Factors Which Determine The Success Of Regreening In Gunung Kidul, Central Java

Factors Which Determine The Success Of Regreening In
Gunung Kidul, Central Java
Soerianegara, Ishemat, and Mansuri, (1994) Factors Which Determine The Success Of
Regreening In Gunung Kidul, Central Java. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 7 (1). pp. 64-75.
ISSN 0128-1283

Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Land Resources Agency of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

This investigation was carried out in 39 sample villages located in 13 districts of Gunung Kidul
Regency, Yogyakarta Province, Central Java. Tree species used in the regreening programme
were Tectona grandis, Acacia auriculiformis, Paraserianthes falcataria, Anacardium occidental
and Swietenia mahagoni. The highest percentage of success was reached by Tectona grandis
(54.6%), followed by Acacia auriculiformis (51.6%), Anacardium occidentale (49.9%) and
Swietenia mahagoni (44.6%). The least successful species was Paraserianthes falcataria (36.5%).
The species most preferred by the villagers were Tectona grandis and Acacia auriculiformis
(each preferred by 37.8% of villagers sampled), followed by Paraserianthes falcataria (1.3.9%)
and Swietenia mahagoni (10.3%). No villagers expressed a preference for Anacardium
occidentals. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that success in the regreening

programme was influenced by the following factors: elevation, slope, effective soil depth,
rockiness, the productivity of the degraded land, the percentage of regreened land, distance to the
regreening site, road density, volume of fuelwood collected, and the per capita income of the
