Big Data Management in UNIX

Big Data Management in UNIX
5 to 19 August 2017 (course starts Monday 7 August)
With the growing availability of extremely large datasets, these days, scientists and analysts need to use
powerful supercomputers or computer clusters to store, manage and analyse their data. These servers
typically run on UNIX, which requires some programming skills and understanding of relevant software
packages to get the job done.
Our course introduces you to the UNIX
command line environment, teaches you how to
manage large datasets using text processing
utilities such as sed and awk, shows the basics of
shell scripting (if/else statements, loops, etc.)
which you can use to automate analysing your
data (for example, using a UNIX version of the
freely available statistics program R), and
familiarizes you with Git as a version control
tool. You also learn how to present your data
and results in customized plots and figures.

Learning objectives:

You understand the Unix philosophy
and environment: files, processes,
pipes, filters and basic utilities.

You are familiar with login and
logout procedures, including remote
login using SSH, and setting,
protecting and changing passwords.
You can transfer files between

systems with SFTP, SCP and RSYNC.
You can manipulate text files with
sed, awk, cut, paste, cat, etc.
You can edit text using the VI editor.
You are familiar with automation
through shell scripts.
You are familiar with version control
using Git.
You can work with R from the UNIX
command line.
You can plot in R.

Who Should Join

Discounts and Scholarships

Scientists and data analysts from all disciplines,
as well as business practitioners (e.g.
consultants or financial analysts) who are
planning to work with big data.


Visit to the SURFsara computer facilities at
Amsterdam Science Park.

Early bird dis ou t of € 5 for anyone
who applies and pays before 15 March
€ 5 dis ou t for stude ts fro part er

10 scholarships available that cover the
full tuition fee of one course.
Co i e ourses: €
dis ou t
Co i e ourses: €
dis ou t

Course Information

See website for list of partner universities and
terms and conditions.

Course level: Ba helor’s/Master’s


Lecturers: Dr. Aysu Okbay, Richard K. Linnér
Contact hours: 45 (3 ECTS)
Tuition fee: €


Included in the tuition fee are:
 Airport pick-up service
 Orientation programme
 Course excursions
 On-site support
 24/7 emergency assistance
 Transcript of records after completion of the

Different housing options are available both on
and off campus. Find out more online.

VU Amsterdam Summer School
The VU Amsterdam Summer School offers smallscale courses (max. 25 students) in a wide range
of fields. Our courses are designed to provide an
intensive, in-depth look at your topic of study.
Besides the built-in course excursions we offer
an extensive social programme.

T +31 (0)20 598642