Stepper Motor Controller Using PIC.


There arc different kind s o f stepper motors in the market. such as bipolar motor
and unipola r motor. We hm c to choose the correct stepper motor according to our
specificati on due to process that we need to run. The controller o r the motor is design O)
usi ng PIC (Peripheral Interlace Controller) whereby it wil l contro l hy using


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PI C that I'm goin g to usc is chip PIC 16F84/\ or PIC 161-"8 77 /\. This pro_i ccl is ICatured
\\ith difTcrcnt kind o f automatic con trol mode that v. ill programmed O) using the
lPL/\13 soft ware and ourn in the chip which will identifi ed the way

or turn.


command and also the control or the speed. To sim plified the design. I'm using a
paralle l co nnector. which is connected between the comp uter interface aml the PIC. I

hm·e do ne many types or analysis to the stepper motor to idcnti ry the p(m cr. the
cniciem:y and speed of the motor. To complete the project I ha ve co llected data on
speed. complete turn or the motor. status and motor simulati on.