METODE PENELITIAN - M1 2 Metode Penelitian






  E. Syahrul

Metode Penelitian

  Jumlah SKS : 2 Semester : V Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa untuk mahir membuat rencana penelitian dan melaksanakannya sampai dengan pelaporan.

  Materi yang diberikan dengan demikian harus

mencakup mulai dari pengidentifkasian masalah

penelitian sampai dengan pelaporan dan publikasi hasil penelitian.

  Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP)

  6 Metode

  4.4. Pengujian Hipotesis Mahasiswa diminta merumuskan hipotesis peneiitiannya

  5 Rancangan


  5.1. Tipe Desain Penelitian

  5.2. Penelitian Eksploratori

  5.3. Metode Penelitian Deskriptif

  5.4. Desain Kausalitas Mahasiswa diminta merancang desain peneiitiannya

  Pengumpulan Data

  4.2. Perumusan Hipotesis

  6.1. Metode Survei

  6.2. Pengamatan Mahasiswa diminta merancang teknik pengumpuian data peneiitiannya


  6.3. Eksplorasi Data sekunder

  6.4. Percobaan Mahasiswa diminta merancang teknik pengumpuian data peneiitiannya

  8 Populasi dan


  7.1. Konsep Dasar Sampling

  4.3. Jenis-jenis hipotesis Penelitian

  4.1. Arti dan Maksud Hipotesis Penelitian

  Mg g Materi Pokok Sub Materi Tugas

  2.1. Pengertian Penelitian Ilmiah

  1 Falsafah Ilmu


  1.1 Pengertian Filsafat dan Ilmu Pengetahuan.

  1.2 Hubungan antara Filsafat dan Ilmu Pengetahuan.

  1.3 Manusia dan Ilmu Pengetahuan.

  1.4 Kelahiran Ilmu Pengetahuan Modern Mahasiswa diminta mendata contoh- contoh fisafat dan iimu pengetahuan

  2 Penelitian

  dan Ilmu Pengetahuan

  2.2. Hubungan Penelitian dengan Ilmu Pengetahuan


  2.3. Langkah-langkah Penelitian Ilmiah Mahasiswa diminta mendata hasii- hasii peneiitian.

  3 Formulasi


  3.1. Cara Berpikir

  3.2.Defnisi Masalah Ilmiah

  3.3. Sumber Masalah Ilmiah

  3.4. Perumusan Masalah Ilmiah Mahasiswa diminta mendefnisikan dan merumuskan permasaiahan iimiah yang akan diteiiti

  4 Hipotesis

  7.2. Prosedur Sampling Mahasiswa diminta menentukan popuiasi peneiitiannya, menentukan SAP (cont.) Mgg Materi Pokok Sub Materi


  9.2. Statistik Inferensia

  Penelitian Presentasi proposal penelitian  

  Presentasi proposal penelitian    14 Proposal

   13 Proposal Penelitian

  10.3. Evaluasi Proposal Penelitian Mahasiswa  diminta  membuat  proposal  penelitiannya

  10.2. Penstrukturan Proposal Penelitian

  10.1. Tipe Proposal Penelitian

   12 Proposal Penelitian

  9.3. Statistik Non Parametrik Mahasiswa  diminta  merancang  teknik  pengumpulan data penelitiannya

  9.1. Statistik Deskriptif

  Pengukuran dan Instrumen Penelitian

   11 Metode Pengolahan Data

  9.3. Statistik Non Parametrik Mahasiswa diminta merancang teknik analisis datanya

  9.2. Statistik Inferensia

  9.1. Statistik Deskriptif

  Pengolahan Data

  8.4. Perancangan Kuesioner Mahasiswa diminta menentukan skaia pengukuran yang digunakan dan instrumen peneiitiannya.

  8.3. Karakteristik Pengukuran

  8.2. Sumber Keragaman Pengukuran

  8.1. Tipe Data


UAS Referensi:

  • Hotniar Siringoringo. Metodologi Penelitian : Teori dan Kasus. Penerbit Gunadarma, Depok. 2008.
  • • Ranjit Kumar. Research Methodology: A

    Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. Sage

    Publications Ltd; Third Edition edition.



  Minggu 1 : Pendahuluan [18 – 23 September 2017]

  • kamis 21 sept Tahun baru Hijriyah

  Ingat!!! Perkuliahan sebelum UTS : 18 Sept – 25 Nov 2017 Distribusi FRS :20 Sept – 14 Okt 2017 melalui Isi dan ambil KRS : 25 Sept– 7 Okt 2017 Batas akhir pengambilan KRS : 4 Nov 2017 Batas akhir pengurusan cuti : 17 Nov 2017

  Pengertian Filsafat dan Ilmu Pengetahuan

  • ?
  • Pengetahuan (Knowledge) ?
  • Ilmu Pengetahuan (Science)?

  Key Questions?

  The Three Major Philosophical Branches




Meaning and Truth

AXIOLOGY: Vaiues The Six Specifc Philosophical Disciplines

  • Under Metaphysics:
    • COSMOLOGY: The Universe, The Worid
    • ONTOLOGY: Being, Existence

  • Under Methodoiogy:
    • LOGIC: Meaningfuiness, Understanding
    • EPISTEMOLOGY: Truth, Knowiedge

  • Under Axioiogy
    • ETHICS: Morai Vaiuation
    • AESTHETICS: Perceptuai/Artistic

  Vaiuation What is Philosophy?

  • ‘Philia’ (love ) and ‘sophia’ (wisdom)
    • – Pursuit of wisdom, search for meaning


  • Metaphysics (the fundamental nature of being and

  am I? the world)

  • – Ontology (nature of being, existence, reality)


  • – Cosmology (study of the universe)

  do I

  • – Teleology (purpose and ends)


  • Epistemology (the nature of knowledge)

  w? Wha

  • – Logic (formal system for reasoning)


  • – Scope and limitations of knowledge


  • Axiology (the nature of values)

  id I

  • – Aesthetics (perception and sensation)



  • – Ethics, economic systems, political theory

  Filsafat – Pengetahuan – ilmu




Model of Knowledge Management

  ITIL describes data as a discrete series of facts about events. When we talk about data;


  it’s raw in format, not organized in any way and providing no further information regarding patterns, structure or context. Data represents singular facts or numbers but by themselves, data items have little meaning.

The key Knowledge Management activities include:

  • Capturing accurate data
  • Reviewing data and adding context so that it can be transformed into information
  • Ensuring only relevant data that adds value is being captured as lets face it, anything else is just noise.
Model of Knowledge Management Data becomes Information when it can be


  viewed in a specifc context. According to ITIL, for data to become information it must be contextualised, categorised, calculated and condensed. If data is a series of facts, information is generally stored in some sort of structure for example, e-mails, documents or spreadsheets. The key Knowledge Management process around information is managing the content in a way that adds value. In other words, ensuing information is easy to capture, query, fnd, reuse and re learn from experiences so we don’t keep making the same mistakes and duplication is reduced. Model of Knowledge Management For information to become knowledge it must be processed organised or structured in some


  way, or else as being applied or put into action. Knowledge combines information with experience and can be used as a basis for decision-making or taking an action. Knowledge is made up of the experiences, ideas, insights, values and judgements of your people. When we introducing formal Knowledge Management; creating the right culture is absolutely critical so that people feel comfortable adding to Knowledge Bases and articles ensuring the right knowledge is captured. Done well, Knowledge Management will engage and up skill your people so it really is worth focusing on. Model of Knowledge Management Wisdom is the trickiest stage to explain. ITIL defnes wisdom as being


  the ultimate discernment of the material and having the application and contextual awareness to provide a strong, common sense judgement.

  I’ve been in IT long enough to realise that you can’t teach common sense but by having the right training and support in place goes a long way to avoid a herding cats situation.

  My favourite way of explaining Wisdom to ITIL foundation delegates is this example from Irish legend Paul Howard (author of the Ross O’Carroll Kelly books)

  Sejarah Filsafat Hubungan antara Filsafat dan Ilmu


  Rasa Ingin Tahu dan Terbentuknya Iimu Pengetahuan Aiam

  Manusia dan Ilmu Pengetahuan

Kelahiran Ilmu Pengetahuan Modern

  From Gregor Mendel's experiments with peas to the work on plant evolution in a modern lab, and from J.J. Thomson's primitive equipment to today's Large Hadron Collider — science has indeed come a long way.


  • • Istilah dalam Metode Penelitian (masing-masing 2).

Thesis vs project report vs research paper

  • Thesis is a theoreticai and experimentai study of one of the

    current problems in the specialty and can be performed by students

    and cadets of all specialties. It is designed as a textual part with the application of graphs, tables, drawings, maps, charts.
  • The project is the soiution to a specifc engineering probiem in

    the specialty. It is carried out by students and cadets of engineering,

    command-engineering, and individual command specialties and is made out in the form of drawings and an explanatory note. The project


can be accompanied by computationai and graphic materiais,

software products, working models, research materials and other materials developed by the student.

  • Research paper - creative work, performed with the heip of a

  scientifcaiiy correct methodoiogy, which has its own experimental material obtained with the help of this technique, on the basis of which analysis and conclusions are made about the nature of the

phenomenon under investigation. The peculiarity of such works is the

undefnability of the result, which research can give.


Minggu 2

[25 –30 September 2017]



Perkuliahan sebelum UTS : 18 Sept – 25 Nov 2017

Distribusi FRS : 20 Sept – 14 Okt 2017 melalui Isi dan ambil KRS : 25 Sept– 7 Okt 2017 Batas akhir pengambilan KRS : 4 Nov 2017 Batas akhir pengurusan cuti : 17 Nove 2017

  Penelitian Ilmiah


JUDUL (Title) Grand Theoreticai Modei dan Proposisi Modei Peneiitian Empirik

  Hipotesis atau Pertanyaan peneiitian