Complete the sentence below with the suitable answer

: b. d. 20. Read the song below and answer the question number 20. Mother, How Are You Today? Maywood Mother, How are you today? Here is a note from your daughter With me everything is OK Mother, How are you today? Mother, don’t worry I’m fine Promise to see you this summer This time there will be no delay Mother, how are you today? From the song above, what is the meaning of the song? a. A daughter greets her mother. b. A daughter misses her mom. c. A mother writes a letter to her daughter. d. A mother sees her daughter in this summer.

II. Complete the sentence below with the suitable answer

21. Make some questions based on the text below a. Harditya : … ? Adhi : He is twelve years old. b. Elma : … ? Aldo : He lives in Biak, West Papua c. Sahira : … ? Ika : His hobbies are swimming and reading a book. 22. Tell the time according to the picture : a. I have breakfast at …. b. I go home at …. c. I go to bed at …. 23. Complete the following dialogue by filling the number using alphabet Mr. Wahono : Hello, can I speak to Mr. Ardi? Wahyu : Sorry, he still has lunch out. May I help you? Mr. Wahono : Would you mind telling me his telephone number? Wahyu : Of course. 081328207724. Mr. Wahono : Can I repeat the number, zero eight one …. 24. Complete the dialog by choosing the right answer from the box Bagus : Is Riri your ... 1? Cinta : No, she is not. She is my cousin, but she studies at the same ... 2 as me. Bagus : So, She is your ... 3, right? Cinta : Yes, She is 25. Complete the text based on the family tree below Mr. Karto Mrs. Karto Mr. Pram Tarantula Mrs. Reni Tarantula Mr. Irawan Yuda Mrs. Dewi Yuda Fira Teguh Tika My name’s Teguh. My parents are Mr. And Mrs. Tarantula. I have an elder ... a named Fira. Mr. And Mrs. Karto are my grandparents. Meanwhile, Mr. Irawan Yuda is my... b and Mrs. Dewi Yuda is my aunt. They have a daughter named Tika. So, Tika is my ... c 26. Complete the sentences with the suitable months a. .... is after July. b. ... is before April c. This month is May. Next month is ..... d. Last month was ... e. Before November is ... f. After December is ... a. School b. sister c. schoolmate d. cousin e. Teacher : 27. Answer the questions based on the timetable Wednesday’s Timetable No. Time School Subject 1. 7 a.m. – 7.40 a.m. Civics 2. 7.40 a.m. - 8.20 a.m. Civics 3. 8.20 a.m. – 9 a.m. Science 9 a.m. – 9.15 a.m. Break 4. 9.15 a.m. – 9.55 a.m. Javanese 5. 9.55 a.m. – 10.35 a.m. Javanese 10.35 a.m. – 10.50 a.m. Break 6. 10.50 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. English 7. 11.30 a.m. – 12.10 a.m. English a. What time will Javanese lesson begin? b. What is the last lesson of the day? c. How many school subjects do the students have for the day? 28. Complete the box with date and month Date Great Day New Year Kartini’s Day National Education Day Mother’s Day Youth Pledge Day Indonesian Independence Day 29. Complete the sentences using a or an a. Look There is a house lizard eating ... ant. b. Sisi is ... SMP student. c. It is .. school 30. Fill the blank below with the appropriate word a. She is a policewoman. She works in …. b. She is a teacher. She works in …. c. My uncle is a postman. He works in ….

III. Please answer the question below correctly