Proses Public Relations Dalam Kegiatan Promosi 106.3FM Urban Radio Bandung Melalui Event Off-Air.


Dinny Nurdianni, 210103120069, 2015, Proses Public Relations Dalam
Kegiatan Promosi 106.3FM Urban Radio Bandung Melalui Event Off-Air
“Tropical House Architecture Competition”. Digunakan sebagai Laporan Tugas
Akhir dengan dosen pembimbing Ute Lies Siti Khadijah, S.Sos., M.Si. Program
D-III Pendidikan Ahli Komunikasi Terapan, Program Studi Kehumasan, Fakultas
Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran.
Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahap fact finding,
planning and programming, acting and communicating, dan evaluating pada
proses Public Relations dalam kegiatan promosi melalui event off-air “Tropical
House Architecture Competition”.
Metode yang digunakan dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah metode deskriptif,
dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara,
dan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa Marketing and Promotions Urban
Radio melakukan tahap fact finding melalui monitoring siaran Urban Radio dan
media sosial, fact finding Mortar Utama dan calon target peserta, serta rapat
internal. Tahap planning and programming melalui konsep event, pihak yang
terlibat dalam event, anggaran biaya, merencanakan waktu dan tempat
pelaksanaan, promosi on-air dan media sosial, serta persiapan kelengkapan

peralatan untuk pelaksanaan. Tahap acting and communicating melalui
penempatan logo Urban Radio, promosi on-air dan media sosial, serta kegiatan
spreading (flyering dan postering). Dan tahap evaluating melalui pembuatan
report kegiatan, dokumentasi seluruh kegiatan, serta rapat internal mengenai
seluruh kegiatan promosi.
Simpulan dari event ini adalah “Tropical House Architecture Competition”
dilakukan dalam beberapa kegiatan yaitu campus roadshow, fun walk, dan
pengumuman pemenang. Tujuan dari Urban Radio melakukan promosi melalui
event ini telah tercapai.
Penulis menyarankan kepada Urban Radio untuk melaksanakan proses fact
finding tidak hanya melalui internet namun juga perlu secara langsung memantau
kondisi yang sebenarnya di lapangan, dan akan lebih baik apabila proses planning
direncanakan dengan baik untuk mencegah perubahan mendadak saat acara
berlangsung. Serta Urban Radio harus melakukan kegiatan programming.



Dinny Nurdianni, 210103120069, 2015, Public Relations Process In

106.3FM Urban Radio Bandung's Promotion Activity Through "Tropical House
Architecture Competition" Off-Air Event. It is used as The Final Assignment
under the guidance of Ute Lies Siti Khadijah, S.Sos., M.Si. Program Education
Specialist D-III Applied Communication, Public Relations Studies, Faculty of
Communication, Padjadjaran University.
The aim of this Final Assignment is to find out the process of fact finding,
planning and programming, acting and communicating, and evaluating on Public
Relations process in 106.3FM Urban Radio Bandung’s promotion activity
through "Tropical House Architecture Competition" off-air event.
The observation method that is used in this Final Assignment is
Descriptive method, with data collecting techniques through observation,
interviews, and literature studies.
The observation result shows that Marketing and Promotions of Urban
Radio do the process of fact finding through monitoring radiobroadcast and
social media, fact finding Mortar Utama and target audience, and internal
meetings. The process of planning and programming through the concept of the
events, the party involved in the events, budget of the events, place and time of the
events, on-air promotions and social media, and the equipment completeness of
the events. The process of acting and communicating through the placement of
Urban Radio logo, on-air and social media promotions, and spreading activity

(flyering and postering). The process of evaluating through activity report,
activity documentation, and internal meeting regarding the whole promotion
The conclusion of this event is “Tropical House Architecture
Competition” is conducted in some activities such as campus roadshow, fun walk,
and winners announcement. The purpose of Urban Radio in conducting
promotion activity through this event had been accomplished.
The author suggests to Urban Radio to conduct the process of fact finding
not only through the internet but also need to immediately observe the real
condition in the field, and it will be better if the process of planning is wellplanned to prevent sudden changes when the event is running. And Urban Radio
has to conduct the programming activity.
