Trip Japan Report Garnis Sugiharti


Nakamise - Dori is one of the oldest shopping areas in Japan. When Tokugawa Ieyasu, a warlord who ruled
Japan in the Sengoku Period (1493-1590), founded Edo Shogun from where the people of Edo City increased
rapidly. With the increasing population in this area, there are some residents who began to open shops around the
site of Senso-Ji Temple and surrounding areas. This is the beginning of the presence of Nakamise-Dori.

For tourists who are visiting Japan, Nakamise - Dori is one of the must-visit tourist destinations. Nakamise
- Dori is a 250-meter road from the Kaminarimon Hozomon gate. Kaminarimon is the entrance to Nakamise - Dori,
located in front of Senso-Ji Temple. In addition, Nakamise-Dori's location is not far from Asakusa station making
this area easy to visit, only about 2 minutes by foot. The atmosphere of Nakamise - Dori is very crowded with
visitors. Visitors here are dominated by overseas visitors who came here to buy souvenirs or visit Senso-Ji kui.

The row of windows in front of the store is used as a large canvas medium, resembling a large roll of

Asakusa dais, where traditional events and festivals are held every season. So visitors can enjoy and visit this shop
even after being closed at night. Visitors will be treated to the splendid display of beautiful murals on store
windows that have been closed.

There are many shops lining this side of the road, about 50 kiosks on the east side and 35 kiosks on the
west side, all of which are old and historic buildings. Consists of 7 blocks with a total of 85 kiosks.
Nakamise - Dori is a place where we can find a lot of knick-knacks or souvenirs and snacks typical sakura
country.Almost all items sold in Nakamise - Dori is the original goods made in Japan "Made in Japan".
As for the items sold in Nakamise - Dori one of them,
• Small trinkets, such as key chains, mobile phone hangers, magnetic ornaments and mobile phone
decorations. Everything describe typical of Japan, like the typical lantern-shaped hanger Senso-Ji Temple,
form a complete Japanese woman with kimono, japan flag map of Japan and others.

The peculiarly Japanese painting that we can display at our home.. There are paintings on the canvas, as
well as paintings on paper ink kan gold and silver color with typical japanese image.

Japanese clothing such as Kimono and Yukata with different styles, different materials, quality and price.
Also equipped with a typical Japanese sandals, called zori or geta, motig fan with plain or with a typical
Japanese painting.

Kimono is a traditional Japanese dress.Kimono similar to the long-sleeved coat and
berkerah.Adapun long kimono to the ankle.Knono woman is a dress overalls, while for men kimono erase
suit suit (top-bottom, dress-pants). A cloth called Obi, wrapped around the abdomen or waist and tied at
the back.
Kimono is often used by women when attending special occasions, while the men are used for

weddings, theater and other formal events, as for children wearing kimono while attending the Shici-GoSan celebrations.
Yukata is a kind of kimono made of thin cotton fabric without coating. Made from a fabric that is
easy to pass angina, because yukata is used for the body to cool in the afternoon or when after a night
shower with hot water bath.Yukata is a non-formal kimono that men and men Women on leisure
Lanterns which became a symbol of Senso-Ji Temple. This lantern is painted with various pictures. Ranging
from small to rather large, the dominant color is red lanterns. These lanterns are miniature of a giant
lantern which is located at the entrance gate of Senso-Ji Temple.

Chopstick is a very identical dinnerware with Japan. Therefore, many shops that sell chopsticks with a
variety of pictures and sizes. There is even a shop that offers buyer's name on the chopsticks, so it looks
more exclusive.

The prices of goods offered vary greatly, ranging from the price of 200 yen for small knick knacks, to the
price of tens of thousands for kimono and antique displays. Many shops offer free tax for visitors whose total
purchases more than 500 yen before taxable so a total of 5400 yen minimum pay. Tax free which is enforced in
Japan in 2017 is 8%. This is quite profitable for visitors who will buy quite a lot of souvenirs. Visitors only need to
find a store labeled * Tax Free Shopping ". Usually the shop write 2 prices on its goods, the basic price of goods and

the price after taxes. The tax-free is intended for foreign visitors, with the condition must show the passport when
making the payment process. After the sale gets your passport, they will paste the sales slip in our passport.
Good promotions will provide greater opportunities in increasing sales value. In marketing its products,
the traders in Nakasime - Dori provide excellent customer service. The merchants are very friendly to every visitor
who come, so it gives a considerable contribution in consumer buying decision. They introduce various that they
trade, invite visitors in. Into his store for a look around. Credit card services and tax free shopping are also one that
influences consumer buying decisions.

Religion in Japan
Religious followers in Japan according to the Ministry of Education of Japan: Shinto about 107 million
people, Buddhism about 89 million people, Protestant Christian and Catholic Christian about 3 million people, as
well as other religions about 10 million people (total of all religious followers: 290 million people ). The total
adherents of religion in Japan are almost twice the total population of Japan. Adherents of Shinto and Buddhism in
various sects alone have reached 200 million. Total adherents in Japan exceeded the number of people due to a
data collection and religious traditions of the Japanese people.

• Statistics are compiled based on a questionnaire that is voluntarily filled by religious organizations that
deliberately fill the number of adherents of each organization in excess.
• Most Japanese follow more than one religion and throughout the year follow rituals and celebrations in
various religions. The majority of Japanese people are born as followers of Shinto, celebrate Shichi-GoSan, hatsum ō de, and matsuri at a Shinto shrine. When married, some married in a Christian wedding
ceremony. Respect for the ancestral spirits expressed in Obon celebration, and when died was buried
with a Buddhist funeral ceremony.
Japanese people commonly grouped under the name "New Religions" (Shinshūkyō). These religions have
elements of Shinto, Buddhism, and local superstition, and some have evolved to meet the social needs of
community groups. One of the most famous is Sokka Gakkai, a Buddhist school founded in 1930 and has a motto of
peace, culture and education.
Japanese Habit / Culture
• Aisatsu is the culture of Japan whether to apologize, met, visiting at the home of people, say excuse me,
even to talk on the phone was the Japanese bowed slightly. In respect of others, the Japanese did it with a
bow, even if say a very deep termakasih bent almost 90 So the Japanese are famous for their hospitality.
• Timely is the main principle of Japanese people. For japanese people time is money, so if we waste time
with things that are not important, it means the same we have been wasting money. There is rarely any
time delay. Trains, buses and even airplanes operate exactly on schedule.
• Transportation
Rarely do Japanese people use private vehicles (motorized) to get somewhere. The vehicles that Japanese

people like to use for a place are as follows:
Train: so many train stations in the city of japan that connects one place to another. Train
schedule is every 10 minutes, so when we miss a train schedule, we do not have to wait too long
for the next train.
Bus: the second means of transportation after the train. Passengers can only take a bus at every
stop that has been provided. There are no passengers or naughty drivers who raise and lower
passengers anywhere. All fit in place.
Bicycles: One of the other very popular personal transportation tools in japan is bicycle. Parker to
bike a lot on the sidewalks on the sidewalk. Lots of bicycles lined up. The percentage of the
number of bicycle users, may be equal to the percentage of people wearing motorcycle in
Indonesia. Precisely motorcycle is not as popular in Indonesia. Very few people use motorcycles.


Walking: many pedestrians fill the city streets. Everywhere there are pedestrians. Such is the

Japanese habit. From station to home or office is done on foot. Remarkably, every pedestrian,
walking fast, from child to adult, nothing runs lazily.

This habit should be invested in Indonesia. Indonesian people at this time very lazy when told to walk.
Indonesia is too spoiled with ease of transportation and ease of bringing personal vehicles. Culture of
this walk was less dikudukung with facilities and infrastructure of traffic. Unfit sidewalks used,
pavements filled with street vendors, making people who want to walk to be reluctant.
Queuing for the Japanese is mandatory even without being ordered. Queue of things is common. For
example when in the toilet. People queue neatly without prompting. No one picks up or breaks the
queue. Queues also look neat and straight though without a dividing line.
Not as in Indonesia, queuing well is quite difficult to implement. When in a public place, need a special
person or a rope so that people can be orderly and neatly. We are grabbing anthraites is common in
Indonesia. We must follow the example of this Japanese culture, the Japanese who are so appreciative of
time are stillbisamisantly well, how we Indonesian people who sometimes do not timely in various things,
should have more spare time again to queue in orderly and tidy.
Discard and sorting of waste in place. Japan is a clean and neat city. Rarely do we find garbage strewn on
the streets. All work together in keeping the environment clean. Trash was not originally put into the
trash, but sorted according to the type of garbage.

Use the escalator in japan similarly when driving on the highway.. Up on the escalator, too, for the laid-off
person to be neatly lined up on the left of the escalator, they provide an empty space on the right for the
person in a hurry.

Compan y Visit
How to build people awareness in Indonesia to manage the waste collection from the garbage collection from the
household then collected by dinas kebersihan and dumped at the landfill

In Indonesia, every minutes, we use more than one million plastic bags and 50% of the plastic bags are

used only once and disposed immediately, from 50% left, only five percent are actually recycled.
The increasing amount of waste will cause the environment to become visible slum, dirty and dirty that
become the development of pathogenic organisms that are harmful to human health, is a nest of flies, rats and
other wild animals. Thus, waste is a potential source of disease spread.
Rotting garbage creates an unpleasant odor and is harmful to health. Water released (leachate) can also
cause contamination of wells, rivers and ground water. Trash that not put on the right place, can clog the drainage
so that it can cause danger of flooding.
Seeing the above conditions the government needs to take seriously enough action to overcome the
problem. The government can make incineration plant development program. But before build incineration plant,
the first thing that the government should be dome is build awareness of society in Indonesia to manage garbage
well. Because development without awareness of the society will make the process of waste processing complicate
and slow down.
Building public awareness means the government must begin to change the usual bad habit. We know
that changing a person's habits is very difficult, let alone this should change the habits of the whole society.
The steps that can be done by the government are as follows:
• Formulate first regulations for disposal and waste management will be implemented by the community
and the State apparatus (From start governors, regents / mayors, district, village, village head to the local
level and RT).
• Do counseling prior to the national authorities, so they should be able to convey it back to his
subordinates and to the public.

• Publish en masse about new rules on garbage disposal.
• Make an attractive advertisement about the importance of proper waste disposal and waste management
through social media like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and television media. Can also make a short
animated movie about the disposal and waste management so our goal is not just adults, even children
can be embraced in order to realize the importance of keeping the environment clean free of trash.
• Persuasion communication is an effective way to disseminate information and messages, convincing
people to move together in reducing waste and understanding the extent to which waste issues affect
social, economic and political life. Through persuasion every individual seeks to influence the beliefs and
expectations of others, persuasion as one of the strategies used on messages to be conveyed, understood
and trusted by others. Persuasive communication lets others (persuade) freely do whatever they want
after the persuaders try to convince the person. Persuasiveness emphasizes openness, trust and
democratic management practices.
Counseling can be conducted in various places, ranging from government, agencies, schools and
community directly.
Implement waste extension and waste management program starting from RT level. Neighborhood RT
(Rukun Tetangga) is the smallest level in government organizations. We started extension from this level. RTs can
conduct counseling to all household heads in their neighborhood. The mater-material counseling is as follows:
• Introduction of the practice of disposing of trash in its place
Explanation how to grow the habit of disposing of garbage in place. Cultivate sensitivity when it finds

garbage lying on the road to be picked up and then thrown in the trash.
• The introduction of these kinds of garbage:


Organic waste, is waste food waste such as meat, fruit, vegetables and so on.
Inorganic waste, is synthetic material waste such as plastic, paper, metal, glass, ceramic and so
c. Disposal of hazardous and toxic substances (B3), is waste that has flammable, corrosive, reactive,
and toxic characteristics. B3 is mostly discharged from the industry, but there is also a small part
of the waste from the activities of urban or rural communities such as batteries, batteries,
disinfectants and so forth.
The introduction of these types of waste is expected to enable the community to sort waste out of
Introduction of avoidance and subtraction methods
The prevention of waste substances formed, is one of the important method of waste management,
and also known as " waste reduction ".
Introduction of Disposal Method
A well designed and managed landfill will be a cheap and hygienic landfill. While landfill that is not
designed and not managed properly will cause various environmental problems, including wind smells of
garbage, attracts the gathering of pests, and the presence of puddles of waste water. Other side effects of
waste are methane gas and carbon dioxide are also very dangerous.
Processing Recycling Process
The process of picking goods that still have value from the waste for reuse is called as recycle.
Examples of recycling activities are among others:
a. Reuse of waste paper that can be used primarily for external purposes
b. Used plastic re-processed to serve as plastic ore to be used as a variety of household appliances such
as buckets etc.
c. Used electronic equipment is separated from each building component (metal, plastic / cable, battery
etc.) and sorting for each reusable component
d. Glass cups / glass bottles are separated by glass color (white, green and dark) and destroyed
Importance Sorting Trash
The garbage collected in the TPA is generally mixed between organic and non-organic materials so
that sorting needs to be done carefully to obtain compostable organic materials such as dauan-daunan,
food scraps, vegetables and fruits. To facilitate government programs in the construction of incineration
Plant, the selection of this waste is an important point that must be considered. Because the garbage can
be processed, must first be separated by type of garbage.
We recommend that in the counseling really emphasize that the waste in this buag should be sorted
well. Separated by type. To facilitate the people in the disposal of garbage, should be provided some
dumps in certain spots with different colors and labels. For example can be differentiated into food waste,
plastic waste, paper waste etc.
Trashes such as paper and plastics can be recycled for example into new ornaments, unique items, or
rebuilding similar items from the material.
Shown the world's best performing countries (10 cleanest countries)
Society is shown about the successes of governments in other countries in managing their country so
it is free from garbage. There are several countries that we can make an example, including:
There is a worldwide organization working on the earth knowledge network of Columbia Universities
as well as the environmental law review center of Yale Universities rating the state of the world's
cleanliness. Here are the 10 cleanest countries in the world:
a. Paris
In addition to clean the country is also famous for a typical Paris city atmosphere and romantic. Now
famed French will not only be Eifel towers and sanitation but also as a center of world fashion. The
cleanest and most romantic city in the world is Paris.
b. Columbia
The country is famous for the produce of coffee and flowers in the world . Columbia is a clean
country and have a high enough life expectancy. Hope live in Colombia reached 73 years. In order

that the environment is well maintained. Fair if then the Columbia entered in the ranks of 10
cleanest countries in the world.
c. Latvia
Latvia succeeded in maintaining the sanitation of the city in a few parameters. Latvia parameters that
get the highest score is on forestry issues, ozone health, irrigation and ecosystem sustainability. In
addition to the problem of air pollution, the law of pesticides and the health of drinking water is well
d. New Zealand
New Zealand or famous with New Zealand is one of the countries famous for its cleanliness. This
country is the most able country to regulate hygiene and preserve the environment by its citizens of
e. Austria
The country is in the top 10 cleanest countries in the world because it has a high index in the
assessment for forestry parameters, laws pesticides, drinking water hygiene, sanitation, and the
protection of marine Columbia
f. Costa Rica
The country has concrete steps in efforts to neutralize carbon until 2012. The lack of this country is on
the protection of marine ecosystems
g. Finland
Is a country whose citizens care about environmental health. So called the country concerned with
environmental health. The drawback is on the issue of subsidizing the field of agriculture.
h. Norway
This country is not only famous as the cleanest country but also included in the three largest richest
country in the world. Clean air is supported by the quality of society's income to make Norway the
most comfortable country inhabited by its inhabitants
i. Sweden
The country is famous for its success in maintaining cleanliness such as air pollution, greenhouse gas
emissions and carbon.
j. Switzerland
The country is a successful country in maintaining water quality, pesticide regulation and sanitation.
After doing counseling to raise community awareness to manage waste properly, then we will easily do
the next program, that is implementation of garbage collection and management.
Each family is required to have at least 3 types of garbage bins. Places of waste for organic waste, plastic
waste and bottles, and metal waste. So it will be easy when done garbage collection.

Each RT provides a small garbage truck that regularly takes garbage from residents. The garbage collection
from the residents is done daily, with different types of garbage every day. The process can be illustrated like
Type of Trash
Organic garbage
Plastic waste
Metal trash
Organic garbage

Plastic waste
Organic garbage

Plastic waste
When all parties work together in the collection and sorting of waste by type, it will support the
government program in the construction of the Incineration Plant.
The government will be able to cultivate the garbage well, so the garbage is not just stacked away in the
Final Site of Disposal (TPA), so it will only be a mere garbage, but the garbage can still be processed to become new
goods and new energy sources.