Trip Japan Report Annisa Ratnaasih


Annisaa Ratnaasih

Master of Management Program Economics and Business Faculty
University of Padjadjaran


Japan is known as the country with the average population that consumes the world's highest fish,
which is 100 kg per capita per year, this is because the culture of consuming Japanese fish is very high
for that (it happens) because it is supported by ease of sale access - purchase Fish by the community,
as depicted in Tsukiji Fish Market as a traditional fish market located in Tokyo famous not only as
Japan's largest fish market but also in the world so it is reasonable to visit Tsukiji market into one of
itenirary holidays in Japan.
The question now, why Tsukiji Market is so phenomenal as "just" the traditional Japanese fish market
but could be one of the obligatory holiday itenirary in Japan? The Tsukiji market dates back to the Edo
period and stems from a fish market near the Nihonbashi bridge that caters to the needs of Tokyo's
population in the Edo period. When the great Kanto earthquake of September 1923, all the fish
market and wet market in Tokyo burned down. City council decided to establish a wholesale market
in Tokyo. One of them is Tsukiji Market. The city government buys state land (formerly the Naval
Academy location, Naval Technology Research Center) to serve as a market location. After purchasing
parts of the sea that may be worsened, the construction of the market begins from the sea for 3 years
3 months since March 1928. Of the total land area 196,729 m², 16,631.4 m² is the land of dumping.
Construction of the building and supporting facilities lasted from December 1930 to April 1933,
ranging from refrigerators, ice factories, auctions, banana storage space, to a 2,710 meter railway
expansion from the Shiodome Cargo Station. Construction of all supporting facilities was completed in
August 1934. Pasa Tsukiji was inaugurated on February 2, 1935 and became the center of the fish
market in Japan. Not only the largest market, Tsukiji Market is also the oldest wholesale market in

Japan. Tsukiji market has become the foundation of the people of Tokyo who need fish as side dishes.
In Japan alone, there are actually 3 markets of fish sales centers namely Tsukiji, Ohta and Adachi, but
Tsukiji is the best-selling. Tsukiji serves 87% of fish sales in Japan. Why is Tsukiji so in demand than
Ohta and Adachi ?. We will try to analyze the management of Tsukiji Market with its Service
Marketing Mix or 7 P approach, ie Product (Services), Price, Place / Delivery, Promotion, Physical
Evidence, Process and people / participants.
Before discussing more deeply the elements of its Service Marketing Mix or 7 P, we first need to know
in advance what is the understanding of Service Marketing Mix. According to Sucherly (1999: 9),
Service Marketing Mix is a set of service marketing tools that can be controlled to serve the target
market segment. Each marketing has advantages and disadvantages so as to overcome the
weaknesses by looking for the advantages of other tools from the form of mix (mix). The marketing
mix is a marketing group trick used by the company's goods / services to achieve its marketing goals
in the target market. Once the goods / services company determines its target market and
determines what position it will occupy in the target market, the next step is to design a marketing
mix strategy.
According Sucherly (1999: 10) there are two kinds of marketing mix namely:
1. The marketing mix of goods (Tradition marketing Mix) consists of 4 P, namely: Product (physical),
Price, Place, and Promotion.
2. The marketing mix of services (The Expended Marketing Mix for Service) consists of 7 P, namely:
Product (service), Price, Place / Delivery, Promotion, Physical Evidence, Process, and People /

In Tsukiji's market case, it is not merely to sell fish but also to market "fish selling services", as seen
from the following:
1. Product (Services)
Product or service is one of important element in marketing. Product elements can influence
marketing strategy. Buying products is not just for having products but also to meet the needs and
wants of consumers
In the case of Tsukiji market, which is sold by market managers is not only fish and vegetables as
commodities but also services ease in transacting purchases of fish in large scale and retail such as
ease of transport / delivery, ease of loading goods, And storefronts, especially retail sales so clean
that tsukiji can be a market can also become a tourist place for retail visitors.

2. Price
According to Monroe (2005) states that price is the economic sacrifice made by the customer to get
the product or service.
In addition, Consumer price an important factor in the decision to carry out a transaction or not
(Engel, Blackwell and Miniard, 1996).
In the case of Tsukiji market, the price is relatively cheap and competitive because the market is

wholesale market so take advantage not big but with high volume. Similarly for the retail market,
because it takes direct from the wholesaler so the price is competitive (relatively cheap) so that
buyers love shopping there.
3. Place/Delivery
Place/delivery can be interpreted that the distribution channel of an item is the whole activity or
function to move the product accompanied with the right of the owner from producer to end
consumer or industrial user.
Distribution deals with the ease of acquiring products in the market and available when consumers
search for them. Distribution shows the various activities the company undertakes to make the
product or service available and available to the targeted consumer. It is also one of the more values
of Tsukiji, the ease of delivering goods to the whole city, with a wide range of buyers' needs, such as
for resale, for restaurant or hotel consumption or for private household use can be well served.

4. Promotion
Tsukiji market advantages in terms of promotion is, its own existence as the largest and oldest fish
market in Japan so that its reputation as a complete fish market and one stop shoppinh among buyers
and tourists would have been legendary and a trending between visitors, from mouth kemulut, so

that visitors come again and again. So the first is not a constraint, it can even be a barrier if market

managers can not improve themselves to be better, so some regulations issued for the good of Tsukiji
own market even to the discourse move the business location, only it has not been realized until now
would have Into consideration. As one of the litenary excursions in Japan, it gives a more
self-promoting "promotional" value to the Tsukiji market, thus raising its value.
5. Physical Evidence
The physical environment is meant by this situation is the geographical and institutional environment,
the decor, the room, the sound, the smell, the light, the weather, the apparent and the visible layout
or the important environment as the stimuli object (Belk 1974 in Assael 1992). In the case of Tsukiji
market, which caused Tsukiji market to be a very famous fish market because of the physical
environmental conditions that exist there are very value added members of Tsukiji Market such as;
The market conditions are very clean, orderly and complete. There is very pamper sellers and
buyers. For the seller is given the ease of bringing the fish he has caught, and there is a very good,
large and clean fish storage and well maintained and well managed by the market manager of Tsukiji.
For pemipun very facilitated with the ease of delivery of goods for large buyers and for tourists there
are places where fish are sold with a fresh good can be consumed directly in the Market or to be
processed at home.

6. Process

Process is an activity that shows how the service is provided to the consumer during the purchase of
goods. At Tsukiji Market, since the number of visitors who visit the market due to the market is
interested, The market is separated into two main areas: market (Jonai Shijo) and outdoor markets
(Jogai Shijo). The market is a wholesale market for professionals. Outdoor market was recently
opened for visitors. This is done so that fish market transactions for professionals are not disturbed
and tourists can still see and visit Tsukiji market, so that market management can still be served.

7. People / Participant
Participants herein are employees of service providers or salespeople, or persons directly or indirectly
involved in the service process itself, for example in the sales service of the Tsukiji Fish Market are
sellers, buyers, visitors and market managers. Tsukiji market is well managed by all parties so the
market is "fun to be visited by visitors. Orderliness, friendliness and hygiene are all very well guarded
by all parties.


If talking about Japan certainly will not escape also related to the Japanese culture is very unique.
Perhaps the top of mind people think about Japan is the Japanese culture is very orderly and orderly,
Japanese food, art to Japanese food is very famous. In addition to the above, the culture is also very
much in touch with the religion and beliefs held by the community. Here's an example of Japanese
culture such as;
1. Art
Japan has a very unique and unique art craft art in Japan that is:
- ikebana (ie flower arranging art that utilizes various types of flowers, grasses and plants for the
purpose of enjoying its beauty)
- origami (ie paper folding art that is associated with Japanese culture)
- ukiyo-e painting which is a genre of painting that existed in the 17th century until the 20th century.
Ukiyo-e painting has a variety of themes such as landscapes, theater and favorite places of Japanese
society. The word "Ukiyo" in Japanese has the meaning of "floating world" and refers to the growing
culture of Edo centers, such as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto
- handicrafts
- Japanese youth love to create new trends and the passion following their style influences fashion
and trend all over the world. The brilliant young market brings the test to new electronic consumer
goods, where style and function are determined by Japanese users, before being considered for
distribution worldwide.

Japan has a special food that is very popular throughout the world. Cirikhas Japanese food is healthy
food. Here are Japanese foods that are quite popular in Japan in particular and the world there
generally is; Sushi, Tempura, Ramen, Sashimi, Curry, and a popular drink in Japan are green tea.

3. Another culture
When talking about Japan will definitely remember Japanese culture like this;
- Japanese people are disciplined, orderly, organized and very respectful of time.
- the Japanese are very friendly people
- The Japanese love to ride the train as a public vehicle rather than boarding a private vehicle.
- deeply appreciate tradition, although there is modernization but culture persists side by side.
For religious affairs, most Japanese people take an unconcerned attitude towards religion and see
religion as a culture and tradition. Japan is a secular state where there is no special ministry, a
department that takes care of a particular religion including a particular religious day in that country.

On Japan's ID card does not matter about one's religion.

When asked about religion, they would say that they are Buddhists only because their ancestors
embraced one of the Buddhist sects. On this day Shinto, a religion that originated in Japan has almost
escaped attention and is known only by some scholars. Most Buddhist and Shinto teachings are
practiced only in cultures such as adab and marriage. Some minorities embrace Christianity,
Shamanism and New religions such as Soka Gakkai. Some of these new religions are closely related to
Buddhism. However, the Japanese respect the beliefs of the people, not prohibit the construction of
places of worship in their country and prohibit people from worship. The Japanese population is very
tolerant of every religion that exists.


The problem of waste in Indonesia is a problem that has been a nightmare of this nation for many
years. The waste management infrastructure in Indonesia is still considered inadequate. Meanwhile,
the program to overcome the problem of waste management is actually considered still half and half.
According to the Ministry of LHK study, the waste generation produced by the Indonesian population
is 64 million tons / year or equivalent to 92.69 kg / person / year. The condition of the field is even
remarkably astounding, garbage strewn everywhere, groundwater contaminated with leachate,
surface water filled with garbage, inadequate common waste bin conditions, improper transport
distribution and an environmentally insecure landfill.
The main problem of waste management in Indonesia is the paradigm of waste-gathering waste
management system has been entrenched for the people of Indonesia. In addition, the nature of our
society is still very minimal concern about the problem of garbage. Why is this the biggest challenge?
Because without the awareness of the community, the basic principles of eco-friendly lifestyle such as
3R becomes difficult to apply and any sophisticated technology applied then the result will never be
optimal which ultimately the budget of funds to be in vain. Whereas Indonesia has no Law no. 18 of
2008 on Waste Management, the waste management paradigm must be changed from
waste-relocation to resource depletion and resource recycling. The end of pipe approach is replaced
by the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) principle, but the practice of waste management in Indonesia is not
good. Let's try to study to the Japanese Country which already has excellent garbage management

and even perhaps one of the best in the World.

During our visit to Japan, we visited the Shin-Koto Incineration Plant, the Clean Authority of Tokyo,
the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Shin-Koto Incineration Plant, is a government-owned agency of
Perasaki tokyo that serves the garbage management of Tokyo and surrounding society (serving sekiar
26 perfecture around Tokyo). When coming to the location, will not think that it is the place of waste
management, because it is very clean and hygienic, really shaped factory. The garbage on the
premises has been managed in a very modern and almost zero residue, where the results of such
processing become energy and useful items again such as the burning heat energy into electrical
energy and ash from the burning into a brick for the road.
The question is how can Japan properly implement waste management? The result of the visit to
Japan, it can be concluded there are 2 factors that support the success is;
1. Awareness of Japanese society factors
Human consciousness is indeed the most important thing, because it is uselessly made a good solid
waste infrastructure if the community as a producer of waste and waste does not have a high
awareness in managing waste. Japanese society from small children to adults, urban communities and
villagers are very accustomed to not littering. From childhood, Japanese children have gained a basic
understanding of waste management that is planted from an early age. Households can not easily

dispose of waste, waste disposed of by category, dump by type, ie paper, organic, plastic, metal and
glass bottles.
For plastic waste, since 1991 Japan has enacted a law on recycling containers or wrappers that came
into effect in 1997 to regulate the disposal of containers or packing packaging. Consumers are
required to separate PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles, glass and tin (steel and aluminum)
bottles. Companies are requiredCollect back and reuse (recycling) containers of its products, ie PET
bottles, glass bottles and so on. Then in April 2000 came out another law regulating the wrapping of
paper and other types of plastics other than PET bottles. Plastics and vinyl used as a cheap disposable
packaging material because it is cheap, has become a major cause of dioxin gas and increasing waste.
Therefore it is strived that its use be limited and recycled as much as possible
Trash is wasted based on time. The Japanese tend not to dare to buy electronic goods at random,
unless the manufacturer of the electronic device receives the waste management of electronic waste
that can not be used. The awareness and order of the society will certainly facilitate the government
as the management of samapah management in managing and recycling waste.
2. Government support factors
Waste management support by the Government of Japan is very high, the government provides
"incentives" for its citizens when disposing of garbage in an orderly manner. As an example; To
support the realization of recycling, in certain locations held activities to repair furniture items that
can still be used. Goods that have been made good again then sold with a lottery coupon system.
In addition, the Japanese government is also very concerned with providing good infrastructure to
support its programs such as the Japanese government forcing shops and businesses to take care of
their own waste disposal and collection (through garbage collection companies and recycling
companies). However, the Japanese government is willing to handle garbage from stores or business
of origin less than 50kg per day, and for that they must attach a special sticker (pay sticker). As can be
seen in the example of a special sticker image for garbage weighing more than 50kg, the party who
will dispose of the garbage must pay a sum of 600 Yen or Rp60.000, -.
The question is whether Indonesia can adopt such waste management? Surely things tersbut not
impossible. It can be done as soon as possible, with support from local government. Starting from the
area for easy implementation and easy to control it. Because the management of waste management
is very profitable and feasible to do if dkelola well because in addition to overcome the waste, waste
management can also generate profits both of which are profits such as generating electricity /
energy, and the results can be used also can provide more value for the local government it can make
a clean city.