M-Learning Application For Android.


£-learning system has become one of the important thing for student or lecturer in
colleges. This system is a medium for student to get any learning material from lecturer
and a place for student to interact with lecturers by formal. However, this system is still
lack of features, so it's not fully utilized by student itself. In order to overcome this
problem, M-leaming application system need to be developed to help student and
lecturer interact each other faster by using smartphone. Each phone will get notification
for every update from lecturer and student can respond faster after they get notification.
By using this new system, student can have access to their study material and connect
with lecturer just in palm of their hand. In conclusion, this M-learning application will
help student to be more productive and save their time by not open £-learning every day
to check new update.

© Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
