
Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



Submitted to the English Education Department of the Faculty of Language and Fine Arts Education of Indonesia University of Education in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree.

Written by: Nella Faidatun





Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

The Effectiveness of Suggestopedia

in Teaching Reading Comprehension

of Narrative Text

Oleh Nella Faidatun

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Nella Faidatun 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

November 2013

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Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



Written by: Nella Faidatun


Approved by:

Main Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Pupung Purnawarman, M.S.Ed., Ph.D. Rojab Siti Rodliyah, S.Pd., M.Ed.

NIP: 196810131998031001 NIP: 197308062002122001

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Fine Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed. NIP: 196211011987121001


Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


The study focused on the effectiveness of Suggestopedia in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text and students’ responses toward the implementation of the method. A quasi experimental design as a part of quantitative research was employed in this study. The data were obtained through the pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The sample was 80 students of eight graders. One class as an experimental group in which Suggestopedia was applied and one class as a control group which used convetional method. In the findings, it was shown that the use of suggestopedia was effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text as indicated by statistical computation in the post-test score of experimental group (M=74.90) and the post-test score of control group (M=65.90). Based on the independent t-test result, the tobt (5.125) is greater than tcrit (1.92) at the level of significance 0.05 which means that the null hypothesis was rejected. In other words, there was a difference between the experimental group and the control group. Furthermore, it was also supported by the student’s responses from the questionnaire. The data showed that most of students in experimental group were enthusiastic to the implementation of suggestopedia. Keywords: suggestopedia, reading comprehension, narrative text.

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang keefektifan metode Suggestopedia pada pengajaran pemahaman membaca teks naratif dan tanggapan siswa terhadap penggunaan metode tersebut. Penelitian Semu sebagai bagian dari penelitian kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test dan kuesioner. Objek penelitian merupakan 80 siswa kelas 8 dimana 1 kelas menjadi kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan metode Suggetopedia dan 1 kelas lain menjadi kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode konvensional . Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penggunaan metode Suggestopedia efektif dalam pengajaran pemahaman membaca teks naratif. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil perhitungan data statistik dari perolehan nilai post-test di kedua kelas. Nilai rata-rata post-test di kelas eksperimen adalah 74.90, sedangkan perolehan rata-rata nilai post-test di kelas kontrol 65.90. Hasil perolehan uji-t membuktikan bahwa tobt lebih besar dari tcrit (5.125 > 1.92) pada tingkat signifikansi 5%, sehingga ada perbedaan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah


Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

diberikan perlakuan. Perolehan data dari kuesioner juga menyatakan bahwa siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap penggunaan metode tersebut.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study...1

1.2 Statement of the Problems...4

1.3 Aims of the Study...5

1.4 Scope of the Study...5

1.5 Hyphotesis...5

1.6 Significance of the Study...6

1.7 Clarification of Terms...6

1.8 Organization of Paper...7


2.1.1 General Concept of Reading...8

2.1.2 Teaching Reading...10

2.1.3 Reading Comprehension...14

2.2 Suggestopedia...17

2.2.1 Main Principles of Suggestopedia...17

2.2.2 Procedures of Suggestopedia...19



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

2.3 Narrative Text...26

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Method...29

3.1.1 Research Design...29

3.2 Data Collection...31

3.2.1 Population and Sample...31

3.2.2 Research Instrument...31

3.3 Research Procedure...32

3.3.1 Organizing Teaching Procedure...32

3.3.2 Administering Pilot Test...32

3.3.3 Administering Pre-test and Post-test...32

3.3.4 Conducting the Treatment...32

3.3.5 Distributing Questionnaire...34

3.4 Data Analysis on Pilot Test...34

3.4.1 Validity and Reliability Test...35

3.5 Findings from Pilot Test...35


4.1.1 Data Analysis on Pre-test and Post-test...36 Normality Distribution Test...36 Homogeneity of Variance Test...37

4..1.1.3 The Calculation of Independent t-test...37

4.1.2 Data Analysis of Questionnaire...37

4.2 Findings...39

4.2.1 Findings from Pre-test Score Analysis of EG and CG...39

4.2.2 Findings from Post-test Score Analysis of EG and CG...40

4.2.3 Findings from Pre-test and Post test Score Analysis of EG...42



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

4.3 Discussions...46


5.2 Suggestions...52

BIBLIOGRAPHY………....…………..54 APPENDICES A Lesson Plan and Teaching Media...59

APPENDICES B Research Instrument...86

APPENDICES C Pilot Test, Pre-test, Post-test, Questionnaire Result...98



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


Table 3.1 ………..…….….…29

Table 3.2...……….…..33

Table 4.1……….……39

Table 4.2……….40



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


This chapter provides general outline of the study. It covers background of the study, statement of the problem, aims of the study, scope of the study, hyphotesis, significance of the study and organization of paper.

1.1 Background of the study

One of the problems in English Education field in Indonesia is the lack of students’ ability in reading. Many students have difficulties in reading English text, especially in reading comprehension. They cannot focus on what they read during the reading activity and still have difficulty to get the ideas of the text. The classroom environment do not support them to read well so the students are not motivated to read English text. Many students also look like getting bored to follow the classroom activity. Most of the teachers cannot provide an interesting reading activity in the classroom. As a result, the students cannot reach the minimum level of reading comprehension achievement since they lack of motivation in reading.

Whereas, reading is one of the important language skills in obtaining input to learn foreign language. The more people read, the more knowledge they can gain especially to enrich their vocabulary. It is also considered to be the essential channel of communication in an every widening world. In addition, it is believed that improved reading skills would improve students’ academic performance.

According to Baumel (1998), The goals of reading are to understand written text, integrate new ideas, and generalize from what is read. But it is not that easy to reach those goals of reading. In reading a text, it does not only need to comprehend the content or the message of the text, but also need to understand the language used in the text. Hence, it will need some complex aspects such as the readers’ experience toward the topic being read, knowledge of the topic itself, and



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

also readers’ interests. Most of people think that reading is that simple. But actually, reading is more than just read paragraph or text without any goals but it consists of understanding and comprehending the meaning of the text. The readers also should set their reading purposes before they are going to read, whether it is for getting information, enhancing the knowledge, learning something or getting some pleasures. Basically the purpose of reading is based on their own motivation. Thus, building motivation or interest is the most important thing in reading.

Moreover, in the language learning process, reading is one of the receptive skills. Based on the education policy in our country Indonesia, English is one of subject matters in UN (National Examination). Besides listening, reading comprehension becomes the important part in UN. It is because mostly the

questions are based on the student’s comprehension toward the certain text.

Unfortunately, most of students still lack of interest toward reading, so they do not have knowledge and still lack of vocabulary. Regarding those matters, reading is the important skill that should be mastered by the students, because it can be the crucial matter when the students face some English text then they do not still comprehend and cannot get the meaning of the text. As a result, their English score in National Examination is still low.

As the English teacher, it is a duty to make their students are interested in reading English text. If students are highly motivated, they will achieve their reading purpose and comprehend the text easily. One of the efforts to make the students are motivated and interested in reading English text is by providing a pleasant reading activity. A good and interesting method is necessary.

Nowadays, teaching language as a foreign language has developed very rapidly, especially in United States and European countries. They have some established research in the field of linguistics and language teaching that create some great ideas. Rapid progress in the field of communication has brought these thoughts to developing countries, including Indonesia. So, it is not surprising that



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

the theory of language learning is applied in Indonesia which adopts ideas from the West. According to Dardjowijojo (1996:30), there are five sophisticated approaches in language teaching such as, Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response, The Natural Approach. The Silent Way, and Suggestopedy.

Compared with the approaches that have been developed previously such as Grammar-Translation Method and Direct Method which consider teacher as the owner of knowledge and students as an object, these current approaches are more priority to the role and the need of the students. Because of that, the researcher consider to use one of them to prove the efectiveness of using suggestopedia in language teaching. Suggestopedia is the humanistic approach that prioritize the student’s needs.

Suggestopedia is a modern methodology in teaching foreign language coming from Bulgaria. It is developed by a Bulgarian doctor, Georgi Lozanov. Suggestopedia is a teaching system which makes the use of all the possibilities tender suggestion can offer (Lozanov, 1978:11). It relies on the relaxation with the comfortable atmosphere. The teacher can create and provide the pleasant activity with a very comfortable environment so the students can enjoy and feel relaxed during the lesson. It involves the psychological, educational, artistic and musical (Lozanov, 1982). Psychological atmospehere is created by an attractive classroom, such as soft lighting, seating arrangement, etc. Educational atmosphere is how the teacher can bring the material to the classroom and motivate them to engage with the material. Artistic atmosphere is by using some pictures related to the material and stick them on the wall. Musical atmospehere is where the lesson has backsound by using classical music or baroque music which will get the students focus, being relaxed and concentrate to the material. The students will enjoy the lesson without any fears, then they are able to reach their own maximal potential learning.

Based on several research that investigated the use of suggestopedia to teach foreign language, it showed that such method was effective. One of the



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

investigations has been conducted by Shafqat, et al (2009) entitled “The

experimental study for effectiveness of superlearning technique at elementary level in Pakistan”. This study investigated whether or not the use of superlearning technique as known as suggestopedia in teaching science was effective. As the result, such technique successfully worked well in improving student’s score in science subject. The same result was shown by the similar study about sugestopedia in another context that was in teaching and learning foreign language. It has been conducted by Prichard, et al (1980). He conducted the study in one of high schools in Indianola at German class for one year. As a result, he found that there was a significant difference between the experimental group which was treated by suggestopedia and control group. In addition, the action research about “The improving student’s reading comprehension in narrrative text through suggestopedia method” has been successfully conducted by Djuhariah, et al (2012). It was found that the students’s reading comprehension of narrative text could be improved from cycle 1 to cycle 2. Moreover, there were also several advantages from the use of such method. The students could be relaxed and more easily to absorb the material. That is why Lozanov suggests to implement this method in teaching foreign language.

Regarding those reasons, the researcher considers to implement this method in teaching reading comprehension. Thus, the participants of this study are the junior high school students. Particularly, this study is conducted to know whether this method is effective or not in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. Moreover, it is to find out the student’s responses toward the suggestopedia method. Finally, the researcher hopes that the use of suggestopedia can improve the students’ reading skills and it can be one of the attractive methods to teach foreign language.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to answer the following questions:

1. Is the use of suggestopedia method effective in teaching reading comprehension?

2. What are the students’ responses toward the suggestopedia method in

teaching reading comprehension of narrative text? 1.3 Aims of the Study

Associated with statement of the problem above, there are two objectives of the research. The first is to know whether the use of suggestopedia method is effective in improving students’s reading comprehension or not. The second one

is to find out the student’s responses toward the suggestopedia method in teaching

reading comprehension of narrative text. 1.4 Scope of the Study

This study limits its investigation into two concerns. The first concern is about the effectiveness of suggestopedia method in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. The second concern is about the level of reading comprehension. This study only focuses the students’ reading comprehension on the literal level.

According to Berry (2005), there are three different levels of reading comprehension; literal level, interpretive level, and applied level. Literal level is the basic level of reading comprehension in which the reader can memorize and approach the new information of the text. Interpretive level is a level in which the reader tries to understand what they have memorized in the literal level. Applied level is a level in which the reader attempts to examine the message from the author and to apply that message in other setting such as, article, essay, report, etc. 1.5 Hyphotesis

Since this study is to find out whether or not the use of suggestopedia method is effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text, null



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

hyphotesis and alternative hyphotesis are used. As stated by Coolidge (2000) and Kranzler and Moursund (1999), the null hyphotesis and alternative hyphotesis are as follows:

H0 : there is no difference between reading narrative text by using suggestopedia method in experimental and control groups after being given the treatment.

HA : there is difference between reading narrative text by using suggestopedia method in experimental and control groups after being given the treatment.

1.6 Significance of the Study

By doing this study, the researcher hopes that this study will give any contributions for educational field especially in teaching strategy which is used in the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, if the result of this study shows that there is a significant difference between both groups, so this strategy can be regarded as a productive method that can be used as an alternative strategy to

improve the students’ reading comprehension. It becomes a consideration for the

English teachers to implement such technique in the classroom. Besides that, it will be very useful for the students to enhance their interests and knowledge in learning English.

1.7 Clarification of Terms

In order to avoid misinterpretation in understanding this study, it is important to clarify the following definitions of key terms:

a. Effectiveness refers to a different effects which determine a better result in teaching reading process through the implementation of suggestopedia.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

b. Suggestopedia is a teaching method using classical music and pictures as a tool and giving a good suggestion to create relaxation and comfortable learning environment.

c. Reading comprehension is a process of understanding the text as well as the interaction between the reader’s background knowledge of the text.

d. Narrative text is one of text types with a representative of an event or series of events which aims to entartain the reader. It tells about legend, fairy tale, folktale, fable, myth, science fiction, short story, modern fantasy, etc.

1.8 Organization of Paper

The organization of this paper is started with chapter I, introduction. This chapter introduces the problem discussed in this paper. It consists of background of the study, statement of the problem, aims of the study, scope of the study, hyphotesis, significance of the study, clarification of terms and organization of paper. Chapter II is theoretical foundation which explains related theories and literature. Chapter III is methodology, explains the methodology or research design used by the researcher. Following is chapter IV, data analysis, findings and discussions, explains the data analysis, the findings of the research and the discussion. And the last is chapter V, conclusion and suggestions. Conclusion of the research is described in this chapter. It also contains some suggestions that are fully expected to assist anyone dealing with this study.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


This chapter presents the methodology in conducting the research which answers the two research questions previously stated in the first chapter. This chapter provides four main parts of the investigation: research method, data collection technique, research procedures, and data analysis technique and findings on pilot test.

3.1 Research Method 3.1.1 Research Design

A quantitative method in the form of quasi experimental design was employed in the study. There were two groups which were involved, the first group was the experimental group (EG) in which the suggestopedia method was applied. The second one was the control group (CG) which was treated by using conventional method. The experimental design in this study is described schematically as following:

Table 3.1

Sample Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Experimental Group

X1e T X2e

Control Group X1c 0 X2c


X1e : students’s reading achievement of experimental group in pre-test X1c : student’s reading achievement of control group in pre-test X2e : student’s reading achievement of experimental group in post-test X2c : student’s reading achievement of control group in post-test



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

T : Treatment using suggestopedia method in learning process

From the table above, it can be seen that the experimental and control group got the pre-test in the beginning. It was conducted to know the initial ability of each group especially in their reading comprehension skill. Afterwards, the experimental group was given the treatment by using suggestopedia method during the teaching and learning process for four times. While, the control group used the conventional method during the teaching and learning process. After the treatment both groups were given the post test. It was conducted to know whether or not the students who were treated by using suggetopedia method had the higher score than those who were taught by using conventional method.

A variable can be defined as an attribute of a person or of an object which varies from person to person or from object to object. In research, variables can be classified as dependent and independent variables. The independent variable is the variable which is selected, manipulated, and measured by the researcher, while the dependent variable is the variable whereby the researcher observes to determine the effect of the independent variable (Hatch and Farhady, 1982). Thus, the independent variable was the use of suggestopedia method in teaching reading comprehension. In addition, the dependent variable in this research was the student’s comprehension in reading narrative text.

According to Hatch and Farhady (1982), Hypothesis is defined as a formal affirmative statement predicting a single research outcome, a tentative explanation of the relationship between two or more variables. It also limits the focus of the investigation to a definite target and determines what observations are to be made. Thus, the research was conducted to examine the hypothesis which is stated as follows:

 H0 = There is no difference between students’ post-test scores in the experimental group and students’ post-test scores in the control group.

 HA = There is a significance difference between students’ post-test scores in the experimental group and students’ post-test scores in the control group.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

From the hypothesis above, if the null hypothesis is rejected it means that there is a difference between students in the experimental group and control group. In other words, the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Whereas, If the null hypothesis is accepted it means that there is no significant difference between both groups. It can be said that the suggestopedia method did not work well and it is not effective to be used in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text.

3.2 Data Collection

3.2.1 Population and Sample

According to (Arikunto, 2010:173), population is the whole subjects of the research. Population in this research was the second grade of junior high school students in SMP Negeri 1 Ciwidey. There were 11 classes which consist of 40 students in each class. Thus, the total of the population was about 440 students.

The sample of this study was only two classes of second grade students in SMPN 1 Ciwidey. The first class is 8.I as the experimental group and the second one is 8.G as the control group. Each class consisted of 40 students. Thus, the total of the sample was 80 students.

3.2.2 Research Instruments

Arikunto (2010:36) stated that all media used by the researcher to collect the data was the research instrument. The data were collected to answer the research question of the study. In this study, the reseacher used two kinds of instruments, they are test and questionnaire. There were two types of test, pre test and post-test which were conducted to generate the score in examining the effectiveness of using suggestopedia method in teaching reading comprehension. The pre-test was conducted to both groups, experimental and control group in order to know the initial ability of the students’s comprehension in narrative text before the treatment given. On the contrary, the post test was given after the treatment in order to know whether or not there is a change on student’s



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

comprehension ability in the narrative text. After the post-test, the students in the experimental group were given the questionnaire in order to know the response toward the use of suggestopedia during their learning process.

3.3 Research Procedure

3.3.1 Organizing Teaching Procedure

In this study, the researcher performed as teacher in both experimental and control group. As the preparation of the learning process, the researcher prepared two things such as, the materials and media for teaching and learning process, and the lesson plan for both experimental and control group.

3.3.2 Administering Pilot Test

The researcher conducted the pilot test in order to know the validity and reliability of the test. It was important to be conducted in order to know the quality of the test whether the test is appropriate or not to be used and as the reflection in making some revisions of the test items.

3.3.3 Administering Pre-Test and Post-Test

Pre-test was conducted to both experimental and control group. It was conducted to know the initial ability of the students especially in their comprehension skills of narrative text. The score between two groups was expected relatively similar to each other so that it could be assumed that the improvement of their score was the treatment. Post-test was conducted to know the improvement of the student’s score, it can be said that there was the change between the score in pre-test and post-test. Besides, it was to know that whether or not there was a significant difference between experimental and control group. 3.3.4 Conducting the treatment

The treatments were conducted after the pre-test was administered. It was given only to the experimental group in which during the teaching and learning



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

process the method used was the suggestopedia. It does not mean that the control group did not get any treatments, but during the teching and learning process the control group was treated by conventional method. The treatments were conducted in four meetings.

Table 3.2

Day/ Date


Experimental Group Control Group

Tues/ 20-Aug-13 (Pilot test)

Conducting instrument test to 40 students

Fri/ 23-Augl-13 Pre test Pre test

Mon/ 26-Aug -13 Introduction of Suggestopedia

Teaching method, Class preparation - Tues/ 27-Aug -13 Treatment 1 : Presentation, Active

Concert, Passive Concert, Practice (games and story telling)

(Babu and the Lion)

Modeling of reading text, asking and answering, playing games, reading exercise (Babu and the Lion) Wed/ 28-Aug -13 Treatment 2 : Presentation, Active

Concert, Passive Concert, Practice (games and role playing)

(Jack and the Beanstalk)

Modeling of reading text, asking and answering, playing games, reading exercise (Jack and the Beanstalk) Thur/ 29-Aug -13 Treatment 3 : Presentation, Active

Concert, Passive Concert, Practice

Modeling of reading text, asking and answering, playing games and role, reading



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

(games and role playing)

(Goldilocks and the Three Bears)

exercise (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)

Fri/ 30-Aug-13 Treatment 4 : Presentation, Active Concert, Passive Concert, Practice (games)

(The Smartest Parrot)

Modeling of reading text, asking and answering, playing games, reading exercise (The Smartest Parrot) Mon/ 2-Sep-13 Post test, Celebration

(Award-giving), Reflection and Evaluation, Questionnaire

Post test, Celebration (Award-giving), Reflection and Evaluation

3.3.5 Distributing Questionnaire

Questionnaire was distributed only to the experimental group. It was given at the end of the treatment. It aimed to know the student’s responses toward the use of suggestopedia in the classroom. The questions on the questionnaire related to the strengths and weaknesess of the suggestopedia method, student’s opinion and suggestion.

3.4. Data Analysis on Pilot Test

The pre-test and post-test were examined to find out whether or not the items were reliable and valid. In order to know the reliabilty and validity of the test, the test item was pilot-tested to 40 students in the same school with the subjects in this study. Firstly, the students were asked to read the instruction contained in the test item in order to find out whether or not the instruction was understandable and clear enough. In addition, it was to examine the face validity of the test. Then, the students were asked to do the test. There were two sessions with different questions in each test. After that, the students’ work in the test were examined. It was proceeded to measure the validity and reliability of the test.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3.4.1 Validity and Reliability Test

Arikunto (2010:211) stated that validity is a measurement to show whether or not the test is valid. Pearson Product Moment Correlation in SPSS 16 for windows was used in order to check the kind of validity of the instruments and to know the validity of each items.

In adition, reliability of the instrument can be measured if the instrument is trusted to obtain some data (Arikunto, 2010:221). A good instrument must be trusted and it will give the trusted data as well. Therefore, it was important to know whether the instrument was reliable or not before it was used.

3.5 Findings from the Pilot Test

Pilot test were administered to 40 students of 8 graders. They came from different classes of the same school. The test were conducted in two sessions with different questions on each session. Each test consisted of fourty multiple-choice items. Some considerations were taken in testing the research instrument, such as: 1. Validity

In order to check the validity of instrument, Pearson Product Moment was used. The items were classified into three parts, low, moderate and high item. The result of validity of instrument can be seen in Apendix C. In addition, it was found that the test item used in both two sessions possessed face validity as well as content validity. The face validity was maintained as all of the fourty students in the pilot test perceived that the test item contained understandable and clear enough instruction. None of the students were confused with the instruction. The content validity was maintained as the majority of the students in the pilot test had performed the particular language skills and areas expected in the test which was reading skill.

2. Reliability

Cronbach’s Alpa in SPSS 16 for windows was used in order to check the reliability of the instrument. Based on the computation result, the score of reliability in the first session is 0.400. It can be interpreted as moderate degree



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

because the Cronbach’s Alpha is greater than 0.3. Furthermore, the score of reliability test in second session is 0.848. It means that the instrument has a high degree of reliability because the value of Cronbach’s Alpa is > 0.6.

Based on the result of validity test, there were 11 unvalid items in each session. Those items were removed and revised. As a result, there were only 30 items used in the pre-test and post-test. In addition, since the result of reliability test showed that the test had a moderate and high degree of reliability, it can be said that the test was reliable and able to be used.


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In this chapter, various findings of the research are drawn together, and some theoretical as well as practical implications of these findings are suggested. 5. 1 Conclusions

This study was concerned with the implementation of suggestopedia in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text to eight-graders. The pupose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of suggestopedia, whether or not the use of the method was effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. Furthermore, this study also aimed to discover the student’s responses toward the implementation of suggestopedia.

Based on the calculation result of independent t-test, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected which means that there was a significant difference in the mean of experimental and control group. The research findings suggested that this method was effective in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. The use of the method can improve student’s ability proven by the scores of pre-test and post-test.

In addition, the implementation of this method could successfully work well because of several factors. Basically, this method emphasized learning by using classical music background. It aimed to create the learner’s concentaration and make them feel relaxed. A good learning environment could influence the student’s mood during the learning process. The more students felt comfortable and relaxed in the classroom, the easier it would be for them. Besides that, the teacher’s role was the one of important things in the classroom. The teacher had the authority to command trust and respect of the students. Some positive suggestions could bring the students into the positive way as well. The student-teacher relation was created like parents to child where there was no anxiety when


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The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

having the interaction between both. The students and the teacher had a close relationship so they could freely express themselves and take risk in making mistakes. The selected material also influenced the student’s motivation. In this case, the material was narrative text. Based on the purpose of narrative text itself that was to entertain or amuse the reader, the teacher attracted student’s attention with various media and activities. The way how to convey the material to the students was combined with the interesting activity in order to get the student’s attention. The use of variety of media and activities were effective to increase student’s curiosity and willingnes to learn. It could help the students to learn comfortably. Since every selected activity invited them to get relaxed and promoted them to comprehend the text. As a result, apart from helping students became more confident to use English, suggestopedia facilitated students to comprehend the text easily. In conclusion, the learning objectives were successfully reached by the students.


5.2 Suggestions

Teacher can use suggestopedia as teaching method in their teaching. Using suggestopedia is very interesting but challenging to do. For instance, when the suggestopedia is implemented in the big class where there are more than 30 students in the classroom. The teacher will find different situation and characteristic of the students. Therefore, the teacher should have a hard effort to be able to attrack student’s attention and make them all focus to the material. Furthermore, the teacher should be more creative and smart in choosing and using material as well as learning media. It would be better if the materials were selected based on the student’s characteristic in order to avoid student’s boredom. Besides that, in relation to the use of music in the suggestopedia method, it would be better if the teacher conducted some surveys in the beginning. It aims to know what kind of music genre that students like the most and can influence their motivation in the learning process.


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The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

In addition, the use of suggestopedia in EFL context especially in teaching reading comprehension may be recommended because some elements of suggestopedia are suitable to be applied in reading classroom. The use of some variant activities can encourage all students including the motivated and low-achiever students. Thus, all students in the classroom will engage to the material since the suggestopedia gives the possitive effect to the students. Furthermore, another thing is about the teacher’s time management. It will be better if the teacher prepare the lesson plan very well. It is to avoid lack of time in each stage since this teaching method needs much more time. It also makes the use of suggestopedia in teaching learning process works efficiently and effectively.

In general, there are some considerations in using suggestopedia as teaching method. In one side it has some benefits, but on the other side it also has some weaknesses. However, some weaknesses in terms of practical thing are likely to be minimized by the teacher’s creativity. Since there is no end for teacher to look for the perfection of the method in language teaching. As a matter of fact, the language teaching method known as Suggestopedia provides some valuable insights into the power of cognition and creates techniques that make students feel comfortable, relaxed and suggestible to the material being learned. In addition, the writer also suggests that the next researcher could explore more in conducting the similar research related to the use of suggestopedia in the teaching and learning process, especially in investigating another kind of suggestible music. The selected genre of music may be based on the Indonesian context or students’ background.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


Almasi, J. F. (2003). Teaching Strategic Processes in Reading. New York: Gullford

Alyousef, S. (2005). Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL

Learners.The Reading Matrix Vol.2 No.5. Retrieved March 12, 2013 from

Anderson,N. J.(1999). Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Anderson, M and Anderson, K. (1997). Text Types in English 1-2. South Yara: Macmillan Education Australia.

Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Bakke, M. (2010). Teaching Reading in EFL Instruction. What are

teachers’ attitudes towards reading in EFL-instruction and how is it taught in class?. Universitetet i Oslo.

Baumel, J.M. S. (1998). Reading Comprehension: Research Inform Us. Retrieved on July 10, 2013 from

Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. San Fransisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Berry, J. (2005). Levels of Reading Comprehension. Retrieved July 10, 2013

from http;//

Bancroft, W.J. (1995). The 2-sided mind: teaching and Suggestopedia. Eric Document Reproduction Service No.ED 384244.

Brantmeier, C (2002). Second Language Reading Strategy Research at the Secondary and University Levels: Variations, Dispartities and

Generalizability. The Reading Matrix (3), pp 1 – 14. Retrieved July 16, 2013 from the World Wide Web at



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Brummit, J. (2008). What is Reading Compehension. Retrieved on March 12, 2013 from Brushman, R. And Madsen, H. (1976). A description and Evaluation of

Suggestopedia-a New Teaching Methodology.

Coolidge, F. L. (2000). Statistics: A Gentle Introduction. London: SAGE Publication Ltd.

Chesla, E. (2000). Read Better, Remember More. 2nd Edition. New York, USA: Learning Express, LLC.

Dardjowidjojo, S.(1996). “Lima Pendekatan Mutakhir dalam Pengajaran

Bahasa. Berbagai Pendekatan dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Pelita Sinar Harapan.

Derewianka, B. (2004). Exploring How Texts Work. Victoria. Australia: Primary English Teaching Association.

Djuhariah, et al. (2012). Improving Student’s Reading Comprehension of

Narrative Text through Suggestopedia Method. Tanjung Pura University. Dymock, S.J. & Nicholson. T. (1990). Reading Comprehension. What is it? How

do You Teach it?. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Ed. Research.

Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E (1990). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Grabe, W. S. (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited.

Harmer, J. (1998). How to Teach English. Malaysia: Longman

Harmer, J. (2005). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Pearson Longman.

Hatch, E. & Farhady, H. (1982). Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, Inc.

Hulan, Nancy, et al. (2011). Exam Cram: Reading. Retrieved on July 19, 2013 from



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Kranzler, G and Moursund, J. (1999). Statistics for The Terrified.New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Kucer, S. B. (2005). Dimensions of literacy: A conceptual base for teaching reading and writing in school settings. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Lehr & Osborn. (2005). A Focus on Comprehension. US: PREL Lica, G. M. 2008. Suggestopedia: A Wonder Approach to Learning

Foreign Languages. Assian EFL Journal: English Language Teaching and Research Article. Retrieved August 1, 2013 from

Lozanov, G. (1978). Suggestology and outlines of Suggestopedia. NewYork: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers. In Cook, V. (Ed.). Second language learning and language teaching. London:Hodder Headline Group. 64-87, 199-203.

Lozanov, G. (1982). Suggestology and suggestopedia. In R.E.Blair(Ed.),

Innovative approaches to language teaching. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Lozanov, G. (2005). Suggestopedia-Dessugestive: Teaching Communicative Method on the Level of the Hidden Reserves of the Human mind. Vienna, Austria: International Centre for Suggestology

Lozanov, G. & Gateva, E. (1988). The foreign language teacher’s Suggestopedic manual. Switzerland: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, 5-113.

Mariotti, S. A and Homan, S. P. (2005). Linking Reading Assessment to

Instruction : An Application Work Text for Elementary Classroom Teachers. Fourth Edition. Marwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,Publishers

Pearson & Duke. (2002). Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension. International Reading Association.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Instruction.Retrieved July 17, 2013 from Priyatmojo, A. S. (2009). Suggestopedia as a Method for Teaching

Speaking for Young Learners in a Second Language Classroom. Indonesia: Semarang State University.

Rahim, M. I. (2010). Using Suggestopedia to improve the Second Year Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement at SMP Muhamadiyah 1 Jember. State University of Malang

Richards, J.C., and Rodgers, T.S. (1998). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shafqat, H. (2010). An Experimental Study for Effectiveness of

Superlearning Technique at Elementary level in Pakistan. Retrieved August 1, 2013 from %20et%20al..pdf

Shuttleworth, M. (2008). How to Write a Research Paper. UK: Oscar Blakstad

Sneineh, A. F. (2009). The Effect of Musical Intelligence through Using

Suggestopedia Method on the Achievement of the Basic Sixth Grade Students' Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. Philadelphia University

Stevick, E. (1980). Teaching languages: A way and ways. Chapters 18-19. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Timmerman, L.(1991).Our 1991 Suggestopedia experiment: results and

conclusions. WOT study group for the optimization of language teaching – KATHO Polythecnic. Retrieved July 17, 2013 from the World Wide Web: http.//



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


53 Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

In addition, the use of suggestopedia in EFL context especially in teaching reading comprehension may be recommended because some elements of suggestopedia are suitable to be applied in reading classroom. The use of some variant activities can encourage all students including the motivated and low-achiever students. Thus, all students in the classroom will engage to the material since the suggestopedia gives the possitive effect to the students. Furthermore, another thing is about the teacher’s time management. It will be better if the teacher prepare the lesson plan very well. It is to avoid lack of time in each stage since this teaching method needs much more time. It also makes the use of suggestopedia in teaching learning process works efficiently and effectively.

In general, there are some considerations in using suggestopedia as teaching method. In one side it has some benefits, but on the other side it also has some weaknesses. However, some weaknesses in terms of practical thing are

likely to be minimized by the teacher’s creativity. Since there is no end for teacher

to look for the perfection of the method in language teaching. As a matter of fact, the language teaching method known as Suggestopedia provides some valuable insights into the power of cognition and creates techniques that make students feel comfortable, relaxed and suggestible to the material being learned. In addition, the writer also suggests that the next researcher could explore more in conducting the similar research related to the use of suggestopedia in the teaching and learning process, especially in investigating another kind of suggestible music. The

selected genre of music may be based on the Indonesian context or students’



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


Almasi, J. F. (2003). Teaching Strategic Processes in Reading. New York: Gullford

Alyousef, S. (2005). Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL

Learners.The Reading Matrix Vol.2 No.5. Retrieved March 12, 2013 from

Anderson,N. J.(1999). Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Anderson, M and Anderson, K. (1997). Text Types in English 1-2. South Yara: Macmillan Education Australia.

Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Bakke, M. (2010). Teaching Reading in EFL Instruction. What are

teachers’ attitudes towards reading in EFL-instruction and how is it taught in class?. Universitetet i Oslo.

Baumel, J.M. S. (1998). Reading Comprehension: Research Inform Us. Retrieved on July 10, 2013 from

Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. San Fransisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Berry, J. (2005). Levels of Reading Comprehension. Retrieved July 10, 2013

from http;//

Bancroft, W.J. (1995). The 2-sided mind: teaching and Suggestopedia. Eric Document Reproduction Service No.ED 384244.

Brantmeier, C (2002). Second Language Reading Strategy Research at the Secondary and University Levels: Variations, Dispartities and

Generalizability. The Reading Matrix (3), pp 1 – 14. Retrieved July 16, 2013 from the World Wide Web at



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Brummit, J. (2008). What is Reading Compehension. Retrieved on March 12, 2013 from Brushman, R. And Madsen, H. (1976). A description and Evaluation of

Suggestopedia-a New Teaching Methodology.

Coolidge, F. L. (2000). Statistics: A Gentle Introduction. London: SAGE Publication Ltd.

Chesla, E. (2000). Read Better, Remember More. 2nd Edition. New York, USA: Learning Express, LLC.

Dardjowidjojo, S.(1996). “Lima Pendekatan Mutakhir dalam Pengajaran

Bahasa. Berbagai Pendekatan dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra. Jakarta: Pelita Sinar Harapan.

Derewianka, B. (2004). Exploring How Texts Work. Victoria. Australia: Primary English Teaching Association.

Djuhariah, et al. (2012). Improving Student’s Reading Comprehension of

Narrative Text through Suggestopedia Method. Tanjung Pura University. Dymock, S.J. & Nicholson. T. (1990). Reading Comprehension. What is it? How

do You Teach it?. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Ed. Research.

Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E (1990). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Grabe, W. S. (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited.

Harmer, J. (1998). How to Teach English. Malaysia: Longman

Harmer, J. (2005). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Pearson Longman.

Hatch, E. & Farhady, H. (1982). Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, Inc.

Hulan, Nancy, et al. (2011). Exam Cram: Reading. Retrieved on July 19, 2013 from



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Kranzler, G and Moursund, J. (1999). Statistics for The Terrified.New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Kucer, S. B. (2005). Dimensions of literacy: A conceptual base for teaching reading and writing in school settings. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Lehr & Osborn. (2005). A Focus on Comprehension. US: PREL Lica, G. M. 2008. Suggestopedia: A Wonder Approach to Learning

Foreign Languages. Assian EFL Journal: English Language Teaching and Research Article. Retrieved August 1, 2013 from

Lozanov, G. (1978). Suggestology and outlines of Suggestopedia. NewYork: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers. In Cook, V. (Ed.). Second language learning and language teaching. London:Hodder Headline Group. 64-87, 199-203.

Lozanov, G. (1982). Suggestology and suggestopedia. In R.E.Blair(Ed.),

Innovative approaches to language teaching. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Lozanov, G. (2005). Suggestopedia-Dessugestive: Teaching Communicative Method on the Level of the Hidden Reserves of the Human mind. Vienna, Austria: International Centre for Suggestology

Lozanov, G. & Gateva, E. (1988). The foreign language teacher’s Suggestopedic manual. Switzerland: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, 5-113.

Mariotti, S. A and Homan, S. P. (2005). Linking Reading Assessment to

Instruction : An Application Work Text for Elementary Classroom Teachers. Fourth Edition. Marwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,Publishers

Pearson & Duke. (2002). Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension. International Reading Association.



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Instruction.Retrieved July 17, 2013 from Priyatmojo, A. S. (2009). Suggestopedia as a Method for Teaching

Speaking for Young Learners in a Second Language Classroom. Indonesia: Semarang State University.

Rahim, M. I. (2010). Using Suggestopedia to improve the Second Year Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement at SMP Muhamadiyah 1 Jember. State University of Malang

Richards, J.C., and Rodgers, T.S. (1998). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shafqat, H. (2010). An Experimental Study for Effectiveness of

Superlearning Technique at Elementary level in Pakistan. Retrieved August 1, 2013 from %20et%20al..pdf

Shuttleworth, M. (2008). How to Write a Research Paper. UK: Oscar Blakstad

Sneineh, A. F. (2009). The Effect of Musical Intelligence through Using

Suggestopedia Method on the Achievement of the Basic Sixth Grade Students' Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. Philadelphia University

Stevick, E. (1980). Teaching languages: A way and ways. Chapters 18-19. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Timmerman, L.(1991).Our 1991 Suggestopedia experiment: results and

conclusions. WOT study group for the optimization of language teaching – KATHO Polythecnic. Retrieved July 17, 2013 from the World Wide Web: http.//



Nella Faidatun,2013

The Effectiveness Of Suggestopedia In Teaching Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |