THE USE OF GAMES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY AND IT’S IMPLICATIONS TO STUDENT’S ACHIEVEMENT IN ENGLISH (A Case Study at the Early English Education ( EEE) Private English Course) THESIS Submitted to Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement f





(A Case Study at the Early English Education ( EEE) Private English




Submitted to Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan ( S.Pd.I)

in the English and Education Department



Muhammad Hendro. S

NIM. 113 01 051



  Website : Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd

  The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

  ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Salatiga. September 14th 2007 Case : M. Hendro S's Thesis

  Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

  M. Hendro S's

  After reading and correcting thesis entitled





ENGLISH (A Case Study at the Early English Education ( EEE )

Private English Course)”. I have decided and would like to propose that if

  it could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu ’alaikum, Wr. Wb.


  Dra. Woro Retnaningsih. M.Pd



Life is struggle

  , life of choice

Never surrender and choose the best one



  I would like to dedicate this thesis for them who have always been in my heart, they are:

  • To the God Allah SWT • To the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his ahlul-bayth.
  • My highly valued parents, my mom (Safinatun) and my father (Mukminin).
  • My beloved sister (Lilik Rohmawati), my younger brother (Saiful Bahri), my old brother (Bambang Rianto) thanks greatly for your support and motivation.
  • Mr. Yedi Efriadi thanks greatly for your support, help and motivation.
  • My friend Muhamad Yusuf Khoirudin, Zulkamain, Syafi'i, Aswin, Ibnu Zabil,

  Dwi Apriyanto, Primo, Reza, Kremil, A1 Rahman, Tonklong, Nasir, Dot comp families, thanks greatly for your support, help and motivation.

  • All my patners (SMC, FPPI, Mitapasa and Getar) we are a great teams.
  • To all god's creatures.



  In the name of Allah The Most Grecious and The Most Merciful. Thanks to Him for His blessing so the writer can finish this graduating paper. Blesses and praises also go to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his family.

  This thesis antitied "The use o f Games in Teaching vocabulary and It's


Implication to Student's Achievement in English (a case study at (EEE) Early

English Education)" is presented as partial fulfillment of requirement for the

  Saijana Degree at English Department Of the Salatiga State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN). In writing this thesis the writer was guidanced and supported by several people so it can be finished, although there are still many mistakes.

  Hence the writer would like to thank to:

  1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, as the head of Salatiga State Islamic Institute (STAIN).

  2. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A as the head of English Department.

  3. Dra. Woro Retnoningsih, M.Pd as the counselor in writing this thesis.

  4. All lectures and staff of Salatiga State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN).

  Finally, I realize that this thesis lack of many things, therefore, I hope criticism and suggestions for its perfection. I hope this thesis would be useful for the readers. Amin.

  Salatiga, 23rd September 2007 The Writer

































CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the writer want to discuss about background of the study,

  statement of the problems, the objective o f study, benefit of the study, previous of a related research, clarification of key terms, research methodology and thesis organization.

A. Background of the Study

  The development of Indonesia education was doing progress. The various efforts were do, for repair education system in order to get the effective result. In the enactment of Indonesia regulation number 20/2003 about national education system, the national education purpose is to actualize education system as social institution that strong and authoritative to increase Indonesia in order to develop quality of people. Therefore, they are able and proactive to answer challenges that always change.1 It is mean; education is one of effort of government to increase Indonesian safety.

  Lately, in Indonesia has developed some institutions that introduce ways of education at small child. Some reason suggested about how needed potential of child has to push not only intelligence aspect but also emotional and spiritual aspect. The various institutions, for example: Kindergarten, Alternative school, playgroup, home stay and etc, repeatedly offer methods and technique in teaching learning process. 1

  One of technique in teaching learning process is game. Game technique often used in teaching strategy by a teacher. According to Plato, “The children easier to study arithmetic with divide apple to children, and with give toys, miniature beam to child who attains the age of 3 years old. So at last, they can be architects.2 Aristoteles argues as follow: “the children have to motivate to play about what will they want be at adult age.”3

  Play is part of child character. Play identical with laugh, fun, freedom, happiness, aggressive. Most of parents have opinions that play make student be lazy, useless, and just spending time.

  Playing is right of all children in this world. In section of the convention of child (1990) it’s mentioned,” The right of child to take rest and relax, play and participate in recreation activities that appropriate with their age, and participate in culture freely, life and art.4

  The children get benefit from game, such as in development of physical aspect, intelligence and social emotional.5 Friederich will Helm Freebel said Kindergarten education need adapt to child character. Game regarded as a method of education and ways o f child to imitate adult live with natural.6

  2 Myke S. Tedja Saputra, Bermain, Mainan, Permainan, Jakarta: Grasindo, 2001, page 1

  3 Ibid, page 1

  4 Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Child Development, Singapore: Me grow-Hill Book Company,

  1978, page 290

  5 Soemiarti Patmonodewo, Pendidikan Anak Prasekolah, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2000,

  Game is bridge of child from study as formal or informal.7 In the development of child, language as communication tool has to teach. So, they able to explore their selves in the words form. Since child come 2 year old.

  They have high motivation to list name of many materials. That motivation will continue and increase, so it will add enrich of vocabulary.8 With words as mention of material symbol, child can explained an incident, and help to child to make communication to other people. With language, receiver o f news will understand about what the speaker meaning.

  One of language that learns at school is English. In Indonesia, English is as foreign language. It needs serious handling to teach English. In English teaching learning process, the teacher has to choose special technique to teach it, in which students will be easier learn English and practice the subject. That is not only cognitive but also affective and psychomotor aspect. So, the students will be active and the teacher only is as facilitator.

  Teaching vocabulary is the foundation to mastery English. As the foreign language, it has many vocabularies that known by learners. Those will facilitate them to mastery English if they know many vocabularies. Based on the River’s, the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use. That is become, whit out an extensive vocabulary. We will be unable to use the structure and function we may have learned for comprehensible communication.9 Several strategies used to teach

7 Myke S. Tedja Saputra,

  op.cit, page xvii s Soemiarti Patmonodewo, op.cit, page 29 vocabulary to students. One of using game technique, they can use picture, toys, song, puzzle, beam, and their body to introduce vocabulary to students.

  EEE (Early English Education ) is one of private English course

  institution that takes care toward national education system, especially for Kindergarten and Elementary school education at Salatiga. It has purpose to introduce and teaching English since pre-age. EEE (Early English Education) has English teaching program in language skill, consist of: vocabulary, speaking, listening, and singing. The specially teaching techniques are game technique, singing technique, drill technique, total phisical respon. English teaching progaram that fun and adaptif for children necessary is characteristic of EEE (Early English Education) as their strategy in English imtroducing, for example game, singing, drawing, and playing.

  From many opinions above, play-game is activities that involve interesting of children without punishment. It could correlate with teaching learning English process, game is as technique to practice and introduce new words. According that theory, the writer has assumption that game is as a technique that most effective to teach English.

B. Statement of the Problem

  By conducting this research, the researcher formulates the problem as follows:

  1. What types of games are used in teaching learning process of Early

  English Education (EEE)?

  2. How far the students English vocabulary achievement in Early English

  Education (EEE)1

  3. How far the correlation between using game and not using game technique on student’s vocabulary achievement of student of Early English

  Education (EEE)"?

C. Objective of the Study

  Considering the problems that formulated above the objectives of research can be specified as follows:

  1. To describe types of games used in teaching learning process of Early

  English Education (EEE)

  2. To describe the students vocabulary achievement of Early English Education (EEE).

  3. To know the correlation between using game and not using game technique on student’s vocabulary achievement of student of Early

  English Education (EEE).

D. Benefit of the Study

  The benefits of the study are as follows:

  1. Theoretically The result of this study may strengthen the knowledge of the theory of English vocabulary using game technique toward vocabulary achievement in teaching learning process. This means that better using game technique correlate with student’s vocabulary achievement. Students bored. So, they can accept the materials given by a teacher easily and can improve their English vocabulary better than before.

  2. Practically The research expected to give in put for Early English Education


(EEE) to get more progress. It is supposed to be the orienting in using

  game technique the process of teaching and learning English at Early


English Education (EEE) in order to be better, and it is also supposed to be

  able to solve the problem of the teaching learning English in Early English Education (EEE).

  3. For the writer, she should know the importance of game for successful teaching learning process. This will improve knowledge about using game technique.

E. Literature Review

  Among other literary studies of research, of vocabulary are research by Nuzulimah, “The Influence o f Teaching Vocabulary by Using Picture (Study

  Comparative the Second Year Students o f SLTP Muhammadiyah Simo Boyolali In The Academic Year 2005/2006) ”.10

  The result of her research, she had closure that picture help the teacher create situations out side the classroom, helping teacher introduce the students to the unfamiliar culture aspect helping teacher expose reality to what might be misunderstood verbally by the students. These are significant different between be misunderstood verbally by the students. These are significant different between the students who are taught by using picture in teaching vocabulary, their achievement improved after the treatment.

  Yun Dhiyaul Farichah, The Influence O f Using Films In Teaching

  Learning Process on Vocabulary Mastery O f Fourth Grade Students o f SD Tambakboyo 2 Batang In The School Year 2005/2006 . 11

  Regarding the result of the research, the researcher thinks that it is better for the English teacher use film in teaching vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary using films is more effective than teaching vocabulary using picture.

F. Clarification of Key Terms

  To avoid misunderstanding, the writer gives explanation or definition of some key terms used in the study.

  1. Game Game is form of play, especially with rules for example tennis, football an card.1



  2. Technique Technique is the way in which technical details are treated, the ability to use such methods effectively, method, way, manner.13

11 The Influence O f Using Films In Teaching Learning Process on Vocabulary Mastery


O f Fourth Grade Students o f SD Tambakboyo 2 Batang In The School Year

2005/2006,SalatigarSTAIN Salatiga,2006

12 Hornby, As,

  Oxford Advances Learner Dictionary o f Current English, Great Britain:

  3. Vocabulary Vocabulary is all the words know to a particular person, the special set of words used in the particular kind of work, business, a list of words, usually in the alphabetical order and with explanation of their meaning14

  4. Achievement Achievement is realization of potential abilities or capacity that is possessed by someone.15

  Achievement is something done with effort and skill successfully.16

G. Methodology

  1. Population Population is the whole subjects investigated.17 In this research population is the student of Early English Education (EEE). In the academic year 2006/2007, there are 150 students of Elementary class of Early English Education (EEE).

  2. Sample A sample is part of population that represents the whole population.18 If population is less than 100, it can be taken 10% - 20% of

  14 Longman Group, Longman Dictionary o f Contemporary English, Great Britainboth: The Pitman Press, 1981, P. 1229.

  15 Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, Bandung: PT. Rosdakarya, 2003, p.102.

  16 Ibid. total population, if it more than 100, it can be taken 20%-25% or more.19 In this research, the writer take 33,3 % from total population (210 students). There are 70 students elementary class of Early English

  Education (EEE) in the academic year 2006/2007. The student will be

  divided into two categories. There are 35 students who are taught in English learning process by game as group A, the other 35 students who are taught in English learning by using without games as group B.

  Students in group A have been studying at Early English Education

  (EEE) since one years ago, and student in group B just now join with Early English Education (EEE) as student. They are both in fourth grade

  students of Elementary school.

  3. The Method of Collecting Data

  a. Questionnaire method Questionnaire is list of question or statement about using games technique which is given for the students. By using this method, the writer can devise the data from the students by asking the question which is answered by students, and then the data is related to the sample. The researcher gives questionnaire to the students is that the researcher wants to know about the correlation using game technique toward students’ vocabulary achievement.

  b. Test Test is utilized as in instrument of collecting data. Test method the test. Students axe asked to answers the questions. This is used to know the correlation using game technique toward students’ vocabulary achievement,

  c. Data analysis In order to conduct a good arrangement the writer uses a statistic formula; further this formula is used to find out the correlative study of using game technique in teaching learning process on vocabulary achievement. The writer analysis the research data as follows:

  Explanation: % : Correlation coefficient o f variable x and y.

  X x y

  : The sum o f the product multiplying the vocabulary test score

  r N

  and the questionnaire’s scores Xx : The sum of using game questionnaire Xy : The sums of vocabulary test scores.

  Xx2 : The sum of questionnaire test scores Xy2 : The sums o f square vocabulary test scores.



  : The square of the sum Questionnaire test scores

H. Thesis Organization

  This thesis result o f the study is reported in a research paper out lined as below: Chapter I presents introduction. It contains background of the study, statement of the problems, the objective of study, benefit o f the study, previous of a related research, clarification of key terms, research methodology and thesis organization.

  Chapter II presents review of related literature. It contains definition of vocabulary, types of vocabulary, aspect of learning vocabulary, definition of achievement, definition o f game, types of game, vocabulary game technique, and vocabulary test.

  Chapter III presents research methodology. It contains the general description of, Early English Education (EEE), type of the research, subject of the research, variable o f investigation, method of collecting data, data analysis, and data presentation.

  Chapter IV presents discussion result and implication of the result. Chapter V presents closure. It contains conclusion and suggestion.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the writer want to discuss about definition of game, Limitation of game, types of games, definition of vocabulary, types of vocabulary,

  aspect of learning vocabulary, vocabulary test, definition of achievement, vocabulary game method.

A. Definition of Game

  Everyone likes playing games. They make relaxed and happy. There many definition of game by some opinion such as follow:

  1. According Spranger (Germany) said that game is happiness.1

  2. Game is to play for stake (as with cards, dice, or billiards).1 2 3

  3. Charlotte Buhler, game is “Functi onlust” (= happy feeling and satisfied that obtained by doing something. In the game there are seriousness, and happyness.

  4. Another opinion by A.H Francke, game is as instrument to study. The game situation is very good for children to accept the lesson.4

  1 Abu Ahmadi Zul Afdi Ardian, Ilmu Jiwa Anak, Bandung: CV. Armico, 1989, p. 75.

  2 Merriam-webster inc.

  Webster’s third New International Dictionary and Seven Language Dictionary, United States o f America: 1981, P. 933

B. Limitation of Game

  Schwartsman (1978) mention the limitation of game as follow: Game isn’t work; game is pretend; game isn’t productive activity, and etc. work can mined a game. While some time game can do as work; likewise child was playing can form their world. So often, that is as in real live, as serious, productve, and like as true lives.5

  According reached that was doing Smith et al; Garvey; Rubin; Feir and Vandenberg (in John son et al. 1999) the character of game as follow:6

  1. It do base on intrinsic motivation, from private motivation and for private desire.

  2. The feeling people who join in game activity identified with positive emotion. If it was not appearing, game still has value to children.

  3. Flexibility, the activity can replace from an activity to other.

  4. It is more important activity process than last result of game.

  5. It is free to select and this is a most important element in child game concept.

  Game has pretend quality. It has characters that as live. These characters prevail to all game activity for example drama game, puzzle, arrange Lego, etc.

5 Mayke S. Tedjasaputra, Bermain, Mainan dan Permainan, Jakarta: Grasindo, 2001, p.

C. Types of Games

  Game divides two kinds. There are active and passive games.7

  1. Active Game Active game is game in which the enjoyment comes from what the children themselves do. In the following are kinds of active game, they are: a. Spontaneous Game

  Spontaneous game is an active form of play in which children does what they want, when they want and how they want. There are no rules and regulations.

  b. Dramatic Game Dramatic game often called “make-believe play”- is a form of active game in which children, through overt behavior and language, deal with materials or situations as if they had attributes other than those they actually have. Dramatic game has contributes for children’s personal and social adjustment. From practice in role - taking, children learn what the group consider appropriate for a role. This helps them to develop social.

  c. Constructive Game Constructive game is game in which children use material to make things not for utilitarian purposes but rather for the enjoyment they derive from making them. At first, most constructive game is reproductive. Children reproduce in their constructions objects they see 1 in everyday life or in the mass media, books, or on the television screen. Constructive can stimulates creativity for children.

  d. Collecting Collecting is a common game activity of children from all racial, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. For example: collecting stamp, picture and etc.

  Collecting contributes to children’s personal and social adjustments. It makes them self- sufficient in their play and it encourages the development of such social skills as fair play, sharing, cooperation, and competition. It also helps children to learn new meanings and become orderly.

  e. Exploring This game usually includes of friends or group. Exploring make many contribution to children’s personal and social adjustment.

  Exploring can increase children’s knowledge, encourages them to seek information to supplement the knowledge they gain from their own exploration and it I aid to socialization. For example: camping.

  f. Game and Sport Game and sport are contests with set rules, undertaken for amusement or a stake. Game and sports are not only pleasant forms of play but they also have great value as socializing agents.

  Sports are always physical contest such as basketball, football, tennis, while games may be either physical or mental such as guessing game, puzzle, and etc.

  g. Music Music is an art that gives priority to beauty sound. It is produce by instrument tools, man voice (vocal) and sign from greatness of God, such as water flowing, bird whistling and etc.

  Music may be active or passive play depending on how it is used. If children procedure music by singing or dancing, it is active play. On the other hand enjoyment comes from listening to the music procedures by others. It is passive form.

  h. Daydreaming Daydreaming is a form active game in which the activity is mental rather than physical like dramatic play. The rules children adopt in their daydreams are dramatic, heroic, fanciful and remote from daily life.

  Daydream can give stimulate children imaginations and encourages creativity. i. Computer Game

  Students can choose many programs in the computer. For the student, they can choose program that have benefit for their lesson.


  2. Passive Game Amusements are forms of passive game in which children derive enjoyment with minimum effort from the activities of the others. There many kinds of passive game in the following:

  a. Reading Psychologically, reading is one of the healthiest forms of game.

  Reading can help children for look for information, amusement, and knowledge. It gives motivations to read and introduce of vocabulary.

  b. Looking at comics Comics are cartoon stories in which the story element is less important than the picture. They may be in book form, in comic strips in newspaper or magazines. For the most part, children can understand the story told by comics with a minimum amount of reading c. Radio Listening.

  The favorable effects of radio listening have been listed as follows: it offers children a form of entertainment within the home and thus keeps them with the family; it increases children’s knowledge about history, geography, current events, literature, and other subjects and it supplement their knowledge of subjects they have heard over the air.

  d. Listening to the Music.

  Listening to the music makes importan enjoyment when they are alone; it relaxes them when they are tired. This activity does not use more concentration. It can used for learn vocabulary. English song may be easier for introduce and learn by heart of English words, and it is easier remembered,

  e. Television Watching Television watching has many contributes for children. They can get information, amusement and etc.

D. Definition of Vocabulary

  Vocabulary is the total number of words, which makes up the language. It can be defined, caught, as the words used in teaching of foreign language.8

  Based on the Glorier International Dictionary, vocabulary is a list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated is lexicon or glossary; all the words of language; the sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command o f particular person, social group, a profession, trade or the like.9

  While based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, vocabulary is all the words know to a particular kind of work, business, and a

8 Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary O f Current English, London: Oxford ■ "iversuy, iv s5 , p.959.

  18 list of words, usually in alphabetical order and with explanation of their meaning.10

  Based on the explanation above, it can be summarized that vocabulary is the total number of words and often phrases, which make up the language.

  They are learned to achieve of language, and the communication of meaning.

E. Types of Vocabulary

  The types of vocabulary are divided into two types; there are passive and active vocabularies. The writer will explain them in the following:

  1. Passive Vocabulary Passive vocabulary means that the words are needed merely to comprehend especially, in their reading. The speaker in this situation will not reproduce some sentences but they are asked to be receiver of the message by comprehending the passage or listening from the speaker.

  Students can avoid the weakness of mastering vocabulary by using words that they have mastered in conducting communication.

  2. Active Vocabulary Active vocabulary means the words that used in speech and writing. The speaker may have to master some limit of vocabulary of this active vocabulary in communication. For example: discussion, teaching process and other meeting. It has to respond the speech of the person who speaks with other.

  In learning teaching process, to teach vocabulary, the teacher must know of types of vocabulary that will be appropriate with goals and conditions. The teacher can decide which s/he should teach on the basis of how frequently the speaker uses them. The words, which are most commonly used, are the ones s/he should teach first.

F. Aspect of Learning Vocabulary.

  There are many aspects of learning vocabulary; in this chapter the writer will explain them in the following:

  1. Word Classification Term used to classify words based on their functional categories is called part of speech, which include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

  In addition to these major classes, there are pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions and interjection.11 In order to know more detail, the writer will explain the following:

  a. Noun It is a word that serves name of thing. It may be the name of things. It may be the name of a person, an object, places quality and quantity of something. For example: teacher, window, table, hope, understanding, and etc. 1

  1 Verb is words that denote action.IZ It is placed verb into four classes: activities, accomplishments, achievement, and states. For example: run, walk, kill, see, know, and etc.

  c. Adjective Adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun or other substitute. For example: dark, beautiful girl, diligent student and etc.

  d. Adverb Adverb is a word that is used to describe an adjective or a verb.

  There are many kinds of adverb such as the following:

  • Adverb of manner, means, and instrument: happily, carefully, and slowly - Adverb 6f frequency: sometimes, always, ever, and etc.
  • Adverb of degree: very, too, only, and etc - Sentence adverbs: actually, perhaps, fortunately, and etc.

  Conjunctive adverbs: therefore, nevertheless.

  e. Pronoun Pronoun refers to nouns that have already been mentioned in the discourse or point ahead to a noun that we are about to mention.1J

  The writer will give example as following:

  • Nominative : I, you, he, she, it, we, and they - Possessive adjective: My, your, his, her, its, our, and their.
  • Possessive pronoun: Mine, your, his, her, its, ours, and theirs.
  • Reflective pronoun : Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, and ourselves - Demonstrative pronoun: This, that, such, and the former.
  • Conjunctive pronoun: Who, whom, and which.
  • Indefinite pronoun: All, many, and both.
  • Distributive pronoun: Each, every, and either,

  f. Preposition Preposition is all those words that help locate items and actions in time and space. For example: I place my book on the table

  I am going to Jakarta

  2. Functional Word Functional words are used to express grammatical functions. They include preposition, articles, conjunctions, and forms indicating numbers gender, or tense and pronouns. For example: 1. Her brother is not diligent boy 2. The student goes to museum.

  The words such as /her/, /is/, /not/, /the/, /to/, above are called functional words.

  3. Content Words Content words are used to express cultural contents they consist of noun, verbs, adjective and adverbs. They have more or less in dependent meaning, surprisingly, while a sentence may consist of several contents words. For example: A dog eats meat. It is built up by noun (a dog), verb (eats), and noun (meat). Words such as a dog, eat, and meat are called by content words. It cannot build up a sentence with only several functional words. Thus, “my does not the” is not a sentence.

  4. Word Formation A word has meaning depends on how this word is formed by derivation and inflection. To know more detail the writer will describe the following:

  a. Derivational Derivational is the construction of words result the change of word class or meaning of the base or stem. There are two derivational, derivational suffixes and derivational affixes.

  1) Derivational suffixes.

  Derivational suffixes are syllables or group of syllables that are joined to the end o f the word to change the meaning. The function in derivational suffixes forms four part of speech such as noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Further the writer will describe as follow:

  a) How to make noun It can formed with adds suffix /-ion/, /-tion/, /-ment/, /- ness/, /-ity/, and /-ence/ after verb.

  • Verb + /-ion /, for example: act (verb) + /-ion/ —> action
  • Verb + /-tion/, for example: collect (verb) + /-tion/ —> collection
  • Verb + /-ment/, for example: agree (verb) + /-ment/—► agreement (nonn).
  • Verb + /-ness/, for example: happy (verb) + /-ness/ —> happiness (noun)
  • Verb + /-ity/, for example: ably (verb) + /-ity/ —► ability


  • Verb + /-ence/: for example: differ (verb) +/-ence/ —» difference (noun).

  b) How to make verb To make verb, it can add suffixes /-ize/, and /-fy/ after noun. The following the writer will give examples:

  • Noun + /-ize/, for example: memory (noun) + /-ize/ —* memorize (verb).
  • Noun + /-fy/, for example: class (noun) + /-fy/ —► classify.

  (Verb) c) How to make an adjective.

  It can adds suffixes /-ive/, /-ous/, and /-al/ after verb.

  • Noun + /-ive/: for example: relate (noun) +/-ive/ —» relative


  • Noun +/-able/. For example: advice (noun) + /-able/ —»


  • Noun + /-ous/, for example: danger (noun) + /- ous/ —> dangerous (adjective)
  • Noun + /-full/, for example: hope (noun) + /-full/—> hopefull (adjective) / careless
  • Noun + /-less/, for example: care (noun) +/-less/ -» careless (adjective).
  • Noun + /-ish/, for example: child (noun) + /-ish/ —> childish


  d) How to make adverb Adverb is normally make by adding suffix /-ly/ and /- ward/ after adjective. For example:

  • Slow (adjective) + /-ly/ -» slowly (adverb).
  • Back (adjective) + /-ward/: ->• backward (adverb). 2) Derivational prefix is a syllable or group of syllable which is joined to the beginning o f a word or morpheme to change its meaning.

  Prefix new word meaning /pre-/ pretest before

  /inter-/ international between /mis-/ misunderstand wrongly

  b. Inflection Inflectional is the construction of the words, which does not functions. There are five kinds of inflection; plural form, possession, singular verb marker, tenses marker, and pronoun. Those will explain in the following:

  a. Plural form, such as 1) Noun + /-s/, for example: pen (pena) - pens (pena-pena)

  2) Noun + /-en/, for example: child (anak) - children (anak-anak) 3) Noun+/ /, for example: a goose (angsa)...geese (angsa-angsa) 4) Noun + / / for example: a phenomenon (gejala)...phenomena


  b. Possession It is usually formed with adding /’s/ after subject. Such as: Rina’s bag (tas Rina) Mila and Rudi’s house (rumah Mila dan Rudi) A cat’s tail (ekor kucing) c. Third singular verb marker.

  Verb that is done by he, she and it is add /-s/. For example: mother always cooks rice. The word “cooks” formed by cook adding /-s/, because the subject is mother (she).

  d. Tense markers.

  In English language divided three major tense. There are simple tense, past tense and future tense. This following there is some example:

  • She is writing a letter (present continuous tense)
  • Bob went to the wedding (past tense)
  • He has seen the film (present perfect tense)

  e. Pronoun Pronoun has different forms in terms o f function. There are pronoun as subject, an object and possessive. The writer will give some example in the following: - As a subject, for example: She comes from Bandung.

  • As an object for example: He borrows her dictionary
  • As possessive, for example: This bag is hers

  5. Word Building Word building can divide be compound word, blend, and acronym.

  The writer will explain one by one the following:

  a. Compound Words Compounds words are two nouns combined to create meanings, which differ from that of each of its parts.14 The compound word can be divided such as follows:

  • Noun + noun: for example: tooth (n) +brush (n) - » toothbrush (n)
  • Adjective + noun, for example: black + mail —> blackmail (v)
  • Preposition + preposition, for example: in (prep) + to (prep)—>• into


  • Verb + preposition, for example: call (v) + on (prep) ->call on (v)
  • Noun + verb, for example: cat (n) + way (v) —^windbreak (n)
  • Verb + verb: for example: make (v) + believe (v) -» make-believe


  • Verb + adverb, for example: run (v) + off (adv) -» run off (v)

  b. Blend Blend is used to create new words by blending two or more other words.

  For example: - Bruch, came from the blend of breakfast and lunch - Motel, came from the blend of motor and hotel.

  Thus, motel is used to mean a hotel for motorist and brunch is use to mean a meal taken instead of both breakfast and lunch.

  c. Acronym Acronym is words made up of an abbreviation, too, but the result is pronounced as a word, not ad a list of letters.15 It’s often used for political, industrial, and social organizations name.

  For example:

  • UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
  • OPEC (Organisazion of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

  6. Word meaning Word meaning can divide be as follow:


  a. Synonymy Synonym means that two or more words have the same meaning.16

  For example: Begin = start Correct = right Tall = high

  b. Antonym Antonym means that the word that is opposite in meaning to the other.17

  >< For example: beautifully ugly

  >< clean dirty

  >< buy sell >< hot cold c. Homonym

  Homonym is a word that is similar in the form and sound as another but different meaning.

  For example: see - sea, peace - piece, our - hour.

d. Idipttl

  According to A.S. Hornby, idiom is phrase or a sentence whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings o f the constituent words, but must be learnt as a whole.18

16 Michael McCharthy, Vocabulary, Oxford University Press, 1990, p.16.

  29 For example: To call up (to telephone), to call on (to visit), to keep on (to continue).

G. Vocabulary Test.

  Vocabulary test has been prepared as a measuring of the general ability or intelligent and as measures of achievement in special subject field. There are some techniques in testing vocabulary:

  1. Multiple Choice

  2. Production 3. Objective Partial Production.

  To test vocabulary, the writer agrees to use the multiple choices. In general, the item consists of stems containing the problem, one alternative represents distraction.19

  The result of the test can indicate language proficiency. Therefore, students who have more vocabulary can be assumed o have more language proficiency.

H. Definition of Achievement

  In general, achievement is personal accomplishment, attainment of goals set by the individual, or society in educational psychology. The term applies to specified level of proficiency in academic purpose.

  31 Achievement is something done with effort and skill successfully.2^ Achievement is the act of achieving or performing; accomplishment; inexplicit; a great or heroic deed; a ffat.2

  21 The meaning o f achievement comes from Dutch language prestise that means of something done result22 Achievement is realization o f potential abilities or capacity that is possessed by someone.23 Functions of achievement are:24

  1. Achievement of learning is quality indicator and knowledge quantity which have been mastered by student.

  2. Achievement of learning is inquiring ambition of satisfied device. This matter as mainstream curiosity and common requirement of human being in an education program (Abraham H. Moslow, 1984).

  3. Achievement of learning is as information material in educational innovation. The assumption is achievement of learning can be made motivation for the student in improving science, technological and personating of feed back in upgrading education.

  4. Achievement of learning is as intern and extern indicator from an educational institution. Intern indicator is achievement of learning can be

  20 The New Glorier Webster International Dictionary O f The English Language, Colombia University : Encyclopedic Edition 1988, p. 9.

  21 Webster’s Third New International Dictionary O f The English Language Un Abriged With Seven Language Dictionary, Volume 1, Inc. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1981.

  22 Zaenal Arifin, Evaluasi instruksional prinsip-teknik-prosedur, Bandung: remaja rosdakarya, p.102.

  23 Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, Bandung: Pt. made mount productivity indicator as an institution of education. Extern indicator is rate of learning achievement can be made as a indicator of successfulness’ student in society.

  5. Achievement of learning can be made a indicator to absorption or intelligent o f student.

  The achievement of students can be looked by their act, either act of knowledge mastery, mental skill or motorist skill.

  This thesis, the writer will relate of achievement with vocabulary in English language lesson.

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