A Lectin-histochemical study on the seminiferous epithelium of the Northern Smooth-Tailed Tree Shrew (Dendrogale murina) and the Java Tree Shrew (Tupaiajavanica)

A Lectin-Histochemical Study on the Seminiferous Epithelium of
the Northern Smooth-Tailed Tree Shrew (Dendrogale murina) and
the Java Tree Shrew (Tupaiajavanica)

Masamichi KUROHMARU ", Takuo MIZUKAMI ", Yoshiakira KANAI",
Eiichi HONDO ", Hideki ENDO", Junpei KIMURA 4), Worawut
Junzo YAMADA') and Yoshihiro HAYASHI "
Department o f Veterinary Anatomy. The Unive rsi ty o f Tokyo. J apan.
ll Departmcnt of Ve terina ry An atomy. Obihiro University. Japan .
31 Department of Zoology. National Science Museum. J apan .
• , Depanment of Vet erinary Anatomy and SI Department of Anatomy and Physiology. Nihon Universi ty, Japan.
to, Department of Veterinary Anatomy. Kaselsart University, Thailand.
7'Department of Ve terinary Ana tomy. Bogor Agricultural Universi ty. Indonesia

- Received fo r Publ ication. February 23. 2000 Key Words:

Lectin. Testis. Seminiferous epithelium. Delldrogofe murillO, Tilpa ia jOVQllico

Summary: Lectin-binding pa tterns in the testes o r the northe rn smooth-tailed tree shrew, Dendrogufe murina and Ja u
tree sh re"", Tupaia ja l'anica were studied by light microscopy a nd compared the data "'ith those or the common tree
shre"" , f our let1ins ( PNA, SBA, BPA and GS-II) we re used in this study. Peanut (Arachis h)'pogaea) agglutinin
(PNA), ウッセ ᄋ 「オイN@
(Glycine mar) agglutinin (S BA ) and Bauhin;a purpurea agglutinin (BPA ) sho" 'ed II strong ructio n in
the acrl)somal regio n rrom Golgi to acrosome-phase spermatids in three species or tree shrews. These le ctins also
showed a granula r positive reaction in the cytoplasm rrom acrosome to maturation-phase spermatids in three species,
except that BPA revealed no granular reactio n (though it was positive) in the lI:permatid cytoplasm or the non hem
smooth·tailed tree shrew and that PNA revealed no rudon in the spennatid cytoplasm or the common tree shrew,
While, Griffonia simplici/o fia-II agglutinin (GS-II) showed a positive re action in the acrosomal region or Golgi-phase
spermatids in three species or tree shrews. Although GS-II was positive in the spermRtocyte cytoplasm or three species,
it showed granular in the northern smooth-tailed tree shrew and common tree shre w but not gunular in the Java tree
shre w. Thus. the lectin-binding patterns in testes were similar among three species be longing to the Order Scandentia.
However, slight ditrerences ",'ere also detected e ve n among these phylogenetically-dose species .

A number of lectins have been used as histochemica1 reagents to detect the distributi on of
glycoconjugates in various ti ssues. Lectin-histochemis try has bee n ca rried out in the testes of many
ma mm alia n species (Ya mamoto, 1982; Arya a nd
Vanha-Perttula. 1984, 1985, 1986; Lee a nd Damjanov, 1984, 1985: Malmi el al., 1987, 1990: Malmi

and Soderstrom. 1987: Wollina el al., 1989;
Kurohmaru et al., 199 1, 1995, 1996; Kurohmaru
and Ha yashi. 1998; Arenas el al., 1998), indicating
th at lectin -binding patterns reveal the differences
among each species. In our previous stud y (K urohmaru er aI., 1996) , we exami ned the semin iferous

e pithelium of the co mmon tree shrew ( Tupaia glis)
by lectin-histochemistry and compared the dat a
with those of insectivores' (phylogenetically close
to tree shrews) , especially with the musk shrew
(K urohm aru el al., 1995). As a result , the lectinbindings of th e common tree shrew were somewhat
different from those of the musk shrew. Howeve r,
it is still uncertain whe ther th ese lectin- binding
patterns are commo n amo ng tree shrews (Order
Scandentia) . In order to solve thi s problem, the
prese nt セ エオ、 ケ@ was proposed to examine the seminiferous epithelium of ot he r species belonging to
the O rde r Scand en ti a, such as th e north ern smoot h-

Correspondeilce 10' Masamichi KUROHMARU. Depan menl of Velerinary AnalOmy. Graduate School o f Agricuilural and Life
Sciences. The Unl\'ersity of To kyo. Yayoi I -I-I. Bunk) o· ku. Tok yo 113-8657.






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