E-Kualiti And ISO Online System For KUITTHO.


The title for the Projek Sarjana Muda ( PSM ) is E- Kualiti and lso On line
System for Kuittho. The system is developed for the depat1ment of Bahagian

Pengumsan Kualiti dan Perancangan K01porat Kolej Universiti Tekno logi Tun Hussein
Onn (KUiTTHO). The idea came from the staff in the department and it had been
approved for development. The system is all about the transforming the quality
document from paper base to the electronic form . The y tern wi ll guide the stafT in the
KUiTTHO in completing their task according to the ISO and standard. The system wi ll
have the function to guiding and display all the task for the whole staff. The guideli nes
are the standard that came from the ISO organization and it must be follow in
completing all tasks.

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