every single scene of the Ramayana story had always brought my memories back. How could it be? Where I have been lately? By the ussual habit if only I was too stressed, in this time, I used to go to the bar, drank some little glass of an 22 alcoholic water, to forget the pain and amuse myself. While in stunning performance, something 23 Pisang rebus : boiled banana happened in my mind. That felt like God needed me to know something after the worst part blasted my life off. I also remembered some moments that I missed, especially about the legacy that Bapak gave.

      “What‟s wrong with Agus and me? Why don‟t we look like the other brotherhood that always talk to each other so naturally without feeling guilty of anything? What if that was all of my fault? Is that because I never good enough to have communication with my sibling, Agus? Is that because I‟ve never being open up with him?” Those questions suddenly puzzled my mind.

      “Where are you going, Sir? Should I accompany you to get back home?” The security asked me. I said that was fine if I could drive alone safely. I turned on the car and stepped the gas.

    • After Rama and Sinta returned to the palace, the whole resident of Ayodhya Kingdom was overjoyed welcoming them and their troops. However, as time passed by, many people were suspicious about Sinta’s virginity after she got freed by Rama from Rahwana’s isolation. When Rama knew that, he was confused about Sinta, wondering if she was still virgin or not and questioning about what was Rahwana done to her. Of course, Sinta answered that she was still virgin. Finally, to throw away the bad reputation, Rama sent Sinta away from the kingdom to the forest. Before Sinta waved goodbye to her husband, she said, ‚If I am not virgin anymore, this homeland will refuse my body when I die.‛ Then, Sinta lived in the forest with her twin children named Lawa and Kusya. The day of Sinta got old and older, Sinta was died. She was right about her quotes when she left her husband, and the homeland took down her body. While Resi Walmiki, looked after the twin and the children grew older in every day. He told about their father, Rama Wijaya that sent her mother away from the kingdom, so they came to the palace. When they sang about her mother’s favorite song, Rama felt guilty and took off his position as the King of Ayodhya and left the kingdom, to be an ascetic in the forest.
    • Only Agus and I who were in the prisonvisitation room of the prison. We both were almost drowning in the cold of the morning at 03.00 A.M. Agus‟ eyes seemed reddish, who felt disturbed with my presence.

      “How was your sleep?” I know it was a stupid question to ask. “What do you want?” He answered. “Nothing.” I was trying hard to hold the tears up.

      “It‟s my fault and you don‟t need to say sorry at all,” he spoke without seeing my face. His words sounded like a gravity that pulled up all of my sorrows inside my eyes. “Hahaha.It‟s funny, knowing my brother was still whiny as a little girl. Oh, come on Dude! It will make you no longer a man!” he laughed at my face.

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