N, Rodiny Maria M. 2012. An Analysis Of Metaphors In A Novel by
Lisa Scottoline "Running from the Law". A thesis. Medan: Faculty of
Languages and Acts ( FBS ), State University of Medan (UNIMED).
The study attempted to find metaphors as well as their types in the novel
“Running from the Law.” Then, the study also concluded the most dominantly use
type of metaphors in the novel. The thesis investigated the tendency to use
metaphorical language in the novel and their appearrance together with the
eight types of metaphors proposed by Goatly's theory. The data of the study
were metaphors some in form of utterances found in a half content of the
complete novel, which is 32 chapters; 16 chapters were taken as the data. The
analysis resulted that within the half novel, it was found 568 lines of metaphors,
namely: Active metaphors 155 lines (27,2%), Inactive metaphor 101 lines
(17,7%), Subjective metaphors 139 lines (24,4%), Mimetic metaphors 3 lines
(0,52%), Precision metaphors 33 lines (5,8%), Symbolism metaphors 40 lines
(7 %), Approximate 97 lines (17%). This reflection shows that Active metaphor
was applied was applied most dominantly within the novel, this implies that the
novel is not an imaginary novel but it could be a true experience of the writer in
the period of the writing the novel. W r i t e r t e n d e d to refer an o eject, a process,
or a state to unconventional colligate reference. This unconventionality might be
caused by several reasons, it might be there is no conventional colligate in a

content and or it might be to make it metaphorically, it was done on purpose
to vary the appearance of the language to the readers.




Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for
the Degree of Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number 062222810063



Praise to my Lord, Jesus Christ, for his blessing in finishing this thesis.
The writer would never been able to finish her thesis without the guidance and the
help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended
their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion this thesis. Therefore,
in this occasion she would extend her sincere and special thanks to:
• Prof. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan

• Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts
Faculty of State University of Medan.

• Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, and
thesis advisor for her excellent guidance, caring, patience, and
providing her with an excellent atmosphere for doing this research. and
Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Department .
• Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Head of Non Educational English Program.

• Drs. Elia Massa Gintings, M.Hum., the Academic Counselor who has
given advice and support during her study.
• Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., Drs. Johan Sinulingga., Dra.
Meisuri, M.A. for their valuable suggestions as examiners’ at the
Seminar Proposal.
• All lectures throughout her academic years at the State University of
Medan who has shared their knowledge.

• Her father and mother. They were always there cheering her up and
stood by me through the good and bad times.
• Mam Endah and Mam Indri, for her excellent caring and patience for
the help in administration of this thesis.
• Her friends in Applied Linguistics of State University of Medan for the
moments they share together and for the everlasting love especially
class A&B “06”.


Agustus 2012

The Writer,

Rodiny Maria M.N
NIM 062222810063


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. iv
LIST OF APPENDIXES .................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1
A. The Background of the Study ................................................................. 1
B. The Problem of the Study ....................................................................... 4
C. The Scope of the Study ........................................................................... 4
D. The Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 4
E. The Significance of the Study ................................................................. 5

A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................. 6
1. Sociolinguistics ................................................................................... 6
2. Pragmatic ............................................................................................
3. Figurative Language ........................................................................... 10
4. Metaphor ............................................................................................
a. The Units / Parts of Metaphor ..................................................... 20
b. The Metaphorical Process ........................................................... 21
c. The Levels of Metaphor .............................................................. 21
d. The Classification of Metaphor ................................................... 23
e. The Types of Metaphor ...............................................................
f. The Purpose of Metaphor ............................................................ 29
5. Literature ............................................................................................ 31
6. Novel .................................................................................................. 33
7. A Brief Summary of Running from the Law ................................... 34
8. The Biography of Lisa Scottoline ..................................................... 36
B. Conceptual Framework .............................................................................. 37

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ........................... 39

Research Design ...................................................................................... 39
The Source of Data .................................................................................. 39
The Technique of Collecting Data .......................................................... 40
The Technique of Analyzing Data .......................................................... 40

CHAPTER IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ..................................... 41

Data .....
............................................................................................. 41
Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 42

Research Findings .................................................................................... 58
Discussion ............................................................................................. 59

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................. 62
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 62
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 63
REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 64
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................. 65

1. Chapter 1

.................................................................................... 65

2. Chapter 3

.................................................................................... 67

3. Chapter 5

.................................................................................... 69

4. Chapter 7

.................................................................................... 71

5. Chapter 9

.................................................................................... 72

6. Chapter 11

........................................................................................... 73

7. Chapter 13

............................................................................................ 76

8. Chapter 15

............................................................................................ 77

9. Chapter 17 .......................................................................................... 79
10. Chapter 19

.................................................................................... 80

11. Chapter 21

.................................................................................... 82

12. Chapter 23 ............................................................................................ 83
13. Chapter 25

............................................................................................ 84

14. Chapter 27

.................................................................................... 86

15. Chapter 29 ............................................................................................ 87
16. Chapter 31

.................................................................................... 89


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. iv
LIST OF APPENDIXES .................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1
A. The Background of the Study ................................................................. 1
B. The Problem of the Study ....................................................................... 4
C. The Scope of the Study ........................................................................... 4
D. The Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 4
E. The Significance of the Study ................................................................. 5
A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................. 6

1. Sociolinguistics ................................................................................... 6
2. Pragmatic ............................................................................................ 8
3. Figurative Language ........................................................................... 10
4. Metaphor ............................................................................................ 14
a. The Units / Parts of Metaphor ..................................................... 20
b. The Metaphorical Process ........................................................... 21
c. The Levels of Metaphor .............................................................. 21
d. The Classification of Metaphor ................................................... 23
e. The Types of Metaphor ............................................................... 25
f. The Purpose of Metaphor ............................................................ 29
5. Literature ............................................................................................ 31
6. Novel .................................................................................................. 33
7. A Brief Summary of Running from the Law ................................... 34
8. The Biography of Lisa Scottoline ..................................................... 36
B. Conceptual Framework .............................................................................. 37

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ............................................ 39
A. Research Design ...................................................................................... 39
B. The Source of Data .................................................................................. 39
C. The Technique of Collecting Data .......................................................... 40
D. The Technique of Analyzing Data .......................................................... 40
CHAPTER IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ..................................... 41
A. Data .....
............................................................................................. 41
B. Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 42
C. Research Findings .................................................................................... 58
D. Discussion ............................................................................................. 59

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................. 62
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 62
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 63
REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 64
APPENDIXES .............................................................................................. 65

1. Chapter 1

.................................................................................... 65

2. Chapter 3

.................................................................................... 67

3. Chapter 5

.................................................................................... 69

4. Chapter 7

.................................................................................... 71

5. Chapter 9

.................................................................................... 72

6. Chapter 11

........................................................................................... 73

7. Chapter 13

............................................................................................ 76

8. Chapter 15

............................................................................................ 77

9. Chapter 17 .......................................................................................... 79
10. Chapter 19

.................................................................................... 80

11. Chapter 21

.................................................................................... 82

12. Chapter 23 ............................................................................................ 83
13. Chapter 25

............................................................................................ 84

14. Chapter 27

.................................................................................... 86

15. Chapter 29 ............................................................................................ 87
16. Chapter 31

.................................................................................... 89

A. The Background of the Study
Metaphor is widely use not only in the literary works but also in everyday
conversation. People find it difficult to understand the language and they have to
construe the effective and communicative meaning of the language to make it
work within their interaction. The fact that difficulty in understanding and
recognizing metaphor in many different forms of literary works especially in this
study, novel, form non-natives has encouraged to do the study in making better
understanding of the topic to bear some clear understanding about metaphor and
to see the application of metaphors has been the choice for many writers of
literature in creating their works.
Actually for native speaker this kind of language in just as easy as the
everyday language to understand but for non-natives it bears ambiguity of
meaning due to the different cultural and background knowledge they have.
For example, objects in a language community may have different application to
another language. The ambiguity can lead to an obstructed communication among
them. The may no know the equivalence of an object in their language or they
may apply their equivalence to the other languages. Meanwhile, as language is
tightened to cultural, it has different, application to other languages though not all



Literary works use many more various kind of metaphor. This use can force
the readers to wrongly understand the meaning of the idea conveyed in the works
or the may not get the communicative meaning of the works, When they get
wrong understanding and incommunicative meaning of the work, they will fail to
get the feeling and the message to the works. This frequent use of metaphor or
tendency to use metaphors in the novel also forced the study to see the line
between metaphors and novel, to find what exact purposes in applying those
languages very frequently in the novel besides conveying the sequence of
experiences through relation of words in the text of the novel. This also, the
conveying information to make a writing to be fascinated and sold as the goal of a
writing and also to gain advantages in financial form, is seen as a fundamental
aspects as how to make it interesting and more comprehensible.
The fact that literary works especially the novel “ Running from the Law” is a
novel that applied many metaphors in doing some purposes of using metaphors in
the novel has encouraged to see the characteristics of metaphors in each type of
metaphors that applies and draw the most dominant and to make explanation
about the implication of the most dominant. There must be something conveyed
or added up the content through the metaphors except the information of
experiences. It does no intend to make the novel were various in its language or to
make it more difficult to understand.
Besides, metaphors are an interesting phenomenon to be studied and analyzed
because the learners should think twice to construe the intended meaning
conveyed through metaphors. Firstly done when reading a text is applying literal


interpretation, and the second is construing the metaphorical meaning. If the first
does not work to the text then is have to understand the second interpretation. The
first interpretation is grasping the explicit meaning through the meanings of the
constituents of the text, meanwhile the other one is deriving the intended meaning
that always helped by the understanding the contexts of the text. This has been an
attraction for the study of metaphors as the sufficient knowledge is not prepared.
The present knowledge actually is not said to have been enough but the further
study will fix the better understanding of the concept of the metaphor.
In addition, this study has been a fascination in regard that metaphors are also
about human love or a complex moral problem or the origin of the physical
universe that does command our direct attention when the speaker utters the
metaphors. It is studied to seek whether metaphors entirely construe with human
love and moral problem that are communicated mostly in the work of literary but
not limited to everyday language. It means that metaphors help to understand
abstract concepts by presenting or colligating them with more concrete words as
people will be more understandable with real or concrete concepts to understand a
certain kind of scientific images or equivalences.
Others reasons for this study is that metaphors as the basic unit, or work of art
or of poetry as it is frequently used in literary works and whether it is a central
tool of scientific explanation or as a essential element of theological discourse
since metaphors is used in language of religious books such as Al Qur’an and
Holy Bible. In this case, metaphors enable writers to triggers images with readers
that relay their meaning more intensely and efficiently than relying on strictly


concrete or normal language. Then metaphor is a constant factor in all language
use and not limited to the field only. Metaphors therefore, operate at all levels of
language; from mundane to the literary, and everywhere in between.
Metaphors excite this study for the reason ‘exotic’ phenomena because of
their admittedly remote but potentially significant implications for general
explanatory principle. In conclusion, metaphors are so exotic that many
researchers of many different fields did research metaphors to see how they affect
the readers’ attention to read the works and according to Aristotle, it is a kind of
‘geniuses and it should be studied. Based on the explanations above, I am
interested in doing this study.
B. The Problem of the Study
Concerning about the theories and data that used in this study, the problems
that are formulated to be solved are the following:
1. What types of metaphors used in the novel “Running from the Law”?
2. Which type of metaphors is most dominantly used in the novel
“Running from the Law”?
3. Why does the most dominant type of metaphors imply?
C. The Scope of the Study
The study will only on metaphors generically and the eight types of
D. The Objective of the Study
The study analysis has some focuses of intention in doing the research
concerning metaphor that relates to the problem of the study, they are:


1. Finding out the types of metaphors that are used in the novel.
2. Determining the type of metaphor that is most dominantly used
in the novel.
3. The reason of implying the most dominant type of metaphors in the novel.
E. The Significant of the Study
This study and the result of the study are expected to be meaningful for:
1. Students of the English Department who study metaphor to help them
understand and comprehend it and enrich their knowledge about metaphor that
they can use it correctly and beautifully.
2. Learners of English in order that they have capability of speaking as
natives because metaphors are culture bound knowledge. Hence, understanding
culture bound concepts or culture bound knowledge helps to understand language
especially the knowledge of metaphor and to enable them speaking English
communicatively as metaphor is the most challenging types of language to
understand for non-native speakers.
3. Wider literature for the development the linguistic understanding as it can
enable to make a good interaction and effective communicative among the
4. Researchers that are going to conduct a further study on linguistics,
psycholinguistics and many fields that relate to human language especially the
language of metaphors, as comparison for their researches or at least as a source
for the research. In addition, this can be used as a guide in understanding the
metaphors with the identification.


Having analyzed the data thoroughly, some conclusions are drawn, namely:

There are 7 kinds of metaphors applied in the novel "Running from

the Law" namely, Active metaphors 155 lines (27,2%), Inactive metaphor 100






(24,4 %), Mimetic metaphors 3 lines (0,52 %), Precision metaphors 33 lines







Approximate 97 lines (17 %).
2. the most dominantly used in the half content of the novel is active,
because active metaphor has much more number than any other types of
metaphors implied in the novel.
3. Active metaphors are dominantly used in the novel because the
metaphors are especially context dependent for the meaning to they generate,
above all they are dependent on the interaction of the thing and reference /
colligate being referred to, and their meanings will consequently be variable
according to the context. (Goatly, 1997:34-35)

Concerning the conclusions, the following suggestions are directed to:
1 . T h e teachers to encourage their students more about the application of
the language in the real communication that frequently employ the role of
metaphors to share ideas, thoughts, and meanings.
2. The lectures should give more work on the analysis of the language to
enrich their students' mastery on the subject or expertise.
3. the students to find more researche, that connect to the use of metaphors
in many fields of study as metaphor is not limited to be used in linguistics or
literary works.

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