Superego Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis about Personality Structure

the id as a means of dealing with reality. The ego attempts to control the id, delaying gratification until conditions are appropriate. 20 Freud saw the ego as part of person that must resolve conflict between id and superego. The ego must find the realistic way to satisfy the demands of the id without offending the superego. 21 Ego as a part of personality is responsible for controlling behavior in socially life. The very important aim of ego is to maintain individual’s life proliferation. It conducts and controlled the action, also choose the environment which will be responded, then decides what instinct that will be satisfied and how the way are.

3. Superego

The third system of personality is superego. Superego is the internalized representation of the values and morals of society as taught to the child by the parents and others. 22 It is essentially the individual’s conscience. The superego judge whether an action is right or wrong. The superego develops in response to parental rewards and punishments. It incorporates all the actions for which the child is punished or reprimanded as well as the actions for which the child is rewarded. Through the incorporation of parental standards into superego, behavior is brought under self-control. Children no longer need anyone to tell them it is wrong to steal; their superego tells them. The inferred superego is most nearly synonymous with conscience. It keeps someone working according to an ideal of the self arising in early childhood, an ideal 20 Stanley Berent, Introductory Psychology New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1977 p. 104 21 Floyd L. Ruch, Psychology and Life 7 th Edition USA: Scott Foresman Company, 1995 p. 194 22 Rita L. Atkinson, et. al, Op. Cit p. 396 formed especially as a consequence of parental prohibition. It operates on what called as perfection principle . 23 From the point of view of a dynamic interpretation of personality, the key concept is that the three parts of the personality are often at odds: the ego postpones the gratifications that the id wants right away, and the superego wars with both the id and the ego because they often fall short of the moral value that it represents. The bearing of these concepts on personality theory is that the balance of id, ego and superego processes differs from one individual to another. How one approaches a problematic situation may be a way not only of coping with the environmental problem but perhaps of trying to solve a personal problem at that time. According to the three parts of personality, it is ego that controls most of everyday behavior and it is crucial that it be adequately well developed so as to constitute social and emotional maturity. 24 The task of ego is to reconcile the instinctual urges from id and internalized controls from within superego and the demands of the outside world. A weakly developed ego can contribute major problems of someone’s personality. 23 Ernest R. Hilgard, et. al, Introduction to psychology 5 th edition USA: Harcourt brace Jovanovich, Inc, 1971 p. 409 24 Walter M. Vernon, op. cit, p. 405 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Data Description In analyzing the personality structure in this film, the writer focuses to analyze the dialogues and actions of the characters which can be used to identify the characteristic of the main character, and to find the work mechanism of the personality structure of the character in the film. The dialogues are identified as the corpus of the research. They are presented in the following tables.

1. The list of the main character No.