Biblical Counseling Manual - Adam Pulaski (2004)

Biblica l Cou n se lin g M a n u a l

Ada m Pu la sk i

Copyright © 2004 Adam Pulaski, St eve Lihn

D e dica t ion
This book is dedicat ed t o Rut h and Am y.
Ta ble of Con t e n t s
How t o View and Use This Manual
I . Overview
1. Counseling Obj ect ives
1.1. I nt roduct ion
1.2. Precondit ions in Biblical Counseling
1.3. Foundat ions of Biblical Counseling/ Discipleship
1.4. Essent ial Considerat ions
1.5. Sum m ary
2. Biblical Psychology: Approach t o Problem s
2.1. Diagnosis
2.2. Approach t o Solut ions

3. Counseling Process
3.1. Problem Area
3.2. Solut ion
3.3. Counseling Tools
I I .a. Basic St udy: Orient at ion To Biblical Counseling
4. Orient at ion To Biblical Counseling Mini Series
4.1. God's Way vs Man's Way
4.2. Prerequisit es t o Biblical Change
4.3. Why There is Hope
4.4. Effect ing Biblical Change
4.5. Dealing w it h Self
4.6. Anger and Bit t erness
4.7. Depression
4.8. Fear and Worry
5. Healing The Soul Series

5.1. Healing Presence
5.2. Transform ing t he Nat ural Self
5.3. What Makes a Man a Man
5.4. Needs of Man

5.5. Healing of t he Soul
5.6. Mind and Will
5.7. Medit at ion Process
5.8. St eps t o a Liberat ed Will
5.9. Healing Prayer for t he Mind
5.10. Perfect ionism
5.11. Schizophrenia ( Double- Mindedness)
5.12. Transpersonal Psychology
5.13. Healed from Fear
5.14. Rej ect ions
5.15. At t it ude and Behavior
I I .b. Basic St udy: Biblical Discipleship
6. Christ ian Growt h Series, Part A
6.1. Est ablish a Foundat ion for Biblical Discipleship
6.2. Explore Problem s and Develop Sensit ivit y t o Sin
6.3. Est ablish Biblical St ruct ure for Change
6.4. Develop t he Pract ice of Right eousness
6.5. Est ablish Pat t ern of t he Mat ure Disciple
7. Christ ian Growt h Series, Part B
7.1. Charact erist ics of a Christ ian

7.2. Change is a Two- Fact ored Process
7.3. Turning from Evil
7.4. Physical Challenges
7.5. Com m it m ent is Doing t he Word
7.6. Lifest yle Change is Evidence of New Birt h
7.7. Worried, Confused, Troubled
7.8. The Pure Self Act ivat ed
7.9. Holding Self Account able
7.10. Only God Can Change Us And Ot hers
7.11. Judging Yourself
7.12. True Dying
7.13. True Pat ience
7.14. Mind Cont rol
8. Soul Dynam ics Series, Part A
8.1. Living Soul
8.2. Sins of t he Flesh/ Self of t he Flesh
8.3. Dividing of Spirit and Soul
8.4. Union wit h Christ
9. Soul Dynam ics Series, Part B
9.1. Cleansing and Purifying t he Soul

9.2. Sin, Self, Suffering
9.3. The Spirit ualit y of Abundance
10. Fruit of The Spirit Series
10.1. Love

10.2. Joy
10.3. Peace
10.4. Longsuffering
10.5. Kindness/ Goodness
10.6. Fait hfulness
10.7. Meekness/ Gent leness
10.8. Self- Cont rol
11. Supernat ural Life Series
11.1. Mind
11.2. Abiding
11.3. Virt ue of Love
11.4. Will of God
11.5. That Which is Perfect
11.6. List ening t o God
11.7. Cent er of t he Soul

11.8. I nordinat e Desires
11.9. Union wit h God
11.10. Dream s/ Visions
I I .c. Basic St udy: St rengt hening Your Marriage
12. St rengt hening Your Marriage Series
12.1. Marriage - God's Plan t o Est ablish His Kingdom on Eart h
12.2. Principle of Aut horit y
12.3. Subm ission - Act of Bringing Fort h Wholeness
12.4. The Husband's Role in Subm it t ing
12.5. The Bride's Privilege
12.6. One Flesh Marriage
12.7. Parent / Child Relat ionships
12.8. Children Subm it t ing t o Parent s
12.9. God's St andard
12.10. Upbringing Goals for Children ( and Adult s)
12.11. Maint aining Good Marit al Com m unicat ions
12.12. Maxim um Husband and Fat her
12.13. Fulfilled and Fulfilling Wife and Mot her
12.14. Tough Love
12.15. Marriage Part nership

I I I .a. Life St udy: Guilt And Sham e
13. Self- Accept ance Series
13.1. Self Hat red
13.2. Self- Accept ance
13.3. Healing of Mem ories: Forgiveness of Sin
13.4. Bind, Loose, Cast - out
13.5. Barriers t o Wholeness - Failure t o Receive Forgiveness
13.6. Healing Presence
13.7. Healing Presence ( 2)
13.8. Creat ive Thinking
13.9. Ment al Obsessions
13.10. Breaking Physical Habit s
14. Overcom ing Lust Series

14.1. Assault s Against t he Soul
14.2. Lust s, Desires - I nordinat e
14.3. Feelings/ Fait h
14.4. Bondages
14.5. Purpose vs. Need
14.6. Purpose or Need

14.7. Eat ing Disorders
14.8. Covenant Foundat ions
14.9. God's Mot ivat ional Plan
14.10. Out of Cont rol
14.11. Sexually Abused
14.12. Sexual Abuse 2
14.13. Life- Dom inat ing Sins
I I I .b. Life St udy: Anger And Bit t erness
15. Bold Love Series
15.1. Forgiving Love
15.2. Vicious Thought s
15.3. Reconciliat ion
15.4. Conquering Evil
15.5. Doing Good t o Your Enem ies
15.6. Loving a Fool
16. Arm or Of God Series
16.1. I nj ust ices
16.2. Revoking Revenge
16.3. Responding t o Difficult People
16.4. Assault s of Sham e, Rage, Hat red

16.5. Forgiving Enem ies
I I I .c. Life St udy: Fear
17. Freedom From Fear Series
17.1. Origins of Fear
17.2. Presence of Fear or Fait h
17.3. Learning Trut h Talk
17.4. Applying t he Trut h
17.5. Out of Cont rol ( World of Non- Exist ence)
A. Form s And Worksheet s
A.1. Bible St udy And Applicat ion Form at
A.2. Think And Do List
A.3. Love I s An Act ion
A.4. Vict ory Over Sin Worksheet
A.5. Dying To Self
A.6. Problem Solving Worksheet
A.7. Problem / Solut ion Worksheet
A.8. Freedom From Anxiet y
A.9. Cont ingency Plan
A.10. Change I s a Two- Fact ored Process
A.11. Scheduling Worksheet

A.12. Anchor Post s
B. Bible Resources

B.1. Bible Mem ory Verses
C. I nt ernet Resources
C.1. I nt ernet Links
I ndex
List of Ta ble s

BSAF - I nst ruct ion

BSAF - Exam ple I
BSAF - Exam ple I I
BSAF - Blank Form
Think and Do List
VOSWS - I nst ruct ion
VOSWS - Exam ple
VOSWS - Blank Form

Problem Solving Worksheet
A.10. Problem / Solut ion Worksheet I , Part A: Analysis
A.11. Problem / Solut ion Worksheet I , Part B: Plans
A.12. Problem / Solut ion Worksheet I I , Part A: Handout
A.13. Problem / Solut ion Worksheet I I , Part B: Hom ework
A.14. Final Session Review
A.15. Freedom From Anxiet y Worksheet
A.16. Script ure For Put - off/ Put - on
A.17. Put - off/ Put - on Worksheet
A.18. Scheduling Worksheet
A.19. Anchor Post s

For e w or d
I n 1978, I began seeking biblical resources t o help work out som e personal problem s.
This I found in a Christ ian bookst ore where I picked up a book t it led " Com pet ent t o
Counsel" by Jay E. Adam s, which opened m y eyes t o t he possibilit y t hat I could wit h
confidence counsel m yself as well as help ot hers. This led m e in June of 1979 t o t he
Biblical Counseling Foundat ion locat ed t hen in Arlingt on, Virginia, where I spent t hree
plus years t raining as a Biblical Counselor.
My t raining cont inued as I began t eaching a biblical counseling course t o various groups
in 1980 t hrough 1984. From 1984 unt il t he present ( 2004) I cont inue in t he capacit y of
t eaching and counseling at a local church in Silver Spring, Maryland.
During t his period of t im e, I was led t o counsel in num erous and varied problem areas.
From experiences gained, I accum ulat ed a reposit ory of handout s and worksheet s t o
facilit at e and keep t he counseling session biblical, t o m aint ain a focus on God’s word, and
t o provide resource m at erial t o assist disciples t o counsel t hem selves.
This is what appealed t o St eve. Aft er at t ending m y 22- week course in 1996, St eve Lihn,
who was in t he final st ages of obt aining his doct orat e degree from Universit y of Maryland,
suggest ed t hat t his program should be put on t he int ernet . We used t he acronym " BCOL"
for t his undert aking, which st ands for Biblical Counseling On- Line. I t t ook t he sum m er of
1997 t hrough 1998 t o accom plish t his feat . This cyberspace m inist ry proved t o be very
beneficial t o t he global body of Christ . I t has recorded t housands upon t housands of hit s
and m any request s for inform at ion from all over t he world.
This prom pt ed us t o t ransform t he online m at erials int o a book form , available bot h
elect ronically and in paper print , so t hat t he great er christ ian com m unit y can benefit .
Since t he wint er of 2002, St eve and I worked t oget her t o accom plish t his conversion.
We t rust t hat our findings will provide t he insight s and t he t ools necessary t o help one
effect ively and succesfully becom e an overcom er in t his bat t le zone called life.
Many are t ossed about by t he winds of t he world’s philosophies and argum ent s. But our
bat t le is t o be led by t he Holy Spirit in applying God’s wisdom and t rut h t o t he challenges
of life. The Bible provides all t he inst ruct ion t hat one needs on how t o live t his vict orious
life in t he m idst of obst acles, of t em pt at ions, of t rials and varied difficult ies ( Rom . 8 :4 - 9
) . Thus, anyone born of t he will of God, who has received Christ as Lord and Savior, is
equipped and qualified t o engage in t his bat t le of wisdom ( 2 Tim . 3 :1 6 - 1 7 ) .
Our Lord direct s us in M a t t h e w 2 8 :1 8 - 2 0 t o m ake disciples: t o bapt ize t hem in t he
nam e of t he Fat her, of t he Son, and of t he Holy Spirit , and t o t each t hem t o observe and
live by God’s com m andm ent s. This is t he responsibilit y of t he body of Christ who are t o
be equipped t o accom plish t his m ission. 1 Cor . 1 :3 0 ; 1 Cor . 3 :1 6 ; Rom . 1 5 :1 4 ; Ga l.
6 :1 - 5 ; Eph . 1 :1 7 - 2 3 and Col. 1 :1 0 - 1 2 confirm t hat wisdom resides wit hin us, t hat we
are t o grow in t his wisdom , and t o inform , inst ruct and rest ore ot hers t o t he light of His

Accordingly, t he purpose of t his m anual is t o provide a basic approach, and t he t ools t o
est ablish a foundat ion t o assist one t o deal progressively wit h his own problem s from a
biblical perspect ive. And t hen t o t each and counsel ot hers t o live by God’s
com m andm ent s; t hereby, fulfilling our Lord’s direct ive t o m ake disciples of all nat ions (
M a t t . 7 :5 ; M a t t . 2 2 :3 6 - 4 0 ) .
Adam Pulaski. March, 2004.

Ove r vie w

Overview of biblical counseling principle and m et hodology.
Ta ble of Con t e n t s
1. Counseling Obj ect ives
1.1. I nt roduct ion
1.2. Precondit ions in Biblical Counseling
1.3. Foundat ions of Biblical Counseling/ Discipleship
1.4. Essent ial Considerat ions
1.5. Sum m ary
2. Biblical Psychology: Approach t o Problem s
2.1. Diagnosis
2.2. Approach t o Solut ions
3. Counseling Process
3.1. Problem Area
3.2. Solut ion
3.3. Counseling Tools

Ch a pt e r 1 . Cou n se lin g Obj e ct ive s
Ta ble of Con t e n t s

I nt roduct ion
Precondit ions in Biblical Counseling
Foundat ions of Biblical Counseling/ Discipleship
Essent ial Considerat ions
Sum m ary

1 .1 . I n t r odu ct ion
This m anual is designed t o t each you t o approach circum st ances, relat ionships, and
sit uat ions of life from a biblical perspect ive and t o experience vict ory and cont ent m ent in
all of life's t rials, t est ings and problem s.
The essence of who we are is m ade of event s and how we responded t o t hose event s. We
are t he sum of what we encount ered in life and our react ions t o t hose experiences.
M e m or y , t he recalling of t he past , is our spirit gazing at t he subst ance of our soul
which, at t im es, direct s our life rat her t han t he word of God. Thus, m ost of our problem s
are due t o ignorance on how t o biblically respond t o life, and t o use life's adversit ies t o
our advant age as opport unit ies t o grow and m at ure in Christ ( Rom . 8 :2 8 - 2 9 ) .
These spirit ual resources are available t o t hose w ho are born by t he w ill of God. Having
accept ed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, t he believer is enabled by Holy Spirit t o face
life, t o count er adversit ies, t o grow in grace and st rengt h, and t o live in peace and j oy (
Joh n 1 :1 2 ; Joh n 3 :1 6 ) .
The issue is t he se lf , t he soul of m an. The self creat ed by God, belongs t o God. The self,
t em pt ed t o be god wit hout God, becam e enslaved by Sat an ( Ge n . 1 :2 6 - 2 7 ; Ge n . 2 :7 ;
Ge n . 3 :1 - 6 ) .
The living soul is what we will deal wit h...
• t o set it free
• t o again be com plet ely dependent upon God
• t o follow Him and t o glorify Him .
Ph il. 2 :1 2 - 1 3 ; 2 Pe t . 1 :3 - 1 1 t ell us t o work out our salvat ion daily being conform ed t o
t he im age of Christ . Th e k e y is da ily , being God- conscious t went y- four hours a day.
Eit her we are t hinking God's t hought s or we defer t o lower level t hinking. There is no
gray area. You are eit her for God or you are against Him ( M a t t . 1 2 :3 0 ) .

1 .2 . Pr e con dit ion s in Biblica l Cou n se lin g
Throughout t he counseling session, t he goal is t o change t he counselee's focus on t he
false self, a self of lust s and appet it es t o a realizat ion of his t rue self, a self in union wit h
Christ . This is accom plished by a cont inuous process of j udging self, one's own sins, not
ot hers; changing focus from self needs t o one of accom plishing God's purposes for his life
by loving Him and ot hers forem ost ; daily dying t o t he old m an and put t ing- on t he new
m an; and of m aint aining a st at e of forgiving and reconciling t hroughout life. The ult im at e
goal now is for t he counselee t o be a disciple, t o help and rest ore ot hers t o t his sam e
posit ion w hereas t hey, in t urn, w ill do likewise.
Fa lse Se lf
All of life in t he nat ural sphere condit ions and inclines one t o deal w it h life's experiences
from a horizont al perspect ive, t hat is, t o react from a self- prot ect ive and self- defensive
post ure, t o insure one's survival in a com pet it ive and fallen environm ent . This
pronounced self- focus degenerat es, in t im e, unt il life is charact erized by guilt and sham e,
anger and bit t erness, and fear: a life devoid of t he Presence of God. Life becom es filled
wit h t he presence of self at t em pt ing t o m eet t he needs of self by a fruit less search for t he
m eaning of life in a world syst em energized by evil.
A person in t his condit ion seeks relief by t he fashions and cust om s of t his world, by t he
lust s and appet it es of t he flesh, by j ust ifying his own behavior, by placing t he blam e on
ot hers, by seeking peace and j oy in t hings, people, possessions. Em phasis is on what
ot hers have done or failed t o do, and t he rem edy is t o change ot hers and t he
circum st ances of life by what ever hum an ( fallen) resources are available. The focus is on
self, t o save self and t o use ot hers, and t he t hings of t he world t o find t he m eaning of
Tr u e Se lf
All t hat was done t o us, what we have done t o ot hers, t he failures, t he ills, t he violat ions
of our persons, t he brut alit ies, t he perversions of life, rej ect ions, deat h of loved ones,
t ragedies, loneliness, abandonm ent , Jesus paid t he penalt y for all t hese sins. and
provided t he m eans t o handle t he t ragedies of life. We do not need t o deal wit h t hese
violat ions , and t he t ragedies of life on our own. Christ is in us t o work out our salvat ion
daily ( Ph il. 2 :1 2 - 1 3 ; Ga l. 2 :2 0 ; 2 Cor . 5 :1 7 ; 2 Cor . 5 :2 1 ; Rom . 6 :3 - 6 ; Ez e k .
1 8 :2 0 ) .
Being in Christ , we are new creat ures and we are t o deal wit h life now from a biblical
perspect ive. Our problem is not wit h Sat an, not wit h people, not wit h t he circum st ances
of life, but our problem lies in our relat ionship wit h God. Our focus is t o change from a
concern about self, t o a concern about God's glory and t hat is accom plished by our godly
responses t o ot hers and t o life in general ( Rom . 5 :1 7 ; 2 Cor . 5 :2 1 ) .

1 .3 . Fou n da t ion s
Cou n se lin g/ D isciple sh ip


Biblica l

Se lf Kn ow le dge
When born from above, t he hum an spirit is regenerat ed, and unit ed wit h t he Spirit of
God. However, t he soul rem ains t he sam e as condit ioned by life's experiences. Before we
can advance in our spirit ual life, we can advance only if we com e t o know ourselves as we
really are, t hat is, as we appear before t he alm ight y God. What we have done t o ot hers,
what ot hers have done t o us - our sinful int erpret at ions of and react ions t o t hese and
ot her issues - are t o be dealt wit h from a biblical perspect ive.
D e live r a n ce
One cannot go back and reform t he 'old m an', and redo what was said and done. But as a
new creat ion, cit izens of heaven, we look at life now from t he spirit ual realm t o t he
eart hly. Our prim ary concern is in our relat ionship wit h God t he Fat her, not hing else
should m at t er. As t he Fat her loves t he Son, t he Son loves t he Fat her. We have been
adopt ed as sons. As we are in Jesus, t he sonship, we are t o love as Jesus loves t he
Fat her. Part icipat ing and sharing in t he t riune love, our loving act ion becom es t he m eans
of our deliverance ( Joh n 1 5 :1 0 ; Joh n 1 7 :2 0 - 2 4 ,2 6 ) .
The answer t o healing t he soul lies here: loving t he Fat her by obeying His com m ands (
Joh n 1 4 :2 1 ) . Accordingly, unresolved act ions of t he past are t o be dealt wit h in t he
present , and in t he spirit of repent ance and reconciliat ion.
Sa n ct ifica t ion
Sanct ificat ion is t he work of t he Holy Spirit ; only He knows t he heart and t he m ot ives. As
a counselor, our basic funct ion is t o lead and encourage t he disciple t o rely on t he bible
as t he sole aut horit y and rule for living, and t o hear from and t o know t he Person of t he
Holy Spirit ( Joh n 1 6 :1 3 ) . To accom plish t his, our aim is t o work wit h t he disciple t o
est ablish a st andard from which he can work out his salvat ion.
To t his effect , t he follow ing guidelines are provided t o assist t he disciple t o work and
abide wit hin a biblical fram ework.

Lovin g God by Obe yin g H is Com m a n ds
Our problem is not wit h Sat an, not wit h people, not wit h circum st ances.
But our problem lies in our relat ionship wit h God t he Fat her. No m at t er
what one's life is at t he m om ent , we m ust hold ourselves account able. We
cannot blam e ot hers or t he circum st ances of life. People and
circum st ances are not t o direct our lives ( Ez e k . 1 8 :2 0 ) . React ing t o life
wit hout reference t o God's word, one becom es his own god. God is t o be
God. Allow God t o have full com m and of your life. He will use t he t rials
and t est s of life t o perfect you and conform you t o His Son ( Rom . 8 :2 8 2 9 ; Ja m e s 1 :2 - 4 ) .

Ju dgin g Se lf
The st art ing point is t o develop a keen sensit ivit y t o sin by not t aking life
for grant ed. We are inclined t o be crit ical of ot hers, t o blam e shift , t o be

self- defensive, t o ret aliat e, t o be m alicious, and sim ilar sinful act ions (
M a t t . 7 :5 ; Rom . 2 :2 ) .
How we respond t o offenses and irrit at ions of life reveals t he spirit t hat is
in us. Be aware, and ask God for His grace t o be conscious of and
sensit ive t o one's spirit . Then by His grace we est ablish plans t o respond
t o offenses in a m anner t o rest ore ourselves and ot hers ( Ga l. 6 :1 - 4 ;
Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ) .

For givin g a n d Re con cilin g
Many souls are wounded by bit t er root j udgm ent s: parent al/ child
relat ionships, abuses of all kinds, disappoint m ent s, bet rayals, and such,
which paralyzes and poisons t he spirit . Put t he offender and t he offense in
God's hands; let Him j udge t he sit uat ion. Get oneself free from t he
offender or offense by asking God for t he grace t o forgive and be
reconciled. Forgiveness is an act of t he w ill, t o please t he Fat her - it is not
an opt ion ( M a t t . 5 :2 3 - 2 4 ; M a t t . 6 :1 4 - 1 5 ; H e b. 1 2 :1 5 ; 1 Pe t . 2 :2 3

D a ily D e vot ion s
We are eit her in t he flesh or t he spirit : t here is no gray area. We need t he
daily infusion of God's word t o keep us in t he Spirit m om ent t o m om ent .
We are t o be God- conscious, pract icing His Presence t went y- four hours a
day ( Ps. 1 :1 - 3 ; 2 Cor . 1 0 :3 - 5 ) .

D a ily M e dit a t ion s
Recollect ions of t he past st im ulat es m em ories and unresolved issues
which, in t urn, prom pt s spont aneous m ood swings. As we m edit at e on
God's word, we part icipat e in t he purificat ion process of regenerat ing our
int ellect , our m em ories, our em ot ions, and our w ills t o be int egrat ed w it h
God's w ill. By His grace, w e are enabled t o refashion t he int egrit y of our
inner life, preparing ourselves t o be acut ely sensit ive t o t he prom pt ings of
t he Holy Spirit ( Josh . 1 :8 ; 2 Cor . 7 :1 ; Ja m e s 1 :2 1 ) .

Obj e ct ive
We begin a life of reversals.The issues of t he past are dealt wit h in t he present , in a
biblical m anner. The daily offenses and irrit at ions of life are confront ed and dealt wit h as
direct ed by t he Holy Spirit . The self is det hroned. God is ent hroned. The st age is set for
t he dram a of being conform ed t o t he im age of Christ . by pract icing...
... loving God;
... j udging self;
... forgiving/ reconciling;
... conduct ing daily devot ions;
... engaging in daily m edit at ions.
We t rust t hat t he proposed guidelines as am plified and elaborat ed upon in t he m anual
m ay prove beneficial t o equip t he child of God: t o walk out of darkness int o His
m arvelous light ; t o est ablish God's kingdom and w ill on eart h; t o be a fit disciple of Christ
( 2 Cor . 3 :1 8 ; M a t t . 2 8 :1 8 - 2 0 ) .

1 .4 . Esse n t ia l Con side r a t ion s
Ove r com e r s
First st ep is t o j udge self, not ot hers. We are account able for our own act ions, and not
t he act ions of ot hers, t hat is, we are t o develop a sensit ivit y t o our own sin, and t o
respond t o t he present sit uat ion as a new creat ure in Christ ( M a t t . 7 :5 ; 1 Pe t . 3 :9 ;
Ez e k . 1 8 :2 0 ) .

Th ou gh t 1
Since t he 1st Adam failed t o overcom e Sat an, God allows Sat an t o rem ain
on eart h for us t o finish t he j ob. Man opened t he door for Sat an t o reign
on eart h, it is up t o m an t o cast him out . Jesus condem ned sin in our
corrupt nat ure t o deal wit h t he sin issue. Reckoning ourselves dead t o sin
but alive t o God in Christ Jesus, we are now em boldened t o confront
Sat an.
Sin is not t he issue but our responses t o t he t em pt at ions, t he em ot ions of
sin, t hat im pact s upon our senses and int o our t hought processes. This is
what we overcom e: t he evil t endencies t hat dwell wit hin. Subm it t ing t o
God, we are now enabled t o resist and say 'no' t o t hese em ot ions, and say
'yes' t o t he Holy Spirit . At t his point we becom e overcom ers by giving no
foot hold t o t he enem y in our t hought s, speech and act ions; but inst ead
cast him out and put him under foot as originally com m anded ( Ge n .
1 :2 8 ; Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ,2 6 ; Ja m e s 4 :6 - 8 ; Re v. 3 :2 1 ) .

God Love r s
All t hat was done t o us, and all t hat we have done t o ot hers, t he pains and sorrows of
life, God w ill int ervene and rearrange all t hings t o our advant age provided w e do t wo
t hings: obey His com m andm ent s, and live according t o His purposes for our lives by
being conform ed t o His Son ( Lu k e 9 :2 3 - 2 4 ; Rom . 8 :2 8 - 2 9 ; Col. 1 :1 0 ) .
Therefore, we are t o change our focus from self t o God, by loving Him in our m inds, our
em ot ions, our m em ories, and our wills. Our biblical responses t o our neighbor and t o t he
offenses of life provide t he proof t hat we are loving God ( Joh n 1 4 :2 1 ; 1 Pe t . 3 :9 - 1 5 ;
M a t t . 2 2 :3 6 - 4 0 ; Lu k e 6 :2 7 - 3 8 ) .

Th ou gh t 2
We j udge ourselves by t he 'love' fact or. The first t hing t hat love is, is
pat ience. I m pat ience separat es us from God, from self, from neighbor.
" I m pat ience is a form of self- indulgence, and has it s root s in t he
sovereignt y of self... This ego- cent ric at t it ude severs our link wit h God...
Pat ience is a life cent ered in Christ . He who has pat ience abides in Trut h.
The im pat ient m an subm it s t o t he bondage of t he m om ent ... And t he ups
and downs of life challenge t he pursuit of const ancy and perseverance...
Holy pat ience em bodies an ult im at e act of our surrender t o God, a st at us
of consum m at e self- possession. Only in t he m easure t hat we have
surrendered our inm ost being t o God, do we possess ourselves." ( Lu k e
2 1 :1 9 ) . [ 11] [ Hildebrand1]

To t he ext ent and degree we love as God loves det erm ines t he ext ent and
degree w e are overcom ing Sat an in t his bat t le of w ills - God or t he devil's
( 1 Cor . 1 3 :4 - 8 ) .
W or d Kn ow le dge
" Th e W or d of God m ust abide in a person for a person t o know God in a personal way.
To 'abide' m eans t hat t he word of God m ust not only be allowed t o com e int o a person's
m ind and heart , it m ust be grasped and clung t o. 'Abiding' m eans t he Word of God...

living, m oving, ruling, and reigning in a person's life and heart .

st irring and convict ing, and challenging a person.

leading t o confession, repent ance, growt h, m at urit y.

t eaching love, com passion, forgiveness, goodness, and j ust behavior.

causing one t o believe and t rust God's Son, Jesus Christ , as his Savior and
Lord." ( Quot ed from [ 14] [ Leader1] .)

Goa l
Our Lord t ook on flesh and bones - t he hum an nat ure - t hat t hrough t he Cross, we m ay
be t ranslat ed from t he eart hly t o t he spirit ual realm . No longer in t he im age of m an aft er
t he fall, but now in t he im age of God as originally planned before t he fall, we proceed t o
t he 'high calling of Christ Jesus' ( Ge n . 1 :2 6 ; Rom . 6 :3 - 6 ; Rom . 8 :2 9 ; Ph il. 3 :1 2 ;
Col. 1 :1 3 ) .
Accordingly, it is our responsibilit y t o at t ain t o t his level of being in our souls by
ident ifying, locat ing, and eradicat ing t he residuals of our fallen nat ure residing in our
souls ( Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ) . This is a lifelong process dedicat ed t o purifying t he int ellect , t he
m em ories, t he em ot ions, and t he wills t o equip us t o love as God loves ( 2 Cor . 7 :1 ) .

1 .5 . Su m m a r y

Judge self in every encount er, being cont inually sensit ive t o sinful
react ions: not excusing, nor j ust ifying self, neit her blam ing ot hers. We are
t o rest ore self, t o prepare self t o be in a posit ion t o rest ore ot hers.

Daily put - off t he old self and put - on t he new self by biblically responding
t o life's irrit at ions and offenses.

Const ant ly sust ain a st at e of forgiving and reconciling in t he affairs of life,
allowing Jesus t o live out His obedient life t hrough us.

Dispose self t o t he purificat ion of t he int ellect , t he m em ories, t he
em ot ions, and t he will t hrough m edit at ion and cont em plat ion.

( Ge n . 1 :2 8 ; Lu k e 9 :2 3 - 2 4 ; Eph . 3 :1 9 ; Col. 1 :2 7 ) As we are m ade of t he eart h, t he
first t hing we are t o dom inat e is t he self: t o put self under t he com plet e influence of t he
Holy Spirit , t o be a blessing upon t his eart h unt il we are filled wit h t he fullness of God, t o
be clot hed wit h t he glory of God as in t he days of Adam and Eve before t he fall.

Ch a pt e r 2 . Biblica l
Pr oble m s
Ta ble of Con t e n t s
2.1. Diagnosis
2.2. Approach t o Solut ions

Psych ology:

Appr oa ch


2 .1 . D ia gn osis
Fe e lin gs
( M a t t . 1 2 :3 3 - 3 7 ) We are t he sum of what we encount ered in life and our react ions t o
t hese event s. Being condit ioned by life's experiences, we are prone t o react t o life
im pulsively and inst inct ively rat her t han t o respond on t he basis of considered j udgm ent .
Such act ions reveal a m an's inner life - his focus - and who and what det erm ines his
peace and j oy ( 1 Joh n 2 :3 - 6 ; M a t t . 5 :4 4 ; Ga l. 5 :1 9 - 2 1 ; Col. 3 :5 - 9 ) .
Our usual focus is on what ot hers have done or failed t o do. As we m aint ain a selfdefensive and self prot ect ive post ure, we are inclined t o j udge, t o condem n, t o crit icize,
t o blam e shift , and sim ilar react ions. This self focus is a breeding ground for anger,
frust rat ion, despair, bit t erness, self- pit y, and t he like - a life of feelings. A feelingorient ed life is a fert ile area in which Sat an operat es and upon which he feeds ( Ge n . 4 :7
D oin g
( Joh n 1 4 :2 1 ; Ja m e s 1 :2 2 - 2 5 ) The ungodly live by t heir senses. Their lives are
direct ed by how and what t hey feel. This is what dist inguishes a com m it t ed Christ ian
from t he world: a Christ ian lives by t he will of God, not by feelings. However, not hing
wrong wit h feelings in t hem selves unt il we act upon t hem . We are not t o be direct ed or t o
live by feelings. We are t o t ake st ock and m ake not e of our int ent s - t he spirit t hat is
being m anifest ed. Then ask God for t he grace t o insure t hat we respond in a m anner t hat
honors and glorifies Him .
Regardless of how we feel we are t o do what t he word of God says t o do. As we do t o
please t he Fat her, godly feelings follow - t he j oy of t he Lord. Living by t he word, one
serves God t he Creat or. Anyt hing done wit hout fait h, wit hout reference t o God's word is
sin ( Ja m e s 4 :1 7 ; Eph . 4 :2 9 ; Rom . 2 :6 - 9 ; Joh n . 3 :2 1 ; 1 Joh n 2 :3 ; Pr ov. 1 :2 2 3 1 ; Rom . 8 :1 3 ) .
( 2 Cor . 5 :1 7 ; Je r . 1 7 :9 ) Our responses and react ions t o life reflect our root s, t he
source of our being. Man's t hought s, speech and act ions convey t he charact er of t hese
root s. Here we can ident ify t he sin pat t erns and st rongholds developed over t he years
t hat charact erize t he lifest yle and personalit y of t he individual.
Cat egory of root problem s are m any: hypocrisy, m anipulat ion, lying, cheat ing, st ealing,
boast ing, blam e shift ing, self- cent eredness, self- prot ect ion, self- int erest , anger,
im pat ience, self- pit y, lust , im m oralit y, greed, m alice, deceit , et c - a life charact erized by
self being on t he t hrone of one's life.
Ke y
We est ablish godly root s by changing I t o W e , you in union wit h Christ . This begins wit h
t he new birt h, followed by daily renewal of t he m ind. Thus life is confront ed on t he basis
of God's w ord - t he w ill of God. As w e do t he w ord, t he Holy Spirit changes our root s
which affect s our feelings. This is a purificat ion process. And we, in t urn, begin t o respond
t o life in a m anner t hat glorifies God ( 2 Cor . 1 0 :3 - 5 ; Ga l. 5 :2 2 - 2 3 ; 2 Pe t . 1 :3 - 8 ;
Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ; Col. 3 :1 0 ) .

2 .2 . Appr oa ch t o Solu t ion s
Pe r spe ct ive
( I sa . 5 5 :8 - 9 ; Pr ov. 1 4 :1 2 ) We are t o look at life from God's perspect ive, His view,
not from our way, experiences, ideas, opinions, what ot hers say, t he world's philosophy
or it s psychology. The basic problem and t he suprem e challenge you will face in m aking
Christ - honoring changes is dying t o self. The biblical perspect ive concerning 'self' is
exact ly opposit e t o what t he wisdom of t his world proclaim s ( Lu k e 9 :2 3 - 2 4 ) .
Accordingly, t o live biblically is t o respond t o life's challenges in a m anner t hat pleases
and honors God, no longer pleasing and grat ifying self ( 1 Cor . 3 :1 9 - 2 0 ; 1 Joh n 2 :1 5 1 7 ; 1 Joh n 2 :2 0 ,2 7 ; 1 Cor . 2 :1 2 - 1 3 ) .
H ope
( H e b. 6 :1 8 - 2 0 ) Hope is an anchor of t he soul because it affect s our m ind and
em ot ions. Christ wit hin m e, t he Anoint ed One, breaks t he yoke of life's pressures on m e.
And m y j ob is t o develop t his inner im age of Christ wit hin m e, t hat in Him , I am m ore
t han a conqueror, never under but always over circum st ances, no m at t er what I face in
To really believe t his in t he inner core of m y being t hat all God's prom ises are m ine
depends upon m y living in and by t he living word of God ( Joh n 1 6 :3 3 ; Ja m e s 1 :2 - 4 ) .

( Ez e k . 3 6 :2 6 - 2 7 ) God gave m e a heart of flesh, put His Spirit wit hin
m e, and gives m e power t o carry out His com m ands.

( 1 Cor . 2 :1 2 - 1 3 ) Being a child of God, I receive revelat ion knowledge
by t he word of God in and t hrough m y hum an spirit .

( Rom . 8 :2 8 - 2 9 ) No m at t er what happens t o m e in life when I call upon
God He will int ervene in m y life, He will reach int o m y experiences,
redeem m y past , and cause t hings t o work out for m y benefit .

( 1 Cor . 1 0 :1 3 ) God is t he One Who is fait hful. As I put m y fait h in Him ,
He will bring m e out successfully.

( H e b. 4 :1 5 - 1 6 ; H e b. 7 :2 5 ) All I have t o do is ask boldly, and God's
Grace is available t o m e, and t he blood of Jesus Christ int ercedes always,
washing and cleansing from all sense of guilt and sham e whet her real or
im aginary.

( Rom . 6 :3 - 6 ) My old hum an nat ure and all m y past has been buried
wit h Christ when I was bapt ized int o His deat h. At t he burial I was also
raised wit h Him int o t he newness of life, freed from t he power of sin, and
free now t o do act s of right eousness.

Ch a n ge
( Ge n . 4 :7 ; Eph . 5 :1 4 - 1 6 ) We m ust choose t o change. We cannot t ake living for
grant ed, being careless or casual about our t hinking, speaking and act ing. God put us on
t his eart h t o act ively replace evil wit h right eousness.

( M a t t . 7 :1 - 5 ; 1 Cor . 1 1 :2 8 - 3 1 ) Crit ical t hat I j udge m yself daily, t hat I am walking in
t he Spirit , responding t o life God's w ay, t hen I w ill be in t he posit ion t o help rest ore
ot hers.
( Rom . 1 2 :1 - 2 ) My t ot al being belongs t o t he Lord for His use. This requires a t ot al
overhaul of m y person, separat ing m yself from m y past , and t he world's syst em and
influences in order t o be conform ed t o t he ways of t he Lord.
( Eph . 4 :2 5 - 3 2 ; Col. 3 :5 - 1 7 ; Rom . 1 2 :9 - 2 1 ; 1 Pe t . 2 ; 1 Pe t . 3 ) List ed in t hese
references are t he basic put - offs and put - ons t o guide and lead one t o live a biblical
lifest yle.
( Rom . 8 :2 9 ; 1 Joh n 3 :8 ) Exam ine self daily t o see if I am living by God's st andards
for t hat day, being a blessing and dest roying t he works of t he devil.
W or k Ou t You r Sa lva t ion
( Ph il. 2 :1 2 - 1 3 ; Ps. 1 :1 ; Joh n 1 5 :5 ) The enem y never st ops working. This com pels
us t o be com plet ely dependent upon t he Lord 24 hours a day: t o be conscious of His
Presence, and t o be act ively involved in t he pursuit of est ablishing His right eousness in all
of life's endeavors.
( Ja m e s 1 :2 1 - 2 5 ) Through t he m edit at ion process, we change our inner m an, t he root .
And from t he godly root , our t hought s, our speech, and our act ions. This cont inues unt il
we experience t he fullness of God and express His Presence wherever we go.
( Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ; 1 Joh n 2 :3 - 5 ) We are t o ident ify areas t hat need changing, being
specific t o ident ify put - offs and appropriat e put - ons.

Ch a pt e r 3 . Cou n se lin g Pr oce ss
Ta ble of Con t e n t s
3.1. Problem Area
3.2. Solut ion
3.3. Counseling Tools

3 .1 . Pr oble m Ar e a
We underst and t hat biblical counseling looks at life's issues from t he perspect ive of our
'feelings', 'doing' and 'root ' levels. I t is t hrough t hese levels, we assess and evaluat e t he
problem , t he diagnost ics.
Our 'feelings' t ell us what is happening, but we are not t o m ake decisions or live by t hose
'feelings'. This is what dist inguishes a Christ ian from t he world. The world lives by
'feelings' but a Christ ian lives by his w ill. And his w ill is based on t he w ord of God w hich is
t he will of God. He is t o do what God says t o do regardless of his 'feelings'.
The 'doing' of God's word regardless of feelings is illust rat ed by God's com m andm ent t o
love our enem ies, do good t o t hose who hat e you, bless t hose who curse you, and pray
for t hose who persecut e you. This is all cont rary t o our nat ural feelings but our t rue self
in exercising God's com m and - t he self in union wit h t he Holy Spirit - t ranscends t he
nat ural and changes our feelings int o com passion rat her t han ret aliat ion.
The em phasis on t he Christ ian life is in t he 'doing'. I t is t he 'doing' t hat changes our
feelings as well as our 'root ' level. As we do what God's word com m ands, t he Holy Spirit
changes our 'root ' from selfishness and self- cent eredness, conform ing us t o t he im age of
t he Lord Jesus Christ .
This lifelong process cont inues changing us from glory t o glory when we sim ply obey
God's word.

3 .2 . Solu t ion
Accordingly, we are t o view t he problem from 'God's perspect ive', and His word provides
t he solut ion, t he 'hope', and wit h hope are 'changes' t hat are necessary, and t he
'pract ice' of t hese changes t o conform you t o t he im age of Christ .
Depending upon your problem or sit uat ion, t he following are provided t o assist you in
seeking God's solut ion:

Or ie n t a t ion t o Biblica l Cou n se lin g . An eight week t raining course t o provide
st udent s wit h a basic knowledge on how t o handle t heir problem s God's way as
opposed t o t he world's way.


Biblica l D isciple sh ip . A five week program for new Christ ians, t eaching t hem
how t o grow and m at ure in Christ . This could be used for individual counseling or
a classroom set t ing.


St r e n gt h e n in g You r M a r r ia ge . A t en week course for pre- m arit al and m arit al
sit uat ions.


Life St u die s . These are worksheet s designed for individual counseling
sit uat ions, and deal wit h a variet y of sin problem s and t he solut ions t hereof.

The Life St udies are divided int o t hree cat egories:

Gu ilt a n d Sh a m e , t he past ;


An ge r a n d Bit t e r n e ss , t he present ;


Fe a r , t he fut ure.

These time segments cover all of life's experiences and must be dealt with biblically.
Counselee must know that he is identified with Christ, that by the blood of our Lord,
counselee's conscience is washed and cleansed of guilt and shame once and forever. Now
he is to live the new life, empowered by the Holy Spirit, collaborating with God, to deal
with his present, the daily offenses and irritations of life, and thereby establish God's will
on earth. Thus, he is enabled to leave the future in God's hands.

3 .3 . Cou n se lin g Tools
Use Se ct ion A.7 , “Pr oble m / Solu t ion W or k sh e e t ” as a guide t o gat her
inform at ion in order t o evaluat e t he problem , and t o provide a biblical solut ion.


Th e Life St u die s , t he various subj ect m at t er worksheet s, and t he form s list ed in t he
Appe n dix , provide source m at erial for discussion purposes as well as for hom ework
assignm ent s.
For an in- dept h biblical underst anding of t he specific issues addressed in t his m anual, we
recom m end t he following:

Se lf- Con fr on t a t ion M a n u a l and H a n dbook , for t he m inist ry of Biblical
Discipleship/ Counselling. By Biblical Counseling Foundat ion. [ 5] [ BCF1]

St r e n gt h e n in g You r M a r r ia ge . By Wayne Mack. [ 15] [ Mack1]

Th e H e a lin g Pr e se n ce . by Leane Payne. [ 19] [ Payne1]

Re st or in g t h e Ch r ist ia n Sou l Th r ou gh H e a lin g Pr a ye r . by Leane
Payne. [ 20] [ Payne2]

Bold Love . By Dan Allender. [ 3] [ Allender1]

Th e D ivin e Con spir a cy . By Dallas Willard. [ 32] [ Willard1]

Th e I n t e r ior Ca st le . By St Teresa of Avila. [ 30] [ St Teresa1]

Tr a n sfor m a t ion in Ch r ist . By Diet rich von Hildeband. [ 11] [ Hildebrand1]

Colle ct e d W or k s of St . Joh n of t h e Cr oss . By Kieran Kavanaugh.
[ 13] [ Kavanaugh1]

H e a lin g t h e Cu lt u r e . By Robert J.Spit zer. [ 28] [ Spit zer1]

Re m e m be r : You are given life so t hat Life m ay indwell you, Christ Him self, and you are
t o work out t his life daily being conform ed t o His im age. God's word is your aut horit y,
and t he indwelling Holy Spirit is your power t o enable you t o be a blessing on t his eart h.
Go now as you m ake a disciple of yourself, go and m ake disciples of ot hers and fulfill
Christ 's com m and. Let a godly lifest yle be a living wit ness of Christ walking t his eart h in,
as, and t hrough you.
W or k Ou t You r Sa lva t ion ( Phil. 2: 12- 13)
Mem ory Verse( s) :
Josh . 1 :8
Devot ion:
BSAF on Eph . 4 :2 5 - 3 2 .
Put - Off/ Put - On:
Select a problem t hat t he Lord want s you t o work on and com plet e colum ns
1 t hrough 4 on Se ct ion A.4 , “Vict or y Ove r Sin W or k sh e e t ” . Review
Eph . 4 :2 5 - 3 2 ; Rom . 1 2 :9 - 2 1 ; 1 Pe t . 2 and 1 Pe t . 3 . Preview
Se ct ion A.2 , “Th in k An d D o List ” .

Ba sic St u dy: Or ie n t a t ion To Biblica l
Cou n se lin g

There are t wo series in t his area.
Ta ble of Con t e n t s
4. Orient at ion To Biblical Counseling Mini Series
4.1. God's Way vs Man's Way
4.2. Prerequisit es t o Biblical Change
4.3. Why There is Hope
4.4. Effect ing Biblical Change
4.5. Dealing w it h Self
4.6. Anger and Bit t erness
4.7. Depression
4.8. Fear and Worry
5. Healing The Soul Series
5.1. Healing Presence
5.2. Transform ing t he Nat ural Self
5.3. What Makes a Man a Man
5.4. Needs of Man
5.5. Healing of t he Soul
5.6. Mind and Will
5.7. Medit at ion Process
5.8. St eps t o a Liberat ed Will
5.9. Healing Prayer for t he Mind
5.10. Perfect ionism
5.11. Schizophrenia ( Double- Mindedness)
5.12. Transpersonal Psychology
5.13. Healed from Fear
5.14. Rej ect ions
5.15. At t it ude and Behavior

Ch a pt e r 4 . Or ie n t a t ion To Biblica l Cou n se lin g M in i
Se r ie s
Ta ble of Con t e n t s

God's Way vs Man's Way
Prerequisit es t o Biblical Change
Why There is Hope
Effect ing Biblical Change
Dealing w it h Self
Anger and Bit t erness
Fear and Worry

4 .1 . God's W a y vs M a n 's W a y
D yn a m ics of Pr oble m Solvin g
( H e b. 3 :1 3 ) Being ignorant of sin desensit izes and causes hardening.
( Rom . 1 :2 0 - 3 2 ) Aft er awhile you becom e your own god by est ablishing st andards t o
j ust ify self- cent ered pursuit s. People perish because of ignorance; t herefore, it is a
quest ion of becom ing knowledgeable, of becom ing sensit ive, of recognizing t hat living in
t his world cannot be t aken for grant ed ( H ose a 4 :6 ) .
Th e W a ys of M a n a n d t h e W a ys of God
Approxim at ely 230 psychological schools of t hought are pract iced in t he world dealing
wit h t he st udy of m an's behavior, and t he varied m et hods and m eans required for m an t o
solve personal problem s. These schools are reduced t o five com m on charact erist ics.

M a n is good : Hum anism - independence from God - New Age: Man has
everyt hing necessary wit hin t o solve own problem s - m ind m erely blocked by
negat ive t hinking or influences - develop posit ive t hinking and draw from one's
own resources - see self as wort hwhile and est eem ed. What does God say? Ps.
6 2 :9 ; Rom . 3 :1 0 - 1 8 ,2 3 ; Rom . 7 :1 8 .


M a n is a su pe r ior a n im a l : Basic view of m an is t hat his behavior is wrongly
condit ioned or program m ed by environm ent and circum st ances. He needs t o be
recondit ioned or reprogram m ed by m anipulat ion of behavior t hrough use of
posit ive and negat ive st im uli... He is art ificially m aneuvered t o respond t o reward
and punishm ent in order t o im prove self. What does God say? Joh n 1 5 :4 - 5 ;
Rom . 1 :1 8 - 3 2 ; Ja m e s 4 :1 0 .


M a n ca n ch a n ge h im se lf : Alt hough being wounded by circum st ances of life,
m an can change bad behavior. This is a com binat ion of t he above posit ions: t hat
t hrough educat ion, logic and reason, m an can ovecom e self. What does God say?
Je r . 1 3 :2 3 ; Ez e k . 1 8 :2 0 ; Ez e k . 3 6 :2 6 - 2 7 .


M a n , a vict im of con scie n ce : Man driven by inst inct s, t hwart ed by fam ily, by
societ y, by upbringing, and by ot hers, who are responsible for his problem s. Deep
analysis necessary, along wit h hypnosis, resocializat ion, cat harsis, selfact ualizat ion, free associat ion, et c. What does God say? Ez e k . 1 8 :2 0 ; Ph il. 2 :3 4 ; 1 Tim . 4 :1 - 2 .


M a n , a ba r ga in e r : When t he above doesn't work, t he world uses - t rade- offs.
You do t his, and I w ill do t his, a 50/ 50 arrangem ent . I m balances are inevit able,
t he self nat ure always want s m ore t han it s share. What does God say? God
com m ands us t o love wit hout expect at ion of ret urn, t o ret urn good for evil. Rom .
1 2 :2 1 ; Ph il. 2 :3 - 4 .

Man's way is always self- orient ed, he is his own god, as evidenced by :

no biblical confront at ion,


no conversion experience expect ed or even considered,


no repent ance,


no work of t he Holy Spirit ,


and no sanct ificat ion process in bearing t he im age of God.

Given im pet us in m odern t im es from t he so- called Enlight enm ent and t he Renaissance
periods, t his t ypifies and represent s m an's at t em pt t o save him self wit hout God. Such
concept s have culm inat ed t oday in a societ y whose sinking foundat ions are being built on
preferences ( feelings) rat her t han principles ( absolut es) . Twist ed hum an reason and logic
replaces t he Ten Com m andm ent s.
God's W a y of H a n dlin g Pr oble m s
( Ph il. 3 :1 3 ) God is t he God of t he 'I AM', He is not in t he past , nor in t he fut ure, He is
always in t he present . We st art from t he present and each day t hereaft er - one day at a
t im e.

( Lu k e 9 :6 2 ) Looking back int o t he past will m ake you unfit for t he
present .

( H e b. 1 1 :1 5 ) Thinking of t he past m akes one vulnerable, and weak.

( Rom . 8 :2 8 ) Past event s in our lives are irreversible. Why wast e t im e
and effort t here.

Our react ions t o t hose event s can be changed as w e allow God t o int ervene in t he
present , t o reach int o our experiences, t o redeem us, t o free us t o love and worship God.
Event ually w e becom e lovers of God in our spirit s inst ead of lovers of self by dwelling on
t he past .
( 1 Tim . 4 :7 ; Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ) Thus, it is t hrough discipline we becom e godly: by
com m it m ent t o live God's way in t he present t hrough t he sim ple process of put t ing- off
and put t ing- on - by t he aut horit y of God's word and by t he power of t he Holy Spirit .
Accordingly, we change our coping m echanism s from react ing t o life t o responding t o life
on t he basis of God's word.
God's Re sou r ce s

Holy Spirit - Joh n 1 6 :7 - 8 ,1 3 ; 1 Cor . 2 :1 1 - 1 5 .

Bible - 2 Tim . 3 :1 6 - 1 7 ; H e b. 4 :1 2 .

Counselors - Ga l. 6 :1 - 2 ; Rom . 1 5 :1 4 ; Pr ov. 1 5 :2 2 .

St art up t he spiral by t ackling t he im m ediat e problem first ( Ja m e s 1 :2 ) .
Act on known solut ions, post pone act ing when solut ions are unknown (
Ja m e s 1 :5 - 8 ; Joh n 7 :1 7 ; Rom . 1 4 :2 3 ) . Cont inue up t he spiral ( H e b.
5 :1 4 ) .

W or k Ou t You r Sa lva t ion ( Phil. 2: 12- 13)
Mem ory Verse( s) :
2 Tim . 3 :1 6 ,1 7
Devot ion:
BSAF on Joh n 1 6 :7 ,8 ,1 3 ; H e b. 4 :1 2 ; Ga l. 6 :1 . Do one a day.
Put - Off/ Put - On:
St udy Eph . 4 :2 2 - 3 2 and m ake a list of your failures t o respond biblically.

Reference: [2][Adams2]

4 .2 . Pr e r e qu isit e s t o Biblica l Ch a n ge
Fou r St a ge s of Spir it u a l D e ve lopm e n t



Bor n - a ga in st a ge is t he new birt h, new life - et ernal life from above.

( Joh n 1 :1 2 ) Child of God, God is now t he Fat her of our spirit s.

( Ph il. 2 :1 2 - 1 3 ) Salvat ion is not j ust a dest inat ion change. I t is
t he beginning st age of t he developm ent of a new life. We were t he
slaves of Sat an, but now we are children of God, j oint - heirs wit h
Jesus. Accordingly, we are t o resist t he residual evil t endencies of
t he old life by subm it t ing t he nat ural life t o t he spirit ual life on a
cont inuous basis unt il we " becom e like lit t le children" ( M a t t .
1 8 :3 ) . Takes a m om ent t o be born- again from above, but a
lifet im e t o work out being conform ed t o t he im age of Our Lord.

( 1 Joh n 2 :3 - 6 ; Joh n 1 4 :2 1 ) To obey is t o really hear, t o really
list en, t o see, and t o underst and what I list ened t o, and t o act
upon what I heard. I f we are obeying, we will walk as Jesus

( 1 Cor . 3 :1 6 ) Obedience builds t he t em ple. Doing t he word are
t he bricks of t he t em ple m aking it suit able for God t o dwell in it .

Spir it u a l st a ge is knowing t he fullness of t he Holy Spirit , being fully em powered
t o live t he Christ ian life.

( Lu k e 1 1 :1 3 ) Sim ply ask and receive.

( Lu k e 2 4 :4 8 - 4 9 ) Receive power from on high.

( Act s 1 :8 ) When t he Holy Spirit com es upon you, you will
receive power t o be His wit nesses.

( 1 Cor . 6 :1 7 ) One spirit wit h Him . You are a co- worker.

( Rom . 5 :5 ) Love is poured out int o our heart s, act by fait h upon
t his t rut h. Love is ready t o flow out as a river of living wat ers.
Fait h, hope and love flows from obedience.

Pa t h w a y of t h e cr oss st a ge is a daily exercise of get t ing down int o t he deat h of
Christ , t o allow Christ t o live out His life t hrough us.

( Rom . 6 :3 - 6 ) Old nat ure buried, no longer slaves of sin. As we
put - off daily sins, we arise im m ediat ely in t he newness of life in
Christ and able t o respond biblically t o all of life's encount ers.

( Eph . 4 :2 2 - 2 4 ) We m ust do t he doing: put t ing- off corrupt ions renewing ourselves in t he spirit of our m inds - and put t ing- on
t rut h in all areas of living. Daily, we have our calvary, our
resurrect ion, and our ascension.

( Lu k e 9 :2 3 - 2 4 ) No longer defend or prot ect self, but pract ice
deat h t o privat e aim s, selfish passions and prej udices, t o worldly
reput at ion and honor.

( Ph il. 2 :3 - 5 ) As wit h Jesus, now I am t o seek t he int erest s and