ISSN 2085 - 2282

Nanang Sasmita, Yohanes Barung dan Albertin
Introduction of medicinal plant species and their benefits in a forest group need to be done. As a
first step would be to conduct research on the potential medicinal plant in Kutai National Park.
The purpose of this research is to find medicinal plants excistency in Prevab Kutai National
Park. Research methods used in identifying the types of medicinal plants by the method of
purposive explorative, descriptive methods, identification and interview. Interviews were
conducted with local plant experts to know what types of medicinal plants and its utility. Based
on the results of exploration of medicinal plants in Kutai National Park found 49 species of 30
families. Medicinal plant species were identified according to information from the staff of KNP
and library artifacts medicinal plants is little difference. But there are types of plants according to
the expert medical plants efficacious as a medicine but in the libraries are not efficacious drugs.
Plant part used for medicine include the leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, roots and rhizomes.
All of these plants can cure about 45 types of disease are diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, kidney,
cough, tonic, laxative urine, diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism, fever, headache, sores,

swelling, leukemia, tumors, hemorrhoids , skin fungus, boils, sore eyes, smallpox, drug hair,
snake bites, contraception, bleach teeth, ulcers, bleeding, poisoning, burns, thrush, hepatitis,
sleep medicine, dental pain, cancer, broken bones, bronchitis, tonsillitis, liver, heart, gout, scarlet
fever, sepilis, influenza (flu), tuberculosis and femininity.
Keyword : Medicinal plants, Kutai National Park


ISSN 2085 - 2282

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