Agung Podomoro Land

News Update

Property & Bank Magazine awarded PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk (APLN) two prestigious
Indonesia Property & Bank Awards for 2011. The first for Property Man of the Year 2011 was
awarded to Mr. Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, President Director and CEO of APLN for his
dedication and achievement in the property sector in Indonesia. Minister of Housing, Suharso
Manoarfa handed the award to Mr. Haliman, at the event which was held by the Property &
Bank Magazine on Thursday, September 29, 2011. This is the sixth times this award was
bestowed on Mr. Haliman. The second award was given to Podomoro City for the Best
Superblock of the Year 2011.
The Central Park Mall Jakarta has also been declared as one of the finalists for the Asia
Pacific Shopping Center Award by the International Council of Shopping Centers, Inc. (ICSC)
in the category of Innovative Design and Development of a New Retail Project. ICSC’s AsiaPacific Awards set the standard of excellence for the Asian retail real estate industry.
Further, the Central Park Mall Jakarta was also nominated as one of the candidates for the
World Architecture Festival Award for Shopping and Shopping Centres category. Winners will
be announced by the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona, Spain on November 4, 2011.
About PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk
PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. has 16 (sixteen) subsidiaries in property sector in Jakarta, Karawang, Bandung
and Bali. With 40 years of experience as part of the Agung Podomoro Group, Agung Podomoro Land has a solid

foundation to become the leading developers in developing property business in Indonesia.
Within 10 (ten) years, the Agung Podomoro has completed more than 50 property projects, with majority addressed
to middle class segments of society, with projects ranging from low cost apartments to high end apartments in
South Jakarta, high end and the neighborhood mall, shop houses, hotels and office towers.
With a motto to be part of future investors and buyers, and provide a harmonious lifestyle, Agung Podomoro Land
believes to continuously growing rapidly in Indonesia, where local knowledge meets international standards.

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Investor Relations
62-21-290 34562
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62-21-290 34300
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